“dengue” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “dengue”:

– Scientists also keep working on creating antiviral drugs to treat attacks of dengue fever and keep people from getting severe complications.

– It happened at the same time as the 2019–2020 dengue fever epidemicongoing dengue fever epidemic in Latin America and the Caribbean.

– This is called dengue shock syndrome.

– The name comes from the Ancient GreekGreek “aēdēs”, meaning “unpleasant” or “odious”, so called because of the diseases this type of mosquito transmits, including dengue fever and yellow fever.

– Most people with dengue recover and don’t have any problems afterward.

dengue example in sentences
dengue example in sentences

Example sentences of “dengue”:

– Different types of dengue also spread to new areas.

– The most likely early reports of dengue epidemics are from 1779 and 1780.

– However, this is not true for yellow fever or dengue fever.

– The first case of dengue hemorrhagic fever happened in the Philippines in 1953.

– There is no vaccine that can keep people from getting the dengue virus.

– If he later gets one of those three types of the virus, he will be more likely to have serious problems, like dengue shock syndrome or dengue hemorrhagic fever.

– It also decided that not everyone with dengue fever fit into the old categories.

– In the “febrile stage”, people with dengue usually have a high fever.

– Often, when children have dengue fever, their symptoms are the same as gastroenteritis, like vomiting and diarrhea, or the common cold.

– So, deadly diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever, are carried by some mosquitoes.

Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus.

– If a female mosquito bites someone with dengue, the mosquito may get the dengue virus from the person’s blood.

– During this stage, people with dengue often feel much better.

– However, a small number of people get dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome.

- Different types of dengue also spread to new areas.

- The most likely early reports of dengue epidemics are from 1779 and 1780.
- However, this is not true for yellow fever or dengue fever.

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