“teacher” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “teacher”:

– He went to Cairo University and later became a teacher there.

– In Spain, he met Irma Schneider, who, as a former teacher at the Swiss school in Barcelona, ​​ran the canteen for pregnant women in Madrid.

– Bartels was a former teacher and friend of German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss.

– He wrote to them and told them that he knew a young teacher and her name was Annie Sullivan.

– Francisco Pacheco, the teacher of Velázquez owned a Turkish slave.

– In the ancient world, the chair was the symbol of a teacher and thus of the bishop’s role as teacher, and also of an official presiding as a magistrate and thus of the bishop’s role in governing a diocese.

– She says: “As people they think what I am doing is good, but as teachers they say I should stop.” A teacher who supports her said: “Greta is a troublemaker, she is not listening to adults.

– Pogodin continues his psychotherapeutic practice and is a leading trainer and teacher of Gestalt therapy.

teacher in-sentences
teacher in-sentences

Example sentences of “teacher”:

– He was a teacher at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Italy.

– One teacher had small injuries, and the two passengers who died were supposed to be going to the West Valley camp.

– One day he killed his music teacher Linus because the man had tried to whip him.

– The teacher then writes the date on the blackboard as September 11, 2001.

– His teacher persuaded Dvořák’s parents that he should have a musical career, so they sent him to study music in Prague at the Organ School.

– By explaining how decimal points should be placed, a teacher can correct all future calculations of this kind.

– He had a teacher called Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow who was the organist of the big church, the Marienkirche, in Halle.

– Originally, it was called a “normal school” because it was only a school for teachers, and all teacher schools were named the same way.

– Her classmates and teacher soon find out about Charley.

– She became a teacher in Jakarta, Indonesia.

– His mathematics and science teacher had flown in the Soviet Air Forces during the war, which was said to make some impression on young Gagarin.

– He was also a college teacher and a journalist in San Juan in the 1950s.

– Varela was, with his teacher Humberto Maturana, best known for introducing the concept of autopoiesis to biology, and for co-founding the Mind and Life Institute to promote dialog between science and Buddhism.

– We are not here to pander to the whims of a teacher as our main goal, but are here to grow a Simple English version of an encyclopedia for all users of Simple English to use and edit.

– Finally Schidlof and Nissel were freed, and the three of them were able to study with violin teacher Max Rostal, who taught them free of charge.

- He was a teacher at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Italy.

- One teacher had small injuries, and the two passengers who died were supposed to be going to the West Valley camp.

More in-sentence examples of “teacher”:

– Christa McAuliffe was an AmericansAmerican teacher from Concord, New Hampshire.

– Fauset worked as a school teacher for many years.

– The new art teacher figures out that he is dyslexic and helps him to overcome his disability.

– When skiers first learn to ski, their teacher may be connected to them on a tether until the skier can control the sit-ski on their own.

– He then became a teacher at the Atheneum of Antwerp, where he inspired many students.

– Longinus was a teacher of rhetoric, and used the sublime to describe great language in this context.

– From 1960–1963, he worked as Director and teacher at the Nikolai Leontovich Music College in Vinnytsia.

– Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was shown as a teacher and a politician.

– While studying and meditating with his teacher Naropa met and overcame twelve minor and twelve major hardships.

– Graduate from Supélec in 1970, he was teacher and researcher at this “grande école” for 10 years.

– Tork worked as a musician, teacher and singing waiter.

– During the dinner party they come close to boasting about their crime and arouse the suspicions of the teacher who eventually exposes them and alerts the police.

– She is a Global Ambassador of The International Alliance for Women and also a Course Teacher of MBA class in University of Dhaka.

– He was teacher at the Prytanée national militaire, and has been a Professor Emeritus at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan since 2004.

– Eight years teaching in New Zealand led to a position as the head teacher of St Patrick’s School in Lawrence, Otago, and he moved there from Invercargill in 1874.

– Prior to that, she functioned as English Language Teacher at British Council Language Resource Center and as Lecturer, English Language, Institute of Modern Languages, Dhaka University.

– Karl Ernst Adolf Anderssen was a GermanyGerman chess master, and a teacher of mathematics.

– He spent most of his time as a teacher of political science at the University of Chicago, where he taught students and put into print 15 books.

– Valentin’s teacher was Simon Vouet.

– Valérie-Laure Bénabou, teacher of law, is also on the faculty.

– He was a teacher of philosophy in Spain and Mexico in the 1740s.

– After captaining the team in his senior season Yeo returned home to Thunder Bay and worked as a teacher and coach in the area.

– Bland and several local businesses began recognizing an outstanding teacher or staff member from two MPSD schools a month during the 2013-14 school year.

– His major teacher was Professor Bruno Brun, the founder of modern Serbian school of clarinet playing.

– He studied to become a teacher after his discharge.

– From 1866 to 1867, he was a teacher at Somersetshire College in Bath, Somerset.

- Christa McAuliffe was an AmericansAmerican teacher from Concord, New Hampshire.

- Fauset worked as a school teacher for many years.

– He was second leader of Noron Partys, disciple of Song Siyeol, Song Jun-gil and ideological successor of founder Noron Partys and his teacher Song Siyeol.

– His teacher Schoenberg had not yet developed the twelve tone system.

– The teacher or the student must stand in front of the whiteboard and sometimes their body will cast a shadow.

– His sister was actress and teacher Elen Roger Jones.

– His farming was unsuccessful and he returned to education as an English teacher at New Hampshire’s Pinkerton Academy from 1906 to 1911, then at the New Hampshire Normal School in Plymouth, New Hampshire.

– They will be taught by a different teacher for each subject.

– He is the son of a primary school teacher and a travelling salesman.

– She became a teacher in South Dakota at age 16.

– Midterm exams can also show how well a teacher is doing in teaching their class.

– He was the son of José Buenaventura Plaza, a school teacher and, Alegría Gutiérrez de Caviedes Sevillano, an attractive tall woman with arostocratic features and exquisite social manners of Colombian descent.

– Prudente is also a music teacher and has worked in a number of different universities, including NYU and Chico State, teaching trombone, improvisation, arranging and several other courses in jazz.

– In 1851, she made a study-trip to Paris with her teacher Carl Gustaf Qvarnström and her brother Pehr Henrik.

– When Matilda goes to school, she becomes very close to her teacher Miss Honey.

– In 1896, he did a test on children in school: The pupils had to complete sentences, and their teacher had to rate each pupil, if the pupil was in the lowest, the middle or the highest third of all the people in the class.

– He was a teacher and advisor of king Gongmin of Goryeo.

– His violin teacher was Maurice Frenkel who had been an assistant to the famous violin teacher Leopold Auer.

– Lily Eskelsen García is an American teacher and labor union leader.

– A teacher is in the front of the class teaching.

– The teacher will help more if the child needs it.

– Momoi worked as teacher of chemistry at secondary schools in Fukushima and Saitama, and served as rector of Hanawa Fukushima Prefectural Technical High School 1948 to 1951 and Saitama Prefectural Yono High School 1953 to 1959.

– It trains teacher in Agronomy.

– Sarah Clara Smith was an American teacher and missionary from New York state.

– He was also known as a teacher of Sanskrit and the ancient Vedic texts.In 1614, he took sannyasa or became a sanyasi and adopted the name Raghavendra.

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