Some example sentences of “origin”

How to use in-sentence of “origin”:

– Juno’s main goal is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter.

– The origin of the claims come from Edward III’s territorial claims of France which he claimed gave him the right to be king.

– A case for the ancient origin of coronaviruses.

– There is no geological evidence about the origin of echinoderms.

– The monophyly of crurotarsal archosaurs and the origin of bird and crocodile ankle joints.

– Their place of origin was got by recording the messages at two different receiving places.

– Kaplan died of cancer of unknown primary origin on 10 October 2019, aged 80.

Some example sentences of origin
Some example sentences of origin

Example sentences of “origin”:

- Morphological clocks in paleontology, and a mid-Cretaceous origin of crown Aves.

- Tajiks usually reject a Mongol or Turkic origin and claim to be descended from the ancient Iranians of Central Asia.
- The origin of the Nemean Lion is not certain.

– Morphological clocks in paleontology, and a mid-Cretaceous origin of crown Aves.

– Tajiks usually reject a Mongol or Turkic origin and claim to be descended from the ancient Iranians of Central Asia.

– The origin of the Nemean Lion is not certain.

– Allen, John Apartheid South Africa: An Insider’s Overview of the Origin and Effects of Separate Development iUniverse Lincoln, Nebraska 2005 page 347 He was leader of the National Party, an Afrikaner nationalist political party.

– The origin of the county boundaries goes back to former court districts.

– Scapular orientation in theropods and basal birds, and the origin of flapping flight.

– The origin of the word is unknown, although it may be connected with the Latin word “audire”, meaning “to hear”.

– These physical speculations were part of a history of the universe which also dealt with the origin and development of life.

– Darwin’s basic points were: a single origin for the entire human species, and universal human expressions.

– He was notable for his ideas on the origin of life, and for writing an early book “The Origin of Life”.

– On 31 December 2019, the Health Commission of Wuhan, Hubei, China, informed the WHO about a large number of acute pneumonia cases with unknown origin in its province.

– Although different people believe different stories about the origin of the name, it is generally accepted that the name “Boise” originates from the French word “boisée” which means “wooded”.

– Sandy Berger died of cancer of unknown primary origin in Washington, D.C.

– After continuous debates regarding the origin of the polo, an Italian author Fulvio Cinquinni settled the doubt once and for all.

– However, as used in the Bible, The term of art omega means is of Hebrew origin coming from the word or words “tam or tamin” meaning complete, mature, healthy.

– Little is known about the origin of the music known as the blues.Southern, Eileen 1997.

– This data is a product of the origin and subsequent evolution of the Milky Way.

More in-sentence examples of “origin”:

- In this work, Freud attributes the origin of religion to emotions such as hatred, fear, and jealousy.

- It is also possible that Bellamy explores otherworldly theories, such as the origin of mankind from another universe, as reflected in the band's rock symphony, "Exogenesis".
- She died from cancer of unknown primary origin at age sixty-nine.

– In this work, Freud attributes the origin of religion to emotions such as hatred, fear, and jealousy.

– It is also possible that Bellamy explores otherworldly theories, such as the origin of mankind from another universe, as reflected in the band’s rock symphony, “Exogenesis”.

– She died from cancer of unknown primary origin at age sixty-nine.

– It had its origin in three pro-Democratic Party Democratic weeklies, the “Mercury”, ‘American Manufacturer”.

– The people who prepared wool were called “fullers”, which is the origin of the plant’s English and scientific names.

– The most likely origin of the word “breakbeat” is the fact that the drum loops that were sampled occurred during a “break” in the music.

– If so, the origin of avemetatarsalians would be pushed back to around 249 mya.

– The origin and evolution of lactation.

– The exact origin of the halal snack pack is unknown.

– Europe is the origin of the first presumed parrot fossils, which date from about 50 million years ago.

– Its origin is disputed, but it is certainly related to several French and Italian gambling games.

– Although this was three years before Wilhelm Johannsen used the word “gene” to describe the units of hereditary information, De Vries had introduced the word “pangene” for the same concept already in 1889 and etymologically the word genetics finds its origin in Darwin’s concept of pangenesis.

– It will also explain the origin of the word.

– The origin of the name “Hanauma” is not well known.

– In the “The Origin of SpeciesOrigin“, Charles Darwin said that species were labels which experts gave on the basis of their observations.

– During 1965-1975 in New York, musicians of Cuban and Puerto Rican origin combined to produce this Cuban-style music.

– A long-standing theory is that in transformed larvae of Sea squirtsea-squirts lies the origin of vertebrates.

– The origin of Korea-Yonsei Match is a tennis competition round between players of Bosung college which is former Korea University and Yonhui college which is former Yonsei University which was held in May 30, 1925.

– Other theories about the origin of Japanese are that it is related to the Austronesian languages, the Dravidian languages, or the Altaic languagesAltaic language family.

– Their origin is Arab, and they are mainly from Hadrami.

– About a third of people of Ukrainian origin speak Ukrainian and about 143 thousand use it in everyday life.

– The date of origin of the teleosts is a difficult problem.

– No exact time of origin is known though.

– On 3 March 2020, the first reported case involving a Sri Lankan origin outside Sri Lanka was reported in Italy.

– The second dorsal fin originates over or just behind the origin of the anal fin.

– This is the origin of today’s political division between “North Azerbaijan” which today has become the Republic of Azerbaijan, and “South Azerbaijan”, which today is a part of Iran.

– Charles Darwin wrote his “On the Origin of Species” in 1859.

– The origin of the word “bigot” in English languageEnglish dates back to at least French.

– Vera Bergkamp is from paternal side of MoroccoMoroccan origin and was born and is still living in Amsterdam.

– Most laryngeal cancers are squamous cell carcinomas, reflecting their origin from the squamous cells which form the majority of the laryngeal epithelium.

– A new proposal concerning the botanical origin of Baltic amber.

– He was the first person of Indian origin to win a Booker Prize.

– The earliest damselfly-like insect and the origin of modern dragonflies.

– The idea came from Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”, “Therefore…

– In “Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones”, it tells his origin as an unaltered clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett raised as his son.

– Finally, in a property dispute case in Patna in 1926, the Patna court characterized both the 1884 and 1916 Calcutta courts rulings as inconclusive and ultimately ruled that the kayasthas were of Kshatriya origin and hence twice born or dwija.

– The origin of Persoon’s botanical interest is unknown.

– One of her most well-known books was “An Historical and Moral View of the Origin and Progress of the French Revolution.

– Michael Bishop, of the 1989 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of the origin of retrovirusretroviral oncogenes.

– On October 2018, the World Intellectual Property Organization of the United Nations registered Persian Gulf as a place of origin, based on the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration.

– According to the historian of technology Lynn White, these conical and pyramidal designs, much more elaborate than early artistic jumps with rigid parasols in Asia, mark “the origin of the parachute as we know it”.

– It has also been suggested that she is the origin of Grendel’s mother who appears in the epic poem “Beowulf”.

– It is fairly certain now that all or most of these organelles have their origin in once-independent prokaryotes, and that the eukaryote cell is a ‘community of micro-organisms’ working together in ‘a marriage of convenience’.

– The main problem solved by inflation is the origin of large-scale structures, such as galaxies.

– The three cases include a Malawian of Asian origin who travelled back from India, her relative and their housemaid.

– If an article contains many statements of questionable origin that you suspect is original research, consider placing the tag at the top of the article instead.

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