“upside” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “upside”:

+ Its rendering using the Hindu-Arabic numeral system creates a numeral which looks the same when put upside down.

+ Also known the children in the yard, they another people can collection for Nokia Corporation in Nokia Connecting Peoples, Nokia N90 has changed for many features in known for flip camera upside Power buttons.

+ That this is the correct explanation is proved by cases where the animal lives upside down.

+ She played Pamela in “Alice Upside Down” in 2007, and Kristen Gregory in the movie version of “The Clique”.

+ It was also the first one where riders are upside down six times.

+ If the angle between the index and middle fingers is greater than 180deg;, then you need to turn the hand upside down.

+ The upside to this is that, usually, kissing makes people happier.

upside example in sentences
upside example in sentences

Example sentences of “upside”:

+ The number of times riders are turned upside down during the ride.

+ A crystal can be broken easily, and when one would look in it, it appears upside down.

+ The number of times riders are turned upside down during the ride.

+ A crystal can be broken easily, and when one would look in it, it appears upside down.

+ Which I may have kicked, covered with dust, rubbed with ground, collided with other, turned upside down, tormented, frightened, shifted from one place to another or killed and deprived them of their lives.

+ It must be designed to hold the weight of the vehicle should it roll over or land upside down.

+ This last was originally reconstructed upside down, walking on its spines.

+ VEGAS Pro also allows users crop video, Flip video horizontal or upside down, change the speed of video and audio with or without the pitch changing if going faster or slower and more.

+ Perhaps, the stamps all have errors in the printing like in the “Inverted Jenny” picture with the aeroplane printed upside down.

+ In “spin” column numbers represent the sign of the angular momentum relative to the upside of the disc.

+ We can make it go backwards and upside down.

+ Nokia N90 has been the upside camera, can choice beginning from Nokia Tablet Congress was announced on September 25, 2006 in New York City, United States.

More in-sentence examples of “upside”:

+ Some examples include tilting the stage, turning the stage completely upside down and reversing the screen itself.

+ A handstand is the act of holding the body upside down balancing on the hands.

+ Sloths are active at night and sleep curled up with their head placed between the arms and the feet drawn close together, or hanging upside down with the help of their hook- like claws.

+ The long, spiky tail is not used as a weapon or for defense; instead, it is just used for steering and flipping the body over if it gets turned upside down.

+ During the first expedition on foot, Bradford was caught up in a deer trap made by Native Americans and brought upside down.

+ For this reason, an upside down throw is typically released with either clockwise rotation and the left edge up, or counterclockwise rotation and the right edge up.

+ They can feed upside down.

+ They will then hang upside down on a horizontal surface.

+ He came across a group of men who were hanging upside down from a tree.

+ Some sharks go into tonic immobility when they are turned upside down.

+ If the forward edge of one tire contacts the rear of another tire, the vehicle my be flipped into the air and upside down.

+ It is played by the right and left hand, but this time the left hand plays it upside down.

+ The cover shows Grande upside down with a dark ponytail, with “thank u, next” spray-painted across her neck.

+ He also liked themes which are heard upside down, or palindromes, where the tune sounds the same forwards as backwards.

+ If the second voice has the tune upside down this is called “canon in inversion”.

+ One part of the episode would show why Tom’s son Jake has an upside down face.

+ Usually, this statement “for all elements” is shortened to an “A” flipped upside down, which is “∀”.

+ On September 20, 2014, Bironas was involved in a car crash when he lost control of his SUV and swerved off of the road, hitting several trees and turning his vehicle upside down.

+ Some lifeboats that were still on the ship broke off and floated away upside down.

+ She did not find out that it was actually upside down and tried to read it.

+ The fact that SOS can be read right side up as well as upside down became important for visual recognition if viewed from above.

+ At the last episode, however, the apple is no longer upside down.

+ It hangs upside down in the shape of a “J” and then molts leaving it encased in a green exoskeleton.

+ The Windows Mobile 6.5 has been a touch button from phones, look like a Windows Mobile 2003, the Start button can upside on a apps menu, Start button can use for name can be look like a Windows Mobile 2003, based on Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6.0 and Windows Mobile 6.1, in app, look in the clock numbers, text and calendar in e-mail, taskbar can just no based Windows Live Search, Internet Explorer Mobile can running on Windows Mobile 6.5, in wallpaper from Windows Mobile 7 can look like from the Windows Mobile 5.0, in Start button, have the Windows Classic Start, each for e-mail, calendar and Windows Live Search developed, look like Pocket PC 2002, in Start button, not iducle support from the Xbox 360 games shortcut in Windows Mobile 6.5, in support for Vodafone, use from 8GB disk space from settings phone, has been the shutdown option, start screen not support, and startup screen.

+ The intelligent Uzume took a small boat, turned it upside down near the cave entrance, and began a dance on it, tearing off her clothing in front of the other Kami.

+ Her life gets turned upside down when she meets with a blue-haired art student attending a nearby college with whom she has a lesbian romance.

+ Some examples include tilting the stage, turning the stage completely upside down and reversing the screen itself.

+ A handstand is the act of holding the body upside down balancing on the hands.

+ It has the special ability of running at great speed upside down, underneath branches.

+ The world has turned upside down, did you get that? Do you need a “dolmetscher”, an interpreter? Here it is!” And he was pointing to his bat, after which he struck.

+ Usually, this statement “there exists an element” is shortened to an “E” flipped upside down, which is “∃”.

+ For one thing, we see the world right side up, even though the image on the retina is upside down.

+ Above Earth was sky-dome, a pot that was upside down.

+ The explanation is that light travels in a straight line and when some of the rays reflected from a bright subject pass through the small hole in thin material they do not scatter but cross and reform as an upside down image on a flat white surface held parallel to the hole.

+ The apple is seen upside down for the 10 of the 11 episodes.

+ They also have sensors that can sense loud sounds, they can sense being upside down.

+ Both steel and wooden roller coasters can turn riders upside down.

+ A typical activity is “hanging”, where they inspect a branch or twig and leaves from all angles while hanging upside down to feed.

+ In the last section, marked “forte”, the pedal part plays the chorale tune upside down.

+ In 1990, a yacht turned upside down while in the water.

+ An upside is that to access the online mode to play and interact with other people is free unlike the Xbox in which must be paid for.

+ After deciding which player will go first, every player gets 7 cards and 6 cards which are placed upside down on the floor.

+ The board uses a planchette, which is a small wooden plank in the shape of an upside down heart.

+ Inside they found a naked corpse of a woman hanging upside down from a crossbeam.

+ Storing the Turbot upside down also helps in keeping the underside of the fish white.

+ These bats live in huge colonies, known as “camps.” These nocturnal animals rest during the day while hanging upside down from their feet.

+ The universal quantifier is symbolized with “∀”, an upside down “A”, to stand for “all”.

+ According to the apocryphal Acts of Peter, Peter asked to be crucified upside down, as he felt unworthy to die as Jesus did.

+ Partners can be lying side-by-side, lying one on top of the other, or standing with one partner holding the other upside down.

+ The intelligent goddess of happiness, Ama-no-Uzume, took a big bucket, turned it upside down near the cave entrance, and began a dance on it, tearing off her clothing in front of the other Kami.

+ We can also change it by playing it upside down.

+ In an interesting eye witness case off the coast of California, a female orca was seen holding the shark upside down to induce tonic immobility.

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