In-sentence examples of “vulgate”

How to use in-sentence of “vulgate”:

+ The Gutenberg Bible is a printed version of the Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible that was printed by Johannes Gutenberg, in Mainz, Germany in the 15th century.

+ The text of the Gospels is mostly taken from the Vulgate bible, and it has several passages from earlier versions of the Bible, such as the Vetus Latina.

+ One was in Latin languageLatin, the language of the Vulgate Bible and the other was Ancient Greek.

+ Probably the best known difference between the Old Latin and the Vulgate is in the Pater Noster, where the phrase from the Vetus Latina, “quotidianum panem”, “daily bread”, becomes “supersubstantialem panem”, “supersubstantial bread” in the Vulgate.

+ Jerome provided the majority of the translation work for the Vulgar Latinvulgar Latin translation of the Bible, called the Vulgate Bible.

In-sentence examples of vulgate
In-sentence examples of vulgate

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