“fighting” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “fighting”:

– PRIDE Fighting Championships was first started in 1997 by the match popular Japanese pro-wrestler Nobuhiko Takada with Rickson Gracie, champion of the Gracie family of Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners.

– Some days of fighting started, but it resulted in a U.S.

– Both countries have been fighting over the disputed territory of Kashmir,over which they have fought two wars.

– It was made by the Soviet Union during the Cold War so it could fight new United States of AmericaAmerican fighters like the F-16 Fighting Falcon and F/A-18 Hornet.

– Mainly through the combat system, the player encounters multiple enemies who attack with a bullet hell system, which can be resolved peacefully or by fighting them.

– Arjuna hesitates because he is fighting his family, but in the end he listens to Krishna.

– In Korea he was flying F-86 Sabre Jets in the 334th Fighter Interceptor Squadron formerly known as the Fighting Eagles Squadron formed in England before we entered world war 2.

– Nakae’s Medal of Honor recognized his conduct in frontline fighting in northern Italy in 1944.

fighting how to use in sentences
fighting how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “fighting”:

- Lee Chaolan's fighting style uses mostly feet.

- The biggest change is the inclusion of different fighting styles, which were also in "Devil May Cry 2".
- Fire buckets are a low-technology method of fighting small fires.

– Lee Chaolan’s fighting style uses mostly feet.

– The biggest change is the inclusion of different fighting styles, which were also in “Devil May Cry 2”.

– Fire buckets are a low-technology method of fighting small fires.

– She explained that the hunters and Amazons have been fighting monsters while the demigods have been fighting each other.

– After six hours of fighting and numerous casualties on both sides, the Union forces withdrew.

– Within months the Taliban abandoned Kabul, and a new government led by Hamid Karzai came to power, but fighting between the Taliban and US-led armies continued.

– Many decided that it was useless that Zealand kept fighting as the last remaining province.

– He worked for the withdrawal of Soviet forces in Iran and a stop to fighting in Kashmir.

– They are important for fighting infections.

– Hayashi’s Medal of Honor recognized his conduct in frontline fighting in central Italy in 1943.

– A short while later, all four men began fighting in the ring, and the match ended in a no-contest.Brian Shields.

– Csupó explained that “it was a very conscious decision from the very beginning that we’re not going to overdo the visual effects because of the story’s integrity and the book’s integrity.” There was only a small mention of Jess and Leslie fighting creatures in Terabithia in the book.

– Shakira is also known for having made a song named “Timor” based on fighting in East Timor between gangs, and the government.

– Genes that enable males to develop impressive ornaments or fighting ability may simply show off greater immune systemdisease resistance or a more efficient metabolism—features that also benefit females.

– It was supposed to be an upgrade of Tekken 6, having new fighting arenas, characters and more.

– She fights in the Ultimate Fighting Championship and is the former Invicta FC featherweight champion.

– The people in that movement were fighting to end discrimination against a number of groups, not just blacks.

– The skills of the characters are given as numbers which can be made better as the gamer plays through the game and gains experience points through doing quests or fighting enemies.

More in-sentence examples of “fighting”:

- All of Owain's sons either died while fighting in war, taken prisoner and died as prisoners, or died with no children of their own.

- Napoleon was fighting wars all over Europe at this time.

– All of Owain’s sons either died while fighting in war, taken prisoner and died as prisoners, or died with no children of their own.

– Napoleon was fighting wars all over Europe at this time.

– This was called the Entente cordiale, and ended hundreds of years of fighting between the two countries.

– He managed to avoid fighting in the World War I by composing.

– However in 2001, fighting broke out between ethnic Albanians and Macedonians.

– This means that the body can begin fighting an infection much sooner for illnesses it has encountered before, and takes more time to begin to fight an infection in new illnesses.

– They did not stop fighting until 51 BC, when Caesar finished his conquest of Gaul.

– The player will use the shovel for fighting enemies, jumping on platforms, and digging up treasure and secrets.

– In September 1918 during the very hard fighting of the Second Battle of the Somme, Murray’s good leadership was mentioned again, and after fights near Peronne, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Order.

– But these competitions only test the fighting styles in limited situations.

– This happened because many people died far from home while fighting in the war.

– After 42 days of fighting U.S.

– Between 1999 and 2002 they were known for fighting between Muslims and Christians, although both groups had previously been peaceful.

– The Tamil Tigers are fighting to establish its own government in areas where Tamil people are in majority.

– The fighting game series “Super Smash Bros.

– Viriato da Cruz went to Beijing, China in the 1960s because of the fighting in the MPLA.

– They have the same fighting style and the same moves.

– After the war ended, Lincoln pardoned all of the Confederate soldiers and so they could not be arrested or punished for fighting against the Union.

– The North VietnamNorth Vietnamese military and guerillas did not use tanks often since so much fighting was in the bunkers and trenches.

– The fighting was bitter for both sides, and although Pompey was expected to win, due to advantage in numbers, the brilliant tactics and the superior fighting abilities of Caesar’s veterans led to a victory for Caesar.

– Other forts were also on Middle Head, South Head, Shark Point and Bradleys Head, but none were ever used for fighting ships or troops from other countrys.

– The “Official” part based in Dublin was not interested in fighting for people in Belfast, and the “Official” Sinn Féin was more interested in spreading Marxism rather than making Ireland united.

– The first time it lost a battle with Kublai Khan as the leader was in Palestine Palestine when fighting the Mamluks of Egypt.

– When he was vice president, Millard Fillmore was in charge of the United States Senate while it was fighting over a decision about slavery involving Texas and New Mexico.

– The deal was that he would stop the fighting between Russia and Germany if they sent him to Russia to overthrow the government.

– In the 1960s, the Eritrean people started fighting for independence from Ethiopia.

– Silva is best known for his time in Pride Fighting Championships and the Ultimate Fighting Championship promotions.

– Ono’s Medal of Honor recognized his conduct in frontline fighting in northern Italy in 1944.

– After he died, several other people, such as Vicente Guerrero, kept fighting against the Spanish until 1821, when Mexico became an independent country.

– This concert also featured songs from Beyoncé’s 2003 film “The Fighting Temptations”.

– Morawiecki was the founder and leader of Fighting Solidarity.

– Also, I will continue my vandal fighting and increase my edits to WP:VIP.

– The roots of this fighting technique come for over 1,000 years ago.

– This would make the fighting less hard for the Red Army.

– In the 11th century and again in the mid 12th century, the emirs of the “taifa”s kept fighting among themselves, not only militarily but also for cultural.

– Troops fighting for the colonies were known as the militia army led by George Washington.

– Gon’s Nen affinity is Enhancement, developing his “Ja Jan Ken” fighting style after rock-paper-scissors.

– The name Aventador comes from a fighting bull.

– Nishimoto’s Medal of Honor recognized his conduct in frontline fighting in France in 1944.

– When his father became ill because of a stroke stroke, he helped his father by fighting against independent.

– Filipović also fought for the Pride Fighting Championships where he won a PrideFC 2006 Openweight Grand Prix Tournament.

– Lee and Kirby attempted to make their comic book characters more original by allowing them to interact with each other in a realistic fashion, including heroes often fighting or arguing with each other.

– Simon Schama’s “A History of Britain”, Episode 3, “Dynasty” When they were not fighting each other, they were fighting Henry.

– About 2,000 Dutch soldiers died fighting the Nazi invasion.

– Ohata’s Medal of Honor recognized his conduct in frontline fighting in central Italy in 1944.

– A number of later engagements, including one at Battle of JaithakJaithak, unfolded in a similar way; but more than any other battle of the war, the fighting around Nalapani established the Gurkhas’ reputation as warriors.

– Mutscheller played both defensive end and offense for the Fighting Irish, and served as team captain his senior year.

– That was where most of the fighting took place.

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