“modular” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “modular”:

– These trains are mostly used for regional services, and belong to a new generation of light, modular trains which have become common in many European countries.

– Module arithmetic needs to be moved to Modular arithmetic.

– This template is designed to handle anime, manga, their associated films, OVAs, and other related media, in a single modular infobox.

– He produced many public monuments and developed, with Friedrich Kracht, modular concrete decoration for hundreds of buildings across East, now eastern, Germany.

– PLM utilizes a semester-based modular system for conducting courses,Barrios, Dr.

modular in sentences?
modular in sentences?

Example sentences of “modular”:

– The modern notation and exact definition of modular arithmetic were first described by Carl Friedrich Gauss.

– It was the first modular capsule building.

– The articles Modular arithmetic and Module arithmetic have been merged.

– IDEA derives much of its security by interleaving operations from different groups — modular addition and multiplication, and bitwise eXclusive OR — which are chosen to be “algebraically incompatible”.

– Usually each character in the keystream is either added, subtracted or Exclusive orXORed with a character in the plaintext to produce the ciphertext, using modular arithmetic.

– The current version, 4.12, is modular and reusable.

– The restriction on integer coefficients makes sense, when one is concerned about finding Divisors, or in the case of modular arithmetic.

- The modern notation and exact definition of modular arithmetic were first described by Carl Friedrich Gauss.

- It was the first modular capsule building.

– People talked about modular arithmetic in many ancient cultures.

– Such triple modular redundancy, the simplest form of forward error correction, is widely used.

– Before Gauss, mathematicians had used modular arithmetic in some cases but did not know much about using it broadly.

– Better ways of calculating a checksum are to use a Hamming code, a cyclic redundancy check or modular arithmetic.

– An address bus is part of the system bus architecture, which was developed to decrease costs and enhance modular integration.

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