In-sentence examples of “cut”

How to use in-sentence of “cut”:

– Her head has been cut off, and she has had paint poured over her several times.

– If the hunts were even larger, the hunters would cut their prey into pieces and hand out the pieces to other hunters.

– In a tree farm, three musically inclined chipmunks, Alvin the chubby sweethearted chipmunk, find their tree cut down and are transported to Los Angeles.

– So, anyone reading the log book would assume that the repair was done correctly and that the workers had cut out the damaged section and replaced it.

– In each level, the candy hangs by one or several of the titular ropes which the player must cut with a swipe of their finger using the device’s touchscreen.

– This is a typing short cut for linking to US Navy ship articles named in the format “USS Deep Six “.

In-sentence examples of cut
In-sentence examples of cut

Example sentences of “cut”:

– Damage areas are cut or ground out, then welding back up to their original or an improved profile.

– His first attempt to appear on the show was cut short, though, due to time limits caused by the star guest, Eric Kraff, overlapping with his segment.

– At first, the Division of Brisbane included the northern part of the City of Brisbane, but boundary changes cut it back to the inner suburban area.

– The new version was cut by approximately 00:37 seconds by removing the transitional “”Kill you, fuck you, I will never be you”” section.

– She has a scar which cut her face from forehead to jaw, a wrenched mouth, a stump nose, and a single eye.

– The Chief Justice cut his gaol time by four years, but Joe was still not happy.

– He learned how to ride a bicycle, he cut off his own Manchu queue, he even began to wear glasses.

– Turkish police said that Lyashenko left a suicide note and tried to cut his wrists and arms before he hung himself.

– These two walkers have had both of their arms and their lower jaws cut off.

– One part of the cake is that the Orange orange flakes of cut carrot give the cake color and texture, along with sweetness and moisture.

– However, security officials were able to cut off and shut down the servers.

– The first enemies in the game, the Centipede, can be turned into an item called a “Centisaw”, which can cut down trees.

– The enlargement of Park Lane Park Lane and the formation of Hyde Park Corner as a major traffic gyratory system has cut off the western stretch of Piccadilly, with the result that Apsley House has become detached from it.

– They were cut to a record low of 0.5%.

– They were much used when World War II cut off supplies of natural rubber.

– The cut is often very rough and often has splinters.

– Around this time, Kuroda, who visited the Oshima Residence, cut the story of his daughter Yoko’s marriage and discovered that he had a favorite partner, Takasaku Ujiie.

– The storm cut across Puerto Rico, killing one.

– The cuts were described as potentially causing the school system to lose 3,200 jobs and cut 9,000 classes.

- Damage areas are cut or ground out, then welding back up to their original or an improved profile.

- His first attempt to appear on the show was cut short, though, due to time limits caused by the star guest, Eric Kraff, overlapping with his segment.
- At first, the Division of Brisbane included the northern part of the City of Brisbane, but boundary changes cut it back to the inner suburban area.

More in-sentence examples of “cut”:

– Her throat was cut from left to right, and she had been disembowelled, with her intestines thrown out of her abdomen over each of her shoulders.

– She has not cut her fingernails since 1979.

– During the World War I they were cut off from any contact with Russia.

– Hooker argued that the cavalry raid failed to cut Lee’s supply lines.

– This beam is very powerful and can cut through almost anything.

– A hot dog is made of the remains of the pig after other parts are cut off and sold as bacon, sausage patties, and ham.

– Vikernes defends that most of Euronymous’ cut wounds were caused by broken glass he had fallen on during the struggle.

– As Prime Minister, he has cut the goods and services tax and approved a budget that would cut funding to several government programs.

– As an example, two distinct plane figures on a piece of paper are congruent if we can cut them out and then match them up completely.

– Still, it was mainly used by women samurai whose suicidal ritual was to cut their own throat.

– The “Kaiten Maru” was towing the slow-moving “”Kaiyo Maru””, but was forced to cut the towline due to a typhoon off the Boso Peninsula.

– But only Ludacris, Kelly Rowland and Young Jeezy made the final cut of the album.

– A lawn mower is a machine that uses blades to cut a lawn.

– On 18 September 2018, Hurricane Maria, the most powerful storm to hit the island, severely damaged its infrastructure and cut off all its communications to the outside world.

– He thought it was only defended by a small group of troops which would surrender once they were cut off.

– A starfish arm cut off will regenerate.

– Many Japanese cities were destroyed by Allied bombings, and Japanese imports were cut off by American submarines.

– The cavalry charged up the ridge to attack Heth’s Confederates but were cut to pieces.

– It is cut into small pieces and stirred into milk with sugar.

– A saw is a tool used to cut things.

– German units in the area were given charcoal instead of wood for cooking fires to cut down on smoke and reduce chances of Allied observers realizing a troop build up was underway.

– Snails use their radula to cut food.

– One of the guards, Petar Brzica, reportedly cut the throats of about 1,360 of the new prisoners, using a butcher knife that became known as “srbosjek”.

– It is often cut in thin slices, unlike other cured or smoked pork products.

– The tax cut led to years of budget shortfalls.

- Her throat was cut from left to right, and she had been disembowelled, with her intestines thrown out of her abdomen over each of her shoulders.

- She has not cut her fingernails since 1979.
- During the World War I they were cut off from any contact with Russia.

– Davy Jones did not cut his heart out “for” Calypso.

– They also cut and destroy invading viral RNAs.

– Meat that is cut into flat pieces for frying or grilling is called ‘steak’.

– The man who owned the company, Henry Ford, heard about meat being cut on a disassembly line, which moved meat from worker to worker so that the meat could be cut up.

– Skilled specialist artists could cut a high-quality bust portrait in a matter of minutes.

– He cut down the thousands of peach trees in the Canyon.

– That was whole pages cut into wood, words and pictures.

– If a player does not play well he may be sent back down or cut from the team.

– These are ways that the fallopian tubes are cut or clipped so that eggs cannot go down them to the uterus.

– For example, the energy used to produce steel and paper products has been cut 40% in that time frame, while petroleum/aluminum refining and cement production have reduced their usage by about 25%.

– If a square is cut off from one end of a golden rectangle, then the other end is a new golden rectangle.

– Wagner had also cut the pilgrim’s chorus, further antagonizing the audience.

– He found billions of dollars of spending that he thought was a waste, and could be cut out of what the U.S.

– In Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, local officials announced a curfew to help stop looting and worked to cut off electricity throughout the city to stop possible injuries.

– However, Lynch cut down the content in “Chained” so it could get an R rating.

– The deeply eroded valleys are cut into Mississippian limestones and below that layer Ordovician dolomites.

– Episodes in the second series sometimes had “flash frames but these were cut out of some repeats.

– When Saadawi was six years old her clitoris was cut off by a midwife at her home.

– His head was cut off and sent to the professor of anatomy at the University of Melbourne.

– After the woman gets married, her vagina is cut open so she can have sex.

– Copy, cut and paste are other common options in text editors.

– A slightly different type of electric razor is used to trim and cut hair from the head.

– She was the one who turned him into a monster after he cut his heart out for her.

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