Some in-sentence examples of “prosecute”

How to use in-sentence of “prosecute”:

+ He also announced that if they cannot prosecute the suspect then they will end the investigation.

+ Pretty took her case to court using the Human Rights Act to argue not to prosecute anybody involved in helping her to die.

+ Butler was convicted of conspiracy by the United States Department of Justice, but was not convicted because the grand jury failed to prosecute him.

+ They are also able to prosecute people for voter fraud.

+ If all four elements can be proved, a “prima facie” case exists to go ahead and prosecute the offender.

+ As a result, many authors prosecute the website.

+ Greenwald then goes to Maryk, Keefer, and Willie and tells them that they are guilty and that if there were anyone else willing to defend them he would have been the one to prosecute them.

+ The ICTR had the power to prosecute anyone who broke international laws about human rights.

Some in-sentence examples of prosecute
Some in-sentence examples of prosecute

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