Some example sentences of “sure that”

How to use in-sentence of “sure that”:

– The United States Space Force Act says that it will exist to make sure that the United States can operate freely in space.

– The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 required clergy made sure that the area was inaccessible to the public.

– Most chimneys are vertical, or almost vertical, to make sure that the gases flow easily, drawing air into the combustion in what is known as the stack, or chimney, effect.

– So it’s important to make sure that you go in the order of.

– When value is checked to make sure that it does not contain spaces or en dashes and does not end with punctuation.

– Something like a camel’s hump storing water? I’m pretty sure that is nonsense, but the article is protected so I can’t remove it.

– Making sure that all the different stories and characters fit together is working with continuity.

– The FCI makes sure that the pedigrees and judges are of one FCI member are recognised by all other FCI members.

Some example sentences of sure that
Some example sentences of sure that

Example sentences of “sure that”:

– Animal sexuality is not very well understood today, but scientists are sure that animals do get sexually aroused without having sexual intercourse.

– He has already done this in the past, so please feel free to look at the edits to make sure that they are appropriate.

– He asked his friend to make sure that all his writings which were not published, including his three novels, would be destroyed when he died.

– The valves make sure that blood only goes one way in or out.

– For most of its history, Egypt was prosperous, since the water from the Nile made sure that the Egyptians would have good crops.

– I’m sure that others are as sick of the Disney Vandal as I am.

– Babbage was very thorough, and spent a lot of time making sure that his information was correct.

– It is important to make sure that the vehicle is parked somewhere where parking is allowed, otherwise the driver may have to pay a fine, or even worse, the vehicle may be clamped.

– Churchill was sure that Britain could win, and promised to continue the fight.

– On September 4, 2010, while on VH1’s Top 20 Music Video Countdown, Thomas stated that Matchbox Twenty was planning to start working on their next studio album in mid-September and that he was 80% sure that the album would be released sometime in 2011.

– It was Argus’s job to make sure that Io and Zeus were never together.

– Another problem is that if I add another condition filtering for the two bracket case, I cannot be sure that we are talking about the same match.

– Title IV says that all telecommunications companies in the United States have to make sure that people with disabilities have equal access to telecommunication.

– She therefore followed him everywhere, but made sure that he could not see her.

– The rules try to make sure that no one gets hurt or mad when studying other people.

– The doctor has to meet the person on two occasions and make sure that the person really does wish to die.

– Please make sure that it is constructive.

- Animal sexuality is not very well understood today, but scientists are sure that animals do get sexually aroused without having sexual intercourse.

- He has already done this in the past, so please feel free to look at the edits to make sure that they are appropriate.
- He asked his friend to make sure that all his writings which were not published, including his three novels, would be destroyed when he died.

More in-sentence examples of “sure that”:

– I am not sure that this is the right place to post this, but I’m doing so anyway.

– The exception to that is “Malaria”, which I think might need to be gone over to make sure that all the information is encyclopedic and remove/reword parts that are not That being said, I would say that the best articles on the list are “Alanis Morisette”, “Caffeine”, “Japanese Tea Ceremony”, and “Malaria”.

– The king made sure that was carried out, and he/she would decide the case and the proper justice, maybe asking his viziers who often acted as judges.

– The British Government was sure that there must be a very large land in the south, that had not been explored.

– This is because Jews are sure that God will forgive them on this day.

– This is to make sure that less garbage is thrown into landfills, so that these landfills can have more space and last longer.

– I would just like to say that any regular editor who seems to recieve a test4im warning from me should first look at your page’s history to make sure that it is in fact me giving you that warning.

– The Senate take a court case against Sextus as Titus waits impatiently, sure that his friend will be found not guilty; but the Senate finds him guilty, and a terribly sad Titus must sign Sextus’ death papers.

– If you add this code at the end of the template, please make sure that the opening starts on the same line as the last char of the template code.

– The agreement makes sure that person will become president.

– To make sure that people cannot always do this, there are computer programs that try to stop people from copying other people’s work.

– I’m sure that if the logos were edited out, it could be considered public domain.

– Thanks to permanent Swiss neutrality, conflicting parties can be sure that no one from “the enemy” will be setting policy in Geneva.

– Also in 1848, Joseph Henry showed a picture of the Sun and made sure that sunspots were cooler than the rest of the Sun.

– Quranists make sure that they are in the right frame of mind before they pray; they put aside all everyday cares and thoughts so that they can concentrate exclusively on God.

– It is also used in reflux where it makes sure that the solvent used does not boil and go away.

– CBRNE also monitors the environment at the Pentagon and DOD installations to make sure that they do not have these hazards.

– Rand and I want to make sure that DisillusionedBitterAndKnackered is not a sockpuppet of Jonas Rand because Jonas Rand is currently banned from this community.

– In 1917, the Government of MexicoMexican Constitution was the first to make sure that workers had the right to strike.

– The Nazis made sure that whenever Hindenburg did appear in public Hitler was with him, and that Hitler was always very respectful to the President.

– In order to make sure that workers also take care of their own hearing, the workplace should also train workers to understand hearing health and how to keep their hearing healthy.

– Wagner watched the construction all the time and made sure that everything was built in the way he wanted.

– Meanwhile, Business, dissatisfied that Emmet had escaped, has Bad Cop come to his office and makes him freeze his own parents in order to make sure that he remains committed to his plan.

– To make sure that the men would come get the spinal taps, the researchers sent all 400 subjects a letter titled “Last Chance for Special Free Treatment.” This was a lie; the spinal taps were not treatment.

– For example, content from Wikinews is licensed under CC-BY and may be reused with attribution only to “Wikinews.” It is the responsibility of the editor importing content to find out which license applies and make sure that attribution is satisfied.

– It places an HTML block around the text entered as its only argument, which provides standardized formatting ; it also isolates the contained code to make sure that it is interpreted correctly.

- I am not sure that this is the right place to post this, but I'm doing so anyway.

- The exception to that is "Malaria", which I think might need to be gone over to make sure that all the information is encyclopedic and remove/reword parts that are not That being said, I would say that the best articles on the list are "Alanis Morisette", "Caffeine", "Japanese Tea Ceremony", and "Malaria".
- The king made sure that was carried out, and he/she would decide the case and the proper justice, maybe asking his viziers who often acted as judges.

– She decides to make sure that Macbeth really does become king.

– Therefore we can be sure that our senses give us correct information, for otherwise we would not be here to be deceived.

– Could you please rename EhJBot to EhJBot1? Note: I mistakenly created an account EhJBot1; could you please rename that to EhJBot4? Also, could you please make sure that EhJBot1 retains the bot flag? It will be the account where semi-automated redirect pages are created, per prior approval on WP:Bots.

– One goal of the Miranda warning is to make sure that suspects’ rights under the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution are protected.

– Before a conviction is done, the court needs to make sure that the conviction does not happen based on the recollection of only one person, as recovering the “facts” behind the memories can be difficult.

– Deleting most of the stubs is a huge task, and I’m not sure that we have consensus for it.

– They did psychological tests and interviews to make sure that the participants were psychologically healthy, with no history of crime or drug abuse or any medical disabilities.

– They are the ones who will make sure that all the points are well applied and respected.

– On October 7, 2016, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said that the United States Intelligence Community was sure that the Russian government hacked into e-mail servers with the intention of interfering with the election.

– It helps an industry to grow by making sure that there are raw materials.

– The controller makes sure that the aircraft does not crash.

– Before deleting again, the Administrator should be sure that the content is similar and not just a new article on the same subject.” This article was not an identical or similar copy.

– Sometimes safety wristbands have been used to give to both a parent and child to make sure that only the parent can take the child home from an event.

– Never heard of this and I am pretty sure that this would fail en:WP’s BOLP policy.

– Countries should also make sure that nobody takes advantage of people with disabilities.

– Chromium is also put into vitamins to make sure that we get enough.

– In the meantime, if you suspect that your computer or network has been infected, you might want to run a virus checker or spyware remover to make sure that your systems are free of viruses and other spurious software.

– Once doctors are sure that a person is having a heart attack, there are two main treatments: “clot-busting medicines” and percutaneous coronary intervention.

– Also, greenhouses can get very hot from the sun’s heat, so gardeners have to make sure that it does not get too hot for the plants.

– From the data collected, the authors are fairly sure that both binaries are gravitationally bound in a single system.

– Scientists do know for sure that vaccines do not cause autism.

– They want people to know what happened, and to make sure that it does not happen again.

– As Chief Justice he had to be sure that new laws were in agreement with the laws of England.

– Tony realises that Claire has very low self-esteem and tries to help, even offering to become her lover and making sure that the neighbours know it.

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