How to use in-sentence of “examination”

How to use in-sentence of “examination”:

+ One of the prime “suspects” was Alfred Abel; however, a careful examination of the photographs of these two actors is sufficient to dispel such notions.

+ During World War II, he volunteered as a physical examination officer with the belief that the victory of the U.S.

+ When he was seven he passed the entrance examination for piano at the Paris Conservatoire, but he was not given a place because they thought he was too young.

+ The examination system, and the education system based on it, had been in effect for almost 900 years.

+ The MRCS qualification is a multi-part examination including theory and practical assessments.

+ After excavation, the remains were taken to London, where they were destroyed during the Blitz, making further examination impossible.

How to use in-sentence of examination
How to use in-sentence of examination

Example sentences of “examination”:

+ Snow's chemical and microscope examination of a water sample from the Broad Street pump did not "conclusively" prove its danger.

+ The Goryeong Bak genealogy records no examination passer or an officeholder since the sixteenth century among Pak's direct ancestors, but his father, Seong-bin, appears to have passed the military examination in the waning years of Joseon, probably in the 1890s.
+ Laboratory methods of examination also include biochemical methods of examination, during which the level of glucose, creatinine, urea, bilirubin, liver enzymes, blood lipids is determined; coagulogram, which analyzes the indicators of blood clotting; blood hormone tests; determination of tumor markers; tests of blood and other biological materials for infectious diseases; allergological, toxicological, cytological and parasitological examinations.

+ Snow’s chemical and microscope examination of a water sample from the Broad Street pump did not “conclusively” prove its danger.

+ The Goryeong Bak genealogy records no examination passer or an officeholder since the sixteenth century among Pak’s direct ancestors, but his father, Seong-bin, appears to have passed the military examination in the waning years of Joseon, probably in the 1890s.

+ Laboratory methods of examination also include biochemical methods of examination, during which the level of glucose, creatinine, urea, bilirubin, liver enzymes, blood lipids is determined; coagulogram, which analyzes the indicators of blood clotting; blood hormone tests; determination of tumor markers; tests of blood and other biological materials for infectious diseases; allergological, toxicological, cytological and parasitological examinations.

+ Techniques include dissection, microscopic examination of tissues and chemical analysis of fluids.

+ He authored the books “Biosemiotics: An Examination into the Signs of Life and the Life of Signs” and “Signs of Meaning in the Universe” and edited “A Legacy for Living Systems: Gregory Bateson as Precursor to Biosemiotics”.

+ Then Martin laughed again.Susannah Martin was twice forced to submit to physical examination for evidence of a “witch’s tit or physical protuberance which might give milk to a familiar.” No such deformity was found in Susannah Martin but it was noted that “in the morning her nipples were found to be full as if the milk would come”, but by late afternoon “her breasts were slack, as if milk had already been given to someone or something.” This was an indication that she had been visited by a witch’s familiar, and was clear evidence of guilt.

+ One of the tests that is usually required for an examination is some sight-reading.

+ The process of diagnosis begins from the very beginning of the patient’s examination in a medical institution or during a call to the doctor at the patient’s place of residence.

+ Nathaniel Ingersolls in Salem village in order to her examination Relating to high suspicion of sundry acts of Witchcraft donne or committed by her upon þ bodies of Mary Walcot, Abigail Williams, Ann Putnam, and Mercy Lewis of Salem village or farms whereby great hurt and damage hath been donne to þ bodies of said persons….

+ He returned to Marburg in the autumn of 1910 and in 1912 took the state examination there.

+ Self organised fish-schools: an examination of emergent properties.

+ X-ray examination of his bones showed “age-conditioned or strain-induced degeneration” in these areas.

+ He was the President of the Examination Yuan from 1996 to 2002.

More in-sentence examples of “examination”:

+ Part A is a 4-hour written examination which was used to assesses the applied basic sciences and principles of surgery in general.

+ Diagnosis, is often based on symptoms, and physical examination alone.

+ Part A is a 4-hour written examination which was used to assesses the applied basic sciences and principles of surgery in general.

+ Diagnosis, is often based on symptoms, and physical examination alone.

+ Instrumental methods of examination include X-ray, Endoscopyendoscopic, ECG and EEG and a number of other methods of examination.

+ Within the society also is active the International Art Academy which is in nature an examination board based on UK and US models.

+ He passed Matriculation examination from Calcutta Madrasa in 1918 with First Division.

+ Edexcel is a United KingdomUK examination board.

+ Kim graduated from Sangji University with a bachelor’s degree in informatics through Bachelor’s Degree Examination for Self-Education.

+ It also has offices and regional examination centres in most other European countries.

+ International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood: Previously the American College of Physicians reported a link between non-atopic asthma and acetaminophen use based on results of The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

+ At the end of their legal education at university, all law students must pass a state examination before they can continue on to an apprenticeship that provides them with broad training in the legal profession over two years.

+ The doctor may want to perform a Rectumrectal examination which will help detect internal hemorrhoids, anoscope to be inserted in the anus.

+ The was responsible for the examination of students and for festivals which honor Confucius.

+ Occasionally if the physical examination does not clearly show evidence of glandular fever, blood tests can sometimes be done in order to get a diagnosis.

+ In February 2016, at the age of 92, a week after a court-ordered examination by a Geriatric psychiatrygeriatric psychiatrist, Redstone resigned both chairmanships, replaced by Leslie Moonves at CBS and Philippe Dauman at Viacom.

+ He was called up at the end of the First World War and after the end of the war in 1919 he became a volunteer In 1929 he passed the riding instructor examination at the riding school in Belgard and, after leaving the Reichswehr, went to the private “German riding school” at Gut Düppel in Berlin as a qualified riding instructor.

+ Students can take a third language as it increases their chances in getting an overseas scholarship and can improve their examination grades, especially in the GCE Ordinary Level, which are Secondary students take after their five or four years of education.

+ In 1846 he completed his training with the state examination as an engineer for the state building service for road, bridge and hydraulic engineering, in 1847 supplemented with the examination as an architect for civil engineering.

+ He passed his school-leaving examination with very high marks.

+ In education an examination is a test to show the knowledge and ability of a student.

+ A doctor may be able to identify the cause by doing a careful physical examination and medical history.

+ He passed his second state examination in law in Hamburg in 1954.

+ Darwin’s debt to philosophy: an examination of the influence of the philosophical ideas of John F.W.

+ Students who pass this examination proceed to two years of Higher Secondary or intermediate training, which culminate in a Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination.

+ The examination is a way of describing a patient’s current state of mind.

+ As a whole, Pak’s own account and reliable testimonies by those who knew the family, suggest that after earning the examination degree, Seong-bin spent much time and the family’s fortune in trying to obtain a government post, and the effort apparently paid off in that a junior ninth military rank, Hyoryeok Buwi, is mentioned by Pak himself.

+ The discovery of meteorites on Earth that came from Mars has allowed laboratory examination of the chemical conditions on the planet.

+ The civil service examination tested knowledge of Chinese.

+ He obtained his Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of the Philippines in 1952 and passed the Bar examination the same year.

+ They then must pass a second state examination that qualifies them to practice law.

+ Furthermore he was involved in examination development, the so-called CITO.

+ The first step in treating a fistula is usually an examination by a doctor.

+ He passed the examination of Massachusetts Institute of Technology when he was very young.

+ A physical examination is performed to look for typical signs of pulmonary hypertension.

+ They diagnose the problem by examination and with help from additional ideas from the agents, who call into the base.

+ All universities require that students pass an English examination before entering a degree courses or receiving diplomas.

+ This should include a physical examination and blood tests.

+ A final examination in the context of a scientific expedition in 1991 concluded that the human remains on Henderson Island were prehistoric Polynesians.

+ Part B is a 5-hour practical examination which assesses elements of day-to-day surgical practice through a series of stations on anatomy, pathology, critical care, clinical procedures and patient evaluation.

+ All high schools in Turkey accepting students use an examination by the Ministry of Education.

+ Pathology is a science that concerns with finding the cause or presence of a disease by careful examination of a tissue or sample of any component of the body by scrutinizing it.

+ She was Director of National Examination Center from May 2012 to July 2012.

+ NSE also conducts online examination and awards certifications, under its programmes of NSE’s Certification in Financial Markets.

+ A post-mortem examination carried out by the Home Office pathologist found the cause of death was consistent with hanging and there was nothing pointing to a violent struggle.

+ Most Yahata High School students apply and get through the examination of the national university.

+ In the United States, the patent attorney must pass a special examination to test his knowledge of patent office procedures.

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