“methyl” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “methyl”:

– Chemist think that this occurs with the rhodium center making a nucleophilic attack on the carbon of methyl iodide.

– The tank had 42 tons of methyl isocyanate that was leaked at midnight and leaving more than 5,000 people and animals dead.

– Apart from whole sequence genomics, common tests include H2S production, motility and citrate use, indol, methyl red and Voges-Proskauer tests.

– For example, nonylmagnesium bromide reacts with methyl “p”-chlorobenzoate to give “p”-nonylbenzoic acid, in the presence of Tris, after workup with Sodium hydroxideNaOH to hydrolyze the ester, shown as follows.

– It is a process by which methyl groups are added to DNA.

– Butanone, also called methyl ethyl ketone, is an organic compound with the chemical formula CH.

– The catalytic cycle has been shown to involve six steps, two of which do not involve rhodium: conversion of methanol to methyl iodide and the hydrolysis of the acetyl iodide to acetic acid.

methyl example in sentences
methyl example in sentences

Example sentences of “methyl”:

– In 1964, a chemical factory at Kanose, NiigataKanose village in Niigata Prefecture released methyl mercury into the river and this caused the Niigata Minamata disease.

– This anion rapidly transforms, by the migration of a methyl group to the carbonyl ligand, affording the pentacoordinate acetyl complex {.

– The chemical methyl benzoate smells strongly of feijoas and the aroma of the fruit is caused mostly by this and other closely related chemicals.

– The acetyl group contains a methyl group bonded to a carbonyl with a lone electron left over.

– In this process lithium iodide converts methyl acetate to lithium acetate and methyl iodide, which in turn affords through carbonylation acetyl iodide.

– A development attracting attention in 2008 concerns a S2 roundabout mechanism observed in a gas-phase reaction between chloride ions and methyl iodide with a special technique called “crossed molecular beam imaging”.

– It is a ketone with 4 carbon atoms on the main chain and a methyl group coming off the third carbon atom.

– Typical indicators are phenolphthalein, methyl orange, methyl red, bromothymol blue, and thymol blue.

– On the night of 2-3 December 1984, the plant released approximately 40 tonnes of toxic methyl isocyanate gas, exposing more than 500,000 people to toxic gases.

- In 1964, a chemical factory at Kanose, NiigataKanose village in Niigata Prefecture released methyl mercury into the river and this caused the Niigata Minamata disease.

- This anion rapidly transforms, by the migration of a methyl group to the carbonyl ligand, affording the pentacoordinate acetyl complex {.
- The chemical methyl benzoate smells strongly of feijoas and the aroma of the fruit is caused mostly by this and other closely related chemicals.

– It is produced by carbonylation of methyl acetate.

– Equation 1 describes the deprotonation of a methyl halide by a methyl anion.

– When the chloride ions have sufficient velocity, the energy of the resulting iodide ions after the collision is much lower than expected, and it is theorized that energy is lost as a result of a full roundabout of the methyl group around the iodine atom before the actual displacement takes place.

– Common dyes in blue ink are Prussian blue, Victoria blue, methyl violet, crystal violet and phthalocyanine blue.

– It is made by reacting a sodium amalgam with methyl iodide.

– An antarafacial shift is observed in the conversion of lumisterol to ergocalciferolvitamin D, a methyl hydrogen shifts.

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