“prison” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “prison”:

– On these facts, re-enters the prison in the Canary Islands during seven months of 1971.

– And while the jar served as a prison for the evils that escaped, it thereafter serves as a residence for Hope.

– The prison had approximately of good farmland.

– Lord Zedd also puts Rita back in her prison and throws her away into space, because she was not doing a good enough job of being evil.

– He served several years in prison for the 1989 murder of a border guard in Brusio, Switzerland and other offences.

prison - some sentence examples
prison – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “prison”:

– There are usually many locked gates inside the prison to control the inmates.

– She was Sentence sentenced to life in prison on July 22, 1995 for killing her two sons on October 25, 1994.

– The Debtors lawAct of 1869 abolished putting people in prison for debt they could not pay.

– Mensa returned in August 2020 with his first single of the year, “No More Teardrops”, featuring Malik Yusef and Wyatt Waddell, a song tackling police brutality, street crime, corruption and the prison system.

– He spent much of his adult life in prison or in exile.

– The President cannot be put on trial or put in prison during his term.

– The cafe and barber shop are open to the public, and the local society of Malang can taste the cuisine, drinks and coffee made by LAPAS Malang Class I prison inmates.

– A large number of suspects were arrested and kept in prison by claiming they were connected with other crimes.

– Harris served his sentence at HM Prison Stafford.

- There are usually many locked gates inside the prison to control the inmates.

- She was Sentence sentenced to life in prison on July 22, 1995 for killing her two sons on October 25, 1994.
- The Debtors lawAct of 1869 abolished putting people in prison for debt they could not pay.

– He stated a hunger strike on October 24, 2016 after his wife, Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee went to prison for an unpublished story on her computer about a woman watching a movie about a stoning.

– She went to prison many times.

– In October 2016, Iranian officials called Ebrahimi Iraee on a friend’s telephone and told her to go to Evin Prison to start serving a six-year prison sentence.

– This prison can range in all shapes and sizes just like in a fairy tale.

– Various protests against the ruling Congress government took him to prison on several occasions; the last of which was during the Madras anti-Hindi agitation of 1965.

– On 25 May 2005, Amnesty International released its annual report calling the prison the “gulag of our times”., Amnesty Internation Report 2005 speech by Irene Khan at the Foreign Press Association.

– Sutcliffe died on 13 November 2020 while in prison in Durham from COVID-19, aged 74.

More in-sentence examples of “prison”:

– That momentum of his career was cut short, however, by the traumatic time in prison tafter taking part in the demonstrations of May 1967 in Valencia against Francoist regimen.

– He was known for his roles as Inspector “Chico” González in 1971’s “Dirty Harry”, as prison official Ramon Herrera in “Bad Boys”.

– She was sent to prison many times for vandalizing buildings for women’s votes in Ireland.

– In January 1970 she was sent to prison for being a member of a Marxist group which had carried out bank robberies and murders.

– From 2011 to 2016 he was in prison because of a conviction of sexual offences.

– He was released from prison in October 1943.

– Videla died in his sleep on 17 May 2013, at the Marcos Paz Prison in Buenos Aires.

– When prison staff took the mail bag outside, McNair escaped the prison.

– On August 7, 2015, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

– Hitler was Sentence sentenced to five years in prison for treason.

– He was re-sentenced to 42 months in prison and a fine of $125,000.

– He said he had created at least eight separate identities, pretending to be an airline pilot, a medical doctordoctor, a prison agent, and a lawyer.

– The prison started in 1971 during the rule of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as a place for political prisoners.

– Shostakovich lived in fear most of his life because if Josef Stalin, the Soviet dictator, did not like his music he could have been sent to prison or put to death.

– The Chilean Gendarmerie, is the title of Chile’s uniformed national prison service.

– He was in prison in the Louisiana State Penitentiary.

– There are 1646 graves on the island, but only 180, mainly those of prison staff, have a headstone.

– Transgender people are put in prison more often than cisgender people.

– The prison had education programs so the prisoners would be less likely to commit more crimes after being released from prison.

– On December 4, 2006, González Macchi was sentenced to eight years in prison for fraud and embezzlement.

– After the death of Rudolf Hess, the prison‘s last inmate, Spandau Prison was completely destroyed by the allied powers.

– In 1924, Hitler was let out of prison early.

– This is the most time a person can be sent to prison in Norway.

– He also worked with Robert Redford in a pair of films, 1973’s “The Way We Were” and the 1980 prison drama “Brubaker”.

– In 1989 and 1990, rock and roll came into mainstream music as a combination of the Northwest Wind and prison song fads.

– The United States has the largest prison population in the world.

- That momentum of his career was cut short, however, by the traumatic time in prison tafter taking part in the demonstrations of May 1967 in Valencia against Francoist regimen.

- He was known for his roles as Inspector "Chico" González in 1971's "Dirty Harry", as prison official Ramon Herrera in "Bad Boys".

– As a result of the Catalan campaign for independence and the referendum held on October 1st, 2017, she was put in the Spanish prison of Alcalá-Mecoprison.

– They said that prison trusties and guards punishmentpunished and humiliating on purpose.

– To make sure that he could not escape again, he was sent to Fremantle Prison where a special cell was built.

– On December 26, 2007, the six French aid workers were sentenced to eight years with hard labour in prison by a court in Chad.

– Pramoedya wrote the novel in prison on Buru island in eastern Indonesia.

– He was given an extra four years in prison at Port Arthur.

– The last prison she went to was Côn Sơn Prison in the Côn Đảo Islands.

– The Dutch Government put him in prison him from 1947 to 1949.

– On July 24, 2020, the appeal trial of Vital Kamerhe, the chief of staff of Félix Tshisekedi, sentenced to 20 years in prison in June 2020, for embezzlement begins.

– The four occupying powers of Berlin would alternate control of the prison on a monthly basis, each having the responsibility for a total of three months out of the year.

– Marie Louise was separated from the queen and sent to the prison at La Force.

– All the time she was in prison by Kamsa till he released them out of pity.

– She lived in London for most of her life in poverty, and went into debtors’ prison for a short time in 1767.

– However, until today Imelda Marcos was never sent to prison nor found guilty of stealing billions of dollars of government money and she remains free and was even elected in congress representing her home province of Leyte.

– After the six men lost their final appeal, the British government set up a prison on the island at Bob’s Valley.

– It is located just inside the city centre near Leicester Prison and the Leicester Tigers’ Stadium.

– Meanwhile, “Hurley” has been hired to free “Kate”, “Sayid” and “Desmond” by paying Officer “Ana Lucia” to detour the prison van to the harbor.

– It is believed that Saldívar will never leave prison in her lifetime because of the impact of her crime and the many death threats she has received if she were to ever make parole in 2025 Bennett, David.

– He was responsible for the Tuol Sleng prison camp where thousands were held for interrogation and torture, after which many of these prisoners were eventually executed.

– Basically, the trusties ran the prison system.

– In October 2008, Beltrán was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for rape and sexual abuse.

– He remained in prison until he died of leukemia in Lyon.

– In 2013, al-Drees got a prison sentence of 20 months for her political comments on Twitter.

– In July 2018 she was transferred to the Mas d’Enric prison near Tarragona in Catalonia.

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