Some example sentences of “infusion”

How to use in-sentence of “infusion”:

– An infusion is also the name for the resulting liquid.

– This drink is an infusion made with Yerba mate.

– Epoprostenol is given via continuous infusion that requires a semi-permanent central venous catheter.

– It is a herbal tea infusion made out of the ginseng plant’s root.

– Kamen was already a successful inventor: his company “Auto Syringe” manufactures and markets the first drug infusion pump.

– The process of infusion is different from decoction, which is boiling the plant material, or percolation, in which the water goes through the material as in a coffeemaker.

– The flowers are also used for herbal tea, and this infusion is particularly popular in Europe.

– He studied rodents that received lethal doses of radiation who were then saved by an infusion of marrow cells at Mary Imogene Bassett.

Some example sentences of infusion
Some example sentences of infusion

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