Some example sentences of “talks”

How to use in-sentence of “talks”:

+ They held talks with IOC and the Future Host Commission.

+ Chinese food is a term that talks about the food that comes from all over China and the cuisine of China.

+ In the DVD, it talks about the members.

+ That documentary, produced by HBO, talks about the personal experience of Gerda Weissman Klein, who was imprisoned at the Nordhausen Concentration Camp when she was a teenager.

+ The talks were led by Hervé, the Archbishop of Reims.

+ Chelkalov comes and talks to the crowd.

Some example sentences of talks
Some example sentences of talks

Example sentences of “talks”:

+ In “Pedagogy of the Oppressed Freire, talks about the oppressors-oppressed distinction,seeing differences between the two positions in an unjust society: the oppressor and the oppressed.

+ Many historians think Rabin’s murder is one of the main reasons the peace talks fell apart.

+ On October 10, talks were held between Franz Müntefering, the SPD chairman, Gerhard Schröder, Angela Merkel and Edmund Stoiber, the CSU chairman.

+ Despite this, merger talks continued in the hopes that they might be able to pull off a last-minute deal.

+ In her last two pages of her article titled, “Saamen murre nimeltä hoseff”, she talks about how the language most likely formed as a dialect of sami in the late middle ages but then over time reformed due to the hoffish-sami group’s migration.

+ There were talks of spreading the concept outside Sweden, with a disco/folk music version in Poland and a country music version in the USA.

+ Before that, wage theft was called “the crime wave that almost no one talks about”.

+ Part Three talks about musical forms: this included discussions about things like music notation, solmization and how to write for large choirs.

+ She talks about how the story of War War II that we hear is mainly white and male.

+ He took part in talks about strategy.

+ The subject talks about an NYC area woman by the name Jasmine, whose life completely falls apart, at which point she then relocates to San Francisco.

+ In September 2005, as Foreign Minister, he played a leading role in the diplomatic efforts to adopt the Joint Statement on resolving the North Korean nuclear issue at the Fourth Round of the Six-Party Talks held in Beijing.

+ He mentions using violent force when he talks about “popping a cap in Sancho” and “putting that barrel straight down Sancho’s throat”.

+ The PRC talks about the fact that Koxinga freed Taiwan from Dutch colonialism for the sake of the motherland.

+ In "Pedagogy of the Oppressed Freire, talks about the oppressors-oppressed distinction,seeing differences between the two positions in an unjust society: the oppressor and the oppressed.

+ Many historians think Rabin's murder is one of the main reasons the peace talks fell apart.
+ On October 10, talks were held between Franz Müntefering, the SPD chairman, Gerhard Schröder, Angela Merkel and Edmund Stoiber, the CSU chairman.

More in-sentence examples of “talks”:

+ Maldonado has strong feelings about politics and talks about them openly.

+ He now talks about football on NBC.

+ The song talks about Radiohead and Johnny Cash.

+ Sir Lepel Griffins book “The Punjab Chiefs” extensively talks about their history and characteristics.

+ The war was so important to the Greeks and to Aeschylus, that the writing on his grave only talks about his part in the Greek victory at the Battle of Marathon.

+ Weitsman was also editor of the book “Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness: Zen Talks on the Sandokai”.

+ Her work is set mainly in the Deep South and talks about issues of race and gender.

+ The talks have been online for people to watch for free since 2006.

+ Kraft has presented talks at a number of venues including at TED, TEDMED conferences, international conferences such as SLUSH, Singularity University.

+ Then the book talks about Jean Valjean, a man who was arrested because he stole some bread to feed his sister’s children.

+ The iPod shuffle is the first music player that talks to you, using a feature called VoiceOver.

+ When the episode was done being made, Cleveland Brown talks to the Griffin family in the window.

+ This article talks about Selena’s first #1 U.S.

+ It talks about how well it does its job, how reliable it is and its quality for the price.

+ It talks about relations between African-American adults.

+ Esther is seen doing athletics and talks about what she does.

+ In 2000, he authored “My Descent Into Death”, which talks about his near-death experience.

+ Deakin and Free Trade PartyAnti-Socialist Party leader Joseph Cook, began talks to join their parties together.

+ In the sound recordings of the Watergate scandal the then-U.S President Richard Nixon was heard talking about how “All in the Family” “glorifies homosexuality.” He talks about Archie Bunker and calls Michael his “hippie son-in-law” but not does not say the show’s name.

+ He gave talks about classical music and conducted a performance of the Gilbert and Sullivan opera “Mikado” as well as a pantomime version of “Cinderella”.

+ Here, Mary talks about Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

+ The sermon talks about God being angry with people for sinful behavior, and throwing them into the fires of Hell as a punishment.

+ The main part of the Bible that talks about anointing of the sick is also talk about the anointing of the sick.

+ He talks about sexual abstinence.

+ Maldonado has strong feelings about politics and talks about them openly.

+ He now talks about football on NBC.

+ The three groups of banquets come in pairs; there are two lists of the king’s servants; two gatherings of women; two houses for the women; two fasts; two talks by Haman with his wife and friends; two sudden visits to the king by Esther; two coverings of Haman’s face; two royal commands; two cool-downs of the king’s anger; two days for the Jews to protect themselves and take vengeance; and two letters about how Purim started.

+ Murabit’s TED TED Talk, released in July 2015, “What my religion really says about women” was selected as the TED Talk of the Day and one of four moving TED Talks you should watch right now by The New York Times.

+ SDLP leader John Hume MP realized that a negotiated settlement might be possible and began secret talks with Adams in 1988.

+ It talks about love and faithfulness in times of feeling down or worthless.

+ In 1964, Miller produced the play “After The Fall” that talks about the marriage with Marilyn Monroe.

+ It was written by a Jew in Ancient Egypt in the 1st century BC and talks about wisdom among other themes.

+ Cullors wrote the book called “STAINED: An Intimate Portrayal of State Violence.” It talks about violence in prison.

+ Duval into a ditch and ties her up, Sir Clement Willoughby talks to Evelina privately.

+ The soft rock song lyrically talks about the themes of love and location.

+ People give talks about many things, for example, science, art, and business.

+ The word is often used to mention a historical event or in talks of government.

+ During Investigation sections Phoenix visits the crime scene, looks for evidence that might be useful in the trial, and talks to witnesses.

+ Jean-Jacques Manget, in his 1721 book “Treatise on the Plague”, written just after the Great Plague of Marseille, talks about the costumes that plague doctors wore at Nijmegen in 1636-1637.

+ He talks to Homer and gives him motivation on getting the airplane down.

+ The discovery was said on September 29, 1989, but the text only talks of “25 frames taken over 11 days”, giving a discovery date of sometime before September 18.

+ Some of the talks he gave on the radio were published in his book “Moving into Aquarius”.

+ Brand talks about a different topic in each episode, showing clips of archive footage and commenting on them.

+ The role is similar to narrator, who talks over visuals or plays a main role in the program.

+ Irvine in talks over Minardi sale.

+ A few months after losing the Libertarian Nomination for President Petersen has done Facebook Live streams where he talks about current political issues and has stated he is interested in running for President in 2020.

+ The narrator talks to a priest about his sin.

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