“put on trial” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “put on trial”:

+ After World War II ended, many people who participated in The Holocaust were captured and put on trial at the Nuremberg Trials.

+ Thel was put on trial by the High Council for failing to defeat the UNSC at Installation 04.

+ He was put on trial by the National Convention, found guilty of treason, and executed by guillotine on 21 January 1793.

+ The British government of India put on trial three Indian National Army officers at the Red Fort in Delhi.

+ James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell was put on trial for the murder but found not guilty.

+ If we are put on trial this should be in public.

+ He was quickly put on trial for treason against the state of Virginia, murder and slave insurrection.

put on trial how to use?
put on trial how to use?

Example sentences of “put on trial”:

+ Queeg has them put on trial for mutiny as soon as they get back to the United States.

+ The Green Marine: The Mask is put on trial for his unorthodox actions while serving in the Marines.

+ Guede was put on trial in Italy in October 2008.

+ They later adopted a resolution that any negroes taken in arms would be put on trial for “inciting servile insurrection” and would be punished by the death penalty.

+ Bresci was captured and put on Trial trial, where he was defended by the anarchist lawyer Francesco Saverio Merlino.

+ In it, the hero is put on trial by the Philistines.

+ Anne was put on trial and found guilty, and she was executed by having her head chopped off by a French swordsman.

+ The members cannot be put on trial or put in prison during their term.

+ Queeg has them put on trial for mutiny as soon as they get back to the United States.

+ The Green Marine: The Mask is put on trial for his unorthodox actions while serving in the Marines.

+ For example, people who were accused of committing crimes at Bergen-Belsen were put on trial at the Belsen Trial.

+ They were put on trial in 1921.

+ After Nazi Germany lost World War II, 24 leaders of the “Einsatzgruppen” were put on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg Trials.

+ He was found in 1963 and put on trial again.

+ No European monarch had ever been put on trial by their own people before.

+ Krupp was put on trial for war crimes at the Nuremberg Trials.

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