“values” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “values”:

– X values are always between 0 and 1.

– Jews had to live with the values of Hellenism and Hellenistic philosophy, which were often directly at odds with their own values and traditions.

– Critical points are values in the domain of a function where its derivative is 0 or undefined.

– The five traditional carpet motifs on the red disc represent the five major tribes or houses, and stand for the traditional and religious values of the country.

– In Conservative Judaism, JudaismJewish values can be divided into ethical and ritual laws – the ethical laws do not change, while the ritual laws are used in different customs.

values how to use in sentences
values how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “values”:

– As with, all values that are not functions are duplicated and the identity of tables is preserved.

– For the box to display, there must be values for both.

– Those listclass values on the navboxes should work okay from now on.

– When set, these values are inherited by the other numbered sets to avoid having to repeat for each, whilst they can still be set individually where required.

– Medical social workers value the ethical concept of patient autonomy and self-determination although this value can conflict with the values and ethics of other disciplines in a medical setting.

– The most common mean is the arithmetic mean, which is calculated by adding all of the values together, then dividing by the number of values.

– They are core values for a way of life that puts service above self.

- As with, all values that are not functions are duplicated and the identity of tables is preserved.

- For the box to display, there must be values for both.

– And they can be symbols for a nation, or can show the values held by that state.

– The numerical values of the carpet show striking genealogical parallels to the Oghuz-Turkic legend, perhaps based on an older version of the Massageteans.

– These values were in opposition to more modern ideas.

– All other related templates must be edited too if the specialist agency type code values are changed.

– It is the discomfort felt by a person who holds conflicting ideas, beliefs or values at the same time.

More in-sentence examples of “values”:

– Works for all values in the range 0–4294967295.

– The modified values are then rounded with any one of the above rounding methods, the best ones being with stochastic or dithering methods: in this last case, the sum of “n” rounded numbers will still be a random variable with expected error zero but with an excellent constant standard deviation of that will converge hyperbolically to zero, faster than with the semi-hyperbolic convergence when dithering isolated samples.

– Precise values should be used where stable and appropriate to the context, or significant in themselves for some special reason.

– The logarithmic scale can be helpful when the data cover a large range of values – the logarithm reduces this to a more manageable range.

– In most instances, the values should be copied from the template to be emulated.

– Item values are based on rockets.

– They say how you tell the CPU to do different things, like loading data from memory into a register, or adding the values from two registers.

– Adding together all the place values that have 1s, it would be 1+2+16+32+128 = 179.

– Afterwards, the answers and their point values are revealed.

– The List of data references for chemical elements is divided into datasheets that give values for many properties of the elements, together with various references.

– These values included her refusal to play poker on Sundays.

– The result of an EJB QL query is either a single object, a collection of entity objects of a given type, or a collection of values retrieved from CMP fields.

– Coverdale wanted to find other values in life.

– The article will also be added to the category if one of the following values is used:.

– It appears in the form of a fear of violating values or moral codes, and appears as feelings like guilt or shame.

– Default values are the worst possible.

– To use it on a different wiki, all you need to do is to change the values in Module:Namespace detect/config.

– The first numbered mark has values that will be inherited by subsequent marks.

– Interpolation tries to find the values between two known points of data.

– This stability allows millisecond pulsars to be used in establishing ephemeris time, An ephemeris is a table of values that gives the positions of astronomical objects in the sky at a given time.

– To use this template with manual values follow the examples below.

– This error occurs if a number exceeds the range of values available for calculations.

– Similarly, if you have a rational function find what values will cause the denominator to be equal to 0 because this will make the function undefined, and therefore not differentiable at this point.

– The metric and imperial/US values link to the appropriate order of magnitude page for areas.

– The dispute took a more pronounced character on the occasion of the diffusion of the Enlightenment philosophy of enlightenment and of the values that it carried: government of reason, separation of powers, individual liberties.

– These First Nations are important in the world because their stories have taught us a lot about cultural values and how to live in harmony with the land.

– Acceptable values are RGB hex codes.

– In some cases, there are more variables than equations, and the solution will be a range of different values rather than one exact solution.

– For testing and demonstration purposes these templates can take a parameter named demospace: if it has any of the values main, talk or other it makes the template behave as if it is on a page of that type; if the parameter is empty or undefined, the actual page type determines the result.

– Other values of n are referred to using ordinal numbers, such as “fourth root” and “tenth root”.

– Dates as literal values must be formatted.

– The house especially values ambition and determination.

– This means that these two values of “x” will make the whole quadratic equation equal to zero.

– This makes it useful for understanding the statistical behavior of certain types of ratios of random quantities, in which variation in the denominator is amplified and may produce outlying values when the denominator of the ratio falls close to zero.

– The projects, which started with Macro themes, continue covering the following study areas; Strategic Locomotive Sectors and Development of Values that are capable of moving Turkey to the aspired macro objectives.

– Today, the highest values can be found in Africa south of the Sahara, and in South Asia, with values of 22.1, and 23.0.

– This template uses the Swiss area data template and can convert the values into km² or km² as well as indicate the year of the survey and create a reference.

– The cultural and natural values of Kakadu National Park were recognised internationally when the Park was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

– With its name from the famous song “Tumi Asbe Bole” by Nachiketa Chakraborty, Tumi Asbe Bole is a poignant story of a young widow marrying her college senior for the sake of her little daughter.The show also speaks about the basic values of life – love, sacrifice and adjustment.

– Returns the maximum value from the values specified.

– Fractal functions work like chaotic systems: a small change in the starting values can change the value of the function in ways that look random.

– Only limitedsupp= values will set the page number path element.

– He therefore says that Muslims living in Europe need to adapt and change Islam, so they can contribute its values to a European society.

– This module can be exported to other wikis by changing the configuration values in the table.

– Weinrich says important information is lost when the two values combine into one final result.

– It can be easier to copy a section of code to the top of a template during edit-preview, or to just edit an empty page, copying a section of code, for checking repeated use, during edit-preview, with different values set as the defaults for parameters.

- Works for all values in the range 0–4294967295.

- The modified values are then rounded with any one of the above rounding methods, the best ones being with stochastic or dithering methods: in this last case, the sum of "n" rounded numbers will still be a random variable with expected error zero but with an excellent constant standard deviation of that will converge hyperbolically to zero, faster than with the semi-hyperbolic convergence when dithering isolated samples.

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