“gas” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “gas”:

– The hot gas goes through the smaller, inside tube, while in the outside one cold water goes around.

– Tear gas is the name for a number of chemical compounds.

– The most important greenhouse gas that humans add to the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, which is now about 0.04% of the atmosphere.

– Some grills use charcoal or wood, and other grills use propane gas to cook the food.

– Ozone is formed from oxygenoxygen gas by the action of atmospheric electrical discharges.

– He designed all kinds of buildings including banks, holiday resorts, office buildings, churches, a synagogue, a gas station, a beer garden and an art museum.

gas in sentences?
gas in sentences?

Example sentences of “gas”:

– In Europe, is banned as a tracer gas and in all applications except high-voltage switchgear.

– Generally, any two of the three starting laws are all that is needed in this type of derivation– all starting pairs lead to the same combined gas law.

– The SS blew up the gas chambers at Birkenau to hide what they had done.

– A gas mixture contains a mix of any of the above types, for example air which is 87% nitrogen, 0.2% oxygen and 13.7% argon and carbon dioxide.

– They began to replace some gas discharge lamps.

– Many structures including Kumamoto-Castle fell and some of them caught fire and infrastructures, especially water, electricity and gas supply are destructed.

– Once the gas chamber was full of people and the door was sealed, Nazi guards dropped Zyklon B through special holes in the roof.

– Kent Couch is a gas station owner from Bend, Oregon.

– In New Jersey, the state Emergency Management office reported two gas leaks in Gloucester County, with no reports of injuries from either leak.

– Landfill gas typically has methane concentrations around 50%.

– In a poisoning, medical help is often necessary; simply removing the victim from the gas is not enough to prevent symptoms.

- In Europe, is banned as a tracer gas and in all applications except high-voltage switchgear.

- Generally, any two of the three starting laws are all that is needed in this type of derivation– all starting pairs lead to the same combined gas law.

– On the day where Bruno is meant to move back to Berlin, he accidentally enters a gas chamber while attempting to look for Shmuel’s father and dies while holding hands with the Jewish boy.

– Large regions of ionised hydrogen gas are produced by star-forming regions.

– Any gas produced by fuel burning will pollute the air much less after being passed through an ESP.

– His battalion used gas during the battles of the Isonzo and also played a key role in the victory of the Central Powers over the Italian army at the Battle of Caporetto.

– Bromine is made by bubbling chlorine gas through a solution of a bromide.

– Moreover, some evidence suggests that Earth’s original atmosphere might have had a different composition than the gas used in the Miller–Urey experiment.

– Ley was shot on the morning of 10 July 2016 in a café at a gas station in Phnom Penh.

– Methane can be made by many chemical ways, but usually is found in natural gas and is obtained by fractional distillation, after it has become liquid.

More in-sentence examples of “gas”:

- Iron catalysts are better when the input gas is of lower quality such as coal or biomass.

- Once it is moving, move the right lever up, let the left pedal come all the way up, and give it more gas to shift into high.

– Iron catalysts are better when the input gas is of lower quality such as coal or biomass.

– Once it is moving, move the right lever up, let the left pedal come all the way up, and give it more gas to shift into high.

– Sasol employs coal and natural gas in the F-T Process.

– Lower-octane gas can handle the least amount of compression before igniting.

– The gas is not very reactive, because if fulfills the octet rule.

– This turned out to be a good financial decision for NFG in the 1940s and 50s, when increased demand for natural gas led to long pipelines in the eastern states being connected to new pipelines and fields in the southwestern states.

– The main functions of leaves are photosynthesis and gas exchange.

– On June 1, 2020, amid the George Floyd protests in Washington, D.C., law enforcement officers used tear gas and other riot control tactics to forcefully clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square.

– Fuels such as natural gas and petrol contain hydrocarbons.

– For example, when dividing 50miles driven by 2gallons of gas used, you not only divide 50by2 to get a result of 25, you also have to divide “miles” by “gallons”, which gives the unit “miles/gallon” or “milespergallon”.

– When water is pumped out, the animal adjusts its buoyancy with the gas contained in the chamber.

– It will change directly from a solid to a gas at any temperature higher than extremely cold temperatures.

– As Secretary, Zinke opened more federal lands for oil, gas and mineral exploration and extraction.

– Late in the war, poison gas was also an important weapon.

– A cloud of gas is given off and a smaller star called a white dwarf is left behind.

– Natural gas pipelines are economical, but are impractical across oceans.

– It is defined to be It relates the average kinetic energy of a particle in a gas with the temperature of the gas.

– The nitrogen gas dissolved in the diver affects the working of nerve cells.

– However, natural gas is a finite resource.

– His umbrellas have been used as guns, gas guns, swords/knives, a mini-helicopter and many other unconventional tools.

– The Energy Marketing division markets natural gas to industrial, commercial, government, and residential customers.

– Later, four large gas chambers and crematoria were built in Birkenau to make it easier for the Nazis to kill more people, more quickly.

– Eni decided that natural gas would supply the energy needed from the crisis of the 1973 oil embargo.

– Nitrogen Dioxide is a reddish-brown gas with a distinct, pungent odor similar to that of Chlorine.

– A third less common type is a form of wet gangrene known as gas gangrene.

– Potash and manganese came next, and then Petroleumoil and natural gas were discovered.

– Many types of detectors are used in gas chromatographic separations, with the most common are flame ionization, thermal conductivity, and mass spectrometry detectors.

– In early 1945, the SS made prisoners build a gas chamber at Ravensbrück.

– In other words, the volume of a constant mass of ideal gas at a constant temperature is inversely proportional to the pressure applied on it.

– Also, according to sociologist Clifton Bryant, the way it is used in the United States, “the gas chamber is…

– This Shell factory turns natural gas into low-sulfur diesel fuels and food-grade wax.

– But, sour natural gas must be cleaned before it can enter a long distance pipeline.

– Second is a high energy short length of time gas discharge light or “flash bulb”.

– There are various types of chemical explosions including natural gas explosions, dust explosions and those caused by explosives.

– However, Suzuki stopped producing Choinori in 2007 because it failed to pass the new gas emission standards.

– Many soldiers suffered from gas attacks but only 3% of those affected actually died.

– During gas exchange, carbon dioxide goes from the blood into the lungs, so it can be breathed out.

– Fracking can greatly increase the UK gas reserves.

– This makes more gas dissolve in the diver.

– Leavening agents produce gas that becomes trapped in the dough.

– Substances usually become a gas at warm temperatures and/or low pressures, become a solid at cool temperatures, and become a plasma at extremely hot temperatures.

– Lava, rocks, dust, and gas compounds are some of the ejected materials.

– Jonason Pauley and Jess Perrotta planned to a Live-action fan-film recreated version of the original film, started in 2010, most locations during filming in 2010 to 2011 on Mesa, Arizona, Tempe Peter Piper Pizza as interiors of Pizza Planet scenes, Sinclair Gas as Dinoco gas station, as stand-in of the scenes.

– Eni incorporated Agip, and became an oil and gas producer.

– Early kinds of engine used heat that was outside of the engine itself to heat up a gas to a high pressure.

– The biggest gas company is Black Hills Energy.

– Natural gas prices rose considerably in New York Mercantile Exchange electronic trading on August 2.

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