Make sentence of “inject”

How to use in-sentence of “inject”:

+ It then bites the prey to inject it with poison from the salivary gland.

+ Iontophoresis uses the same idea of gel electrophoresis to deliver drugs into the human body through the skin without using needles to inject the drug.

+ They ambush their prey by hanging on to a branch of a tree, waiting for a prey to come close, then jump on the prey and inject venom, and then swallow it.

+ The device they use to inject the medicine is called an epinephrine autoinjector.

+ The most common way to end status is to inject special medicines that can stop seizures.

Make sentence of inject
Make sentence of inject

Example sentences of “inject”:

+ If a person uses a needle that is not clean to inject drugs, they can get an infection.

+ The bushmasters are one of the largest and dangerous snakes in South America, and can inject a large amount of venom into their enemies.
+ Steam blanching systems inject hot air onto food as it passes through the blanching system on a conveyor belt.

+ If a person uses a needle that is not clean to inject drugs, they can get an infection.

+ The bushmasters are one of the largest and dangerous snakes in South America, and can inject a large amount of venom into their enemies.

+ Steam blanching systems inject hot air onto food as it passes through the blanching system on a conveyor belt.

+ If a person starts having anaphylaxis, they just press the auto-injector to the outside of their thigh, and the device will automatically inject the right dose of epinephrine into the person’s thigh.

+ Then they inject the adenovirus into a human body.

+ The hairs inject histamine and other chemicals that produce a stinging sensation when contacted by humans and other animals.

+ Sometimes, people inject just one drug into a vein with a needle.

+ They have eight legs, and mouthparts with fangs that inject venom.

+ The spider’s bite can be very painful and dangerous to people, because it can inject a venom through its fangs.

+ They are characterized by a set of hollow, fixed fangs through which they inject venom.

+ When the fleas bit somebody, they would inject a little bit of the bacteria into the wound.

+ If the prey is shelled, the argonaut uses its radula to drill into the organism, then inject the poison.

+ Like practically all blood-feeding parasites, they inject biochemicals that inhibit blood clotting, plus some that stimulate host mast cells to produce histamine; this distend capillary vessels, thereby promoting blood flow.

+ All have long, hinged fangs that dig deep into their prey and inject venom.

+ Then they inject their genome into the bacterium.

+ All vipers have a pair of long hollow fangs which are used to inject venom from glands found in the back of the upper jaws.

+ People smoke or inject heroin to get a calm feeling of relaxation.

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