“variable” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “variable”:

+ Because the verification function adds some overhead to the template, it can optionally be globally disabled by setting the variable “verifydates = no”.

+ He found that genes in the mature B cells of the adult mice are moved around, recombined, and deleted to make the many versions of the variable region of antibodies.

+ It is the model for the variable stars known as RR Lyrae variables.

+ Another example: a person inherits a brain of somewhat variable capacity.

+ The template calls a decided template up to 150 times, where one parameter takes each of a list of values; in addition to the variable parameter, for up to 5 parameters a fixed value can be decided.

+ For example, if a person stands 5 Foot feet away from a building, the “distance” variable compared to the building does not change over time.

+ The derivative can be thought of as measuring the change of the value of a variable with respect to another variable.

variable in-sentences
variable in-sentences

Example sentences of “variable”:

+ Chi Cygni is a Mira variable star located in the Cygnus constellation.

+ It is also used to show that a variable has no useful information.

+ Chi Cygni is a Mira variable star located in the Cygnus constellation.

+ It is also used to show that a variable has no useful information.

+ Colour is highly variable and depends on water clarity and habitat.

+ To find points on the line, one variable is changed.

+ The variable measured is most often the light’s intensity but could also, for instance, be the polarization state.

+ This means users do not need to know the details of variable types, data storage, and memory management.

+ RR Lyrae is a pulsating variable star in the constellation Lyra.

+ In order for the geometry to be animated, these functions typically require some form of time-based variable as its input.

+ The examples show that a random variable doesn’t automatically give probabilities.

+ On a “curve”, however, the slope is a variable because the line bends.

+ During an observation on March 25, 1917, 8 Flora was mistaken for the star TU Leonis, which led to that star’s classification as a U Geminorum cataclysmic variable star.

+ The amount of capsaicin in peppers is highly variable and dependent on genetics.

+ In mathematics, the lowercase θ is used as a variable to represent an angle, and the uppercase Θ is used in big-theta notation.

+ The symptoms of amyloidosis are accordingly highly variable and confirmation of the presence of amyloid in the tissues can be challenging, so that diagnosis is often delayed.

+ The name of the variable is not important.

More in-sentence examples of “variable”:

+ The variable is a table containing the arguments from #invoke.

+ In computer science, a loop counter is a variable that controls how many repetitions the loop will do.

+ In the equation, the variable ‘b’ is dividing the variable ‘a’.

+ Every variable has to be declared before it is used.

+ The modified values are then rounded with any one of the above rounding methods, the best ones being with stochastic or dithering methods: in this last case, the sum of “n” rounded numbers will still be a random variable with expected error zero but with an excellent constant standard deviation of that will converge hyperbolically to zero, faster than with the semi-hyperbolic convergence when dithering isolated samples.

+ There are a number of different types of variable stars.

+ A meter does not perform its task accurately if it behaves like a reservoir of the state variable it is trying to measure.

+ Usually, the loop counter variable is an integer value that increments by 1 for each completed loop.

+ The system contains at least two stars, of which the primary is a luminous blue variable that initially had around 150 solar masses, of which it has lost at least 30.

+ The Control Variable is often used with the independent and dependent variables.

+ The variable “b” is the y-intercept of the graph and “m” is the slope or steepness of the line.

+ The random variable is the type of fruit that you will eat.

+ It has a variable amount of brown markings and has orange and gold projections.

+ This is called variable capacitance, or varicap for short.

+ In computer science, a variable is a value in a program that can change.

+ The independent variable is usually the wavelength of the light.

+ The only Cepheid variable closer to us is Polaris, the North Star, whose distance is still not exactly known.

+ Age and growth – Growth rates are highly variable with differences attributed mainly to their food supply and length of growing season.

+ This template is mostly useful from within other templates that accept a variable number of page names as arguments.

+ The max number of URLs is 10 but this can be changed by setting the “maxurls” variable in the p.webarchive function.

+ In the notation of predicate logic, quantifiers directly precede variable names, which are then followed by other quantifiers or mathematical expressions, where the said variables are found.

+ Since a predicate is a way of describing something that is true, another way to say this is that if one thing that is true about a variable is not true about the other variable, then they are not “equal” as far as mathematical logic is concerned: two things are only equal if anything that is true about one has to be true about the other.

+ LBVs are extraordinarily rare with just 20 listed in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars as SDor, and some of these are no longer considered to be LBVs.

+ The most spectacular is Luyten 726-8B, which was given the variable star designation UV Ceti.

+ Images in the search results are displayed at the same height but at variable widths, similar to bricks of different sizes in a masonry wall, or the “packed” mode in image galleries.

+ This species and its two close relatives, the variable pitohui and the brown pitohui, were the first known poisonous birds.

+ The variable is a table containing the arguments from #invoke.

+ In computer science, a loop counter is a variable that controls how many repetitions the loop will do.

+ It is currently classified as a luminous blue variable starvariable binary star due to peculiarities in its pattern of brightening and dimming.

+ If a floating point variable doesn’t have enough precision, the number stored in it can be inaccurate.

+ The variable antshrike is a species of bird in the Thamnophilidae family found most in South America.

+ In mathematics, the dependent variable changes with the independent variable, hence the name.

+ The term may be contrasted with pleiomorphism, in which a genetically uniform group of organisms shows variable phenotypes.

+ This formula is sometimes written as, where “r” is the variable for the radius of any circle and “A” is the variable for the area of that circle.

+ A few block ciphers, such as RC5, support a variable block size.

+ If, therefore, x denotes a variable quantity, then all quantities which depend upon x in any way, or are determined by it, are called functions of x.”Usually, Peter Dirichlet is credited with the first modern definition of function.

+ It may be something that is already there and is fixed, something you would like to evaluate with respect to how it affects something else, the independent variable like color, kind, time.

+ If correct, this would be especially notable because Polaris is the closest Cepheid variable to Earth.

+ Each graptolite colony is known as a rhabdosome and has a variable number of branches coming from an initial individual.

+ In other words, there exists an operation of two numbers so that it equals the variable of the sum.

+ This starts the function and also creates a variable which contains the entire text of the on-screen edit box.

+ Although his time there was marked by variable health from asthma attacks, he nevertheless became an intellectual hero of the Whigs.

+ After a variable is set, it can be used in other parts of the program or set to something different.

+ In statistics, a frequency distribution is a list of the values that a variable takes in a sample.

+ You are only allowed to assign values to the variable that are valid for the data type.

+ A sigil is the way to tell the Perl interpreter about what type of variable you are using.

+ The variable “P” represents the perimeter, and the variable “s” represents one side.

+ It is maximum nine inches in length and body shape is variable with more slender fish in northern populations.

+ Betelgeuse is a semiregular variable star whose apparent magnitude varies between 0.2 and 1.2.

+ Red supergiants are often variable stars and are between 200 to 2,200 times bigger than the Sun.

+ Annual rainfall is highly variable and is influenced by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, with several significant recorded droughts.

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