“convention” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “convention”:

+ One of her most famous songs is called “Everything”.She served as an honorary ambassador on the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

+ The Montevideo Convention only codified existing norms, there is nothing “new” in the convention.

+ Templates follow a convention that the name is prefixed with “”, assigning it to that namespace.

+ Lake Alexandrina and the Coorong are a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.

+ The 2016 Republican National Convention was the 41st national convention held by the Republican Party.

+ Stephens Convention Center, formerly known as the Rosemont Convention Center, is a convention center located in Rosemont, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago.

+ In 2014, the global campaign One Billion RisingOne Billion Rising for Justice used her story to persuade the Bangladeshi government to accept the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.

+ The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women says that stereotyped gender role should be abolished.

convention use in-sentences
convention use in-sentences

Example sentences of “convention”:

+ Adding also to the city's progress and development that had not been seen in 20 years with the building of six overpasses, a convention center, a new bus terminal, a new Integrated Massive Transportation System called Metrobus, the modernization of state owned schools, the recovery of Cucuta's downtown, and the duplication of the capacity for the General Santander Stadium.

+ The Gippsland Lakes wetlands are protected by the international Ramsar Convention on wetlands.

+ Adding also to the city’s progress and development that had not been seen in 20 years with the building of six overpasses, a convention center, a new bus terminal, a new Integrated Massive Transportation System called Metrobus, the modernization of state owned schools, the recovery of Cucuta’s downtown, and the duplication of the capacity for the General Santander Stadium.

+ The Gippsland Lakes wetlands are protected by the international Ramsar Convention on wetlands.

+ Most conventions bring famous people to the convention who are called guests.

+ The 1968 Democratic National Convention had large protests and riots outside the convention.

+ According to the Springfield Convention Visitors Bureau, an estimated three million overnight visitors and millions of day-trippers visit the city annually.

+ The delegates at the Constitutional Convention wrote a new Constitution.

+ The convention was held between August 24 to 27.

+ The Central district includes Downtown Baltimore, Harborplace, The Camden Yards Sports Complex, the Baltimore Convention CenterConvention Center, and the National Aquarium in Baltimore.

+ The convention could not agree on a candidate.

+ There were limits on how long the Convention would last, and who it protected.

+ Washington Convention Center is a convention center in Washington D.C., United States.

+ Lieutenant- General Jagjit Singh Aurora gives a solemn assurance that personnel who surrender will be treated with dignity and respect that soldiers are entitled to in accordance with the provisions of the Geneva Convention and guarantees the safety and well-being of all PAKISTAN military and para-military forces who surrender.

More in-sentence examples of “convention”:

+ This broke the convention that famous composers, conductors and singers could not be English.

+ The 1992 supplementary report was an update of the 1990 report, requested for the Framework Convention on Climate Change at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

+ The Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States is a treaty.

+ The fifth constitutional convention met in Jefferson City from May 15, 1922 to November 6, 1923.

+ This protocol made the Convention apply to all refugees.

+ The National Convention were the people who overthrew Maximilien de Robespierre.

+ The Roerich Pact was the basis for the United Nations “International Convention for Protection of Cultural Values in the Event of Armed Conflict” signed in 1954.

+ This time is characterized by the fall of the monarchy, the making of the National Convention and the infamous Reign of Terror, the founding of the French DirectoryDirectory and the Consulate and Napoleon’s rise to power.

+ The types of talkpage messageboxes follow the same naming convention as the boxes for all other namespaces, but the type of any particular talkpage messagebox may not be as obvious as in other namespaces.

+ In the summer of 1969, the ninth SDS national convention was held at the Chicago Coliseum with some 2000 people attending.

+ A lot of IPCC work is publishing reports about the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, an international agreement that human inventions and chemistry may make the Earth too hot to live on.

+ It officially had a national convention in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1874.

+ The International Convention Centre of Jerusalem is the main convention center in Jerusalem and the central auditorium of Israel.

+ The group gave its debut performance at an Anime convention in Long Beach California on 29 June 2007.

+ He was also part of the Massachusetts Convention in the same year.

+ Naming Convention conventions are strongly influenced by culture; and the naming rules are known to change over time.

+ The idea of Separation of powers was the basis for the Constitution: The National Convention was the legislative body, the King and the Ministers made up the executive branch, and the judicial branch was independent from the other two.

+ The convention was held on July 18 to 21.

+ Ukraine agreed to take part in the World Heritage Convention in 1988.

+ The Constitutional Convention could propose as many amendments as they wanted to.

+ In 2002, and again in 2004, “YCDTOTV” cast members reunited alongside fans of the show at SlimeCon, a fan-produced convention in Ottawa, OntarioOttawa, Ontario, Canada.

+ It is also known as the First Treaty of London, the Convention of 1839, and the London Treaty of Separation.

+ News stories about the Second North American Secessionist Convention in 2007 mentioned the controversial Southern Poverty Law Center’s allegations that the other co-sponsor, The League of the South, was a “racist hate group.” Sale responded, “They call everybody racists.

+ Its full title is Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field.

+ Incumbent President Jimmy Carter was again selected as the nominee through a series of primary elections and caucuses in the 1980 Democratic National Convention held from August 11 to August 14, 1980, in New York City.

+ The party held it’s nomination day on 21 February 2008 and the actual day for it’s leadership election and convention on 30 March 2008.

+ San Diego approved the construction of a new convention center in 1983.

+ Louis was charged with several crimes, with the National Convention acting as the judge.

+ Frederick swiftly Anglo-Prussian Alliancemade an alliance with Great Britain at the Convention of Westminster.

+ It was signed by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787.

+ Republicans loyal to Lincoln created a new name for their party in convention at Baltimore, Maryland during the first week in June 1864 in order to accommodate the War Democrats who supported the war and wished to separate themselves from the Copperheads.

+ In June 2020, the convention location was moved to Jacksonville, Florida over COVID-19 health measures.

+ The Convention defines what racial discrimination is, so that every country in the treaty can agree on how to define discrimination.

+ The celebration was held originally in the San Marcos church, neighborhood, and its magnificent neoclassical garden; since then, it has greatly expanded to cover a huge area of exposition spaces, bullrings, nightclubs, theaters, performance stages, theme parks, hotels, convention centers, and other attractions.

+ According to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women they also exist to abolish the stereotyped role on gender.

+ He represented the United States at The Hague Convention of 1907 and the London Naval Conference of 1909.

+ He was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention seven consecutive times from 1988 to 2012.

+ Delegates would come to the Convention from each state.

+ By convention these comics are usually still referred to as Polandball.

+ Knight is a Democrat and attended the 2012 Democratic National Convention in support of President Obama’s re-election.

+ Democratic Party met at the convention in the International Amphitheater, with the protests became violent in what a major report later said was a “police riot” on the night of August 28, 1968.

+ The fourth geneva convention protects civilians in a war zone.

+ Saldivar first joined the UDP in 1993 and officially entered Electoral politics in 1997 after he submitted his Nomination to be endorsed as the new UDP Standard Bareer for Cayo South constituency in a convention and election.

+ Her Declaration of Sentiments, presented at the Seneca Falls Conventionfirst women’s rights convention held in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, is often credited with initiating the first organized women’s rights and women’s suffrage movements in the United States.

+ He was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention Constitutional Convention, where he chaired a committee that wrote much of what was included in the final version of the United States Constitution,Stewart, David.

+ This broke the convention that famous composers, conductors and singers could not be English.

+ The 1992 supplementary report was an update of the 1990 report, requested for the Framework Convention on Climate Change at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

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