Use in sentence of “pure”

How to use in-sentence of “pure”:

– Most of that is pure science fiction however and no solid evidence has been produced of a true “warp drive” on a large scale.

– This alloy, 5% antimony and 95% lead, is harder than pure lead.

– Heat is added in the process of distillation which extracts a pure liquid.

– When skiffle faded some of the musicians began to play pure blues music.

– N-type semiconductors are manufactured by doping pure semiconductor material.

– The mixture evaporates at different times and is caught in a container as a pure compound.

– However, platforming is not a pure genre, and often there are other types of genres mixed into it.

– Pop, classical, and folk are all included. India’s classical music has a history originating hundreds of years back and is still popular in India today, as religious inspiration or pure entertainment.

Use in sentence of pure
Use in sentence of pure

Example sentences of “pure”:

– I have reviewed this users history both here and on enwiki and frankly came close to a pure indef block.

– The other division is between pure arts, done for themselves, and practical arts, done for a practical purpose, but with artistic content.

– In wrestling, Danielson is a four -time WWE Champion, the FIP Heavyweight Championship once in Full Impact Pro, the GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship once in Pro Wrestling Noah and was the last ROH Pure Champion, as he combined the Pure title with the ROH World Title in 2006.Saks, Stu.

– The reaction will leave pure liquid iron in the blast furnace, where it can be shaped and hardened after cooling down.

– The birth is mentioned later at sura 66 ayah 12, where the Quran says that the Virgin Mary remained pure while Allah created Isa inside her womb.

– He published three “critiques”, the most revolutionary being “Critique of Pure Reason the other two being, “Critique of Practical Reason” and “Critique of Judgement”.

– Females are usually brownish with dark-brown markings, the males are pure grey with black markings.

– In the pure form of this disease the whole spleen is dead and shrunken before the patient become adult.

– It teaches many things, for example Arts, Humanities, Business, Law, Social Sciences, Theology, and Pure and Applied Sciences.

– However, they cannot be made of pure water ice like the rings of Saturn because they are too dark, darker than the inner moons of Uranus.

– The third sound is called a binaural beat, and in this example would have a perceived pitch correlating to a frequency of 10Hz, that being the difference between the 530Hz and 520Hz pure tones presented to each ear.

– A pure experience, focusing on what Wikipedis is really about ndash; the improvement of articles.

– Mario and his friends set out to collect eight Pure Hearts in each chapters, in order to destroy the Chaos Heart and prevent the black hole from destroying the world.

– They said the meat of the giant tortoise was “succulent meat and the oil from their bodies as pure as butter, but best of all, the giants could hibernate in a ship’s damp for a year or more”.

– When pure oxygen is not enough, hyperbaric oxygen therapy can also be used.

– In its pure form, dextromethorphan is a white powder.

- I have reviewed this users history both here and on enwiki and frankly came close to a pure indef block.

- The other division is between pure arts, done for themselves, and practical arts, done for a practical purpose, but with artistic content.
- In wrestling, Danielson is a four -time WWE Champion, the FIP Heavyweight Championship once in Full Impact Pro, the GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship once in Pro Wrestling Noah and was the last ROH Pure Champion, as he combined the Pure title with the ROH World Title in 2006.Saks, Stu.

More in-sentence examples of “pure”:

– Ford, DaimlerChrysler, and General Motors Corporation are among the automobile companies that sell “flexible-fuel” cars, trucks, and minivans that can use gasoline and ethanol blends ranging from pure gasoline up to 85% ethanol.

– The mass spectrometry process normally requires a very pure sample.

– Thus I wonder if a better approach would be to merge some of the main points in to PuTTY, instead of a pure delete.

– Hardy and Srinivasa Ramanujan did a lot in pure mathematics.

– When the competition added Argentina, it returned to a pure home-and-away format, with a total of 12 games played.

– Because soju created at that time were made from pure grains, it was very tasty and clean.

– This pure solvent rinse prevents discoloration caused by soil particles being absorbed back onto the garment surface from the “dirty” working solvent.

– The amount of flammable material, when mixed with the pure oxygen in the spacecraft, only needed a spark to start a serious fire.

– Younha has also been picked as publicity envoy for the anti-corruption Clean Wave Campaign for her pure and clean image.

– This river was known for the healing properties of its pure water and it is recorded that the Emperor Powhatan, who lived in what is now Richmond, Virginia, made the trip all the way to Nakochtank once for this reason.

– Coke is an almost pure form of carbon.

– A modern converter called basic oxygen furnace uses pure oxygen instead of air.

– Intellectual Taoists, such as the Way of the Celestial MastersCelestial Masters sect, usually present Laozi and the Three Pure Ones at the main gods.

– In the first works featuring zips, the color fields are variegated, but later the colors are pure and flat.

– The end product of the separation process is one or more pure compounds.

– The official web color named “lime” actually corresponds to pure green on an RGB display.

– The absolute threshold of hearing is the minimum loudness of a pure tone that an average ear with normal hearing can hear with no other sound present.

– However, following the historical link on the associated Talk page revelas them to be pure copy pastes without simplification.

– When “Srbski dnevnik” from Novi Sad published an article saying that “Croatians write in Serbian”, Starčević wrote a fierce reply: ” would do well to write in the educated and pure Croatian language, like some of them are already doing, and they can call their language Coptic for all I care.

– Deleting such articles is pure wikipolitics and against the interests of an encyclopedia anyone can edit.

– Agent 47 wears a pure black suit, black leather gloves, a white dress shirt and a red tie.

– Doping Doping is the process of adding a small impurity to a pure semiconductor to change its electrical properties.

– The ancestors of it lived in Honshu and moved to Hokkaido with humans, and became a pure breed.

– In late 1970s they switched from pure deep funk to disco and they were more successful.

– Lots of people think that finding a Mathematical proofproof of the hypothesis is one of the hardest and most important unsolved problems of pure mathematics.

– One gram used to be defined as the mass of one cubic centimetre of pure water at 3.98 degrees Celsius.

– This way, small but very pure bits of these “new” metals could be made.

– This makes a pure zinc that is known as “SHG” or special high grade.

– He was also the one who suggested splitting Kurohime into two beings: one comprised of pure hate, the other, of love and compassion.

– Adult Siberian cranes are 140 cm . Their plumage is pure white, except for some wing feathers, which are black.

– He is credited with creating the most important religious and cultural institutions in Rome most prominently the Pontifex Maximus, Most modern historians consider Numa to be pure legend and regard his reign as myth.

– The branches of microbiology can be classified into pure and applied sciences.  Microbiology can be also classified based on taxonomy, as in the cases of bacteriology, mycology, protozoology, and phycology.

– It then results in the pure substances flourinefluorine and xenon.

– Cobalt is too reactive to occur as a pure element in the earth.

– The Lerner Index has an upper limit of one when the pure monopoly price is charged in a market.

– For example, the production of steel in a blast furnace involves turning different Iron and oxide compounds into pure Iron.

– From the early 20th century onwards the rind has been more commonly pure white, but it was not until the mid-1970s that pure white became standard.

– It can be made pure by distillation.

– By the help of pure Ganga waters, Bhagirath wanted to release his ancestors of a curse.

– The calcite formations are sometimes pure white and are know for being very beautiful.

– One New Age principle is that we will all realize our proper divine relationship with one another and achieve pure harmony through the acceptance of this divine knowledge.

– The anode is of pure mercury, and the electrolyte is a solution of cadmium sulphate.

– The one big difference is that the Phoenician script had no pure vowels.

– He developed criteria known as the Koch’s postulates and was among first to isolate bacteria in pure culture resulting in his description of several bacteria including “Mycobacterium tuberculosis”, the causative agent of tuberculosis.

– It can have a few pure black spots on its belly and have orange with an hint of green.

– The fork shape produces a very pure tone.

- Ford, DaimlerChrysler, and General Motors Corporation are among the automobile companies that sell “flexible-fuel” cars, trucks, and minivans that can use gasoline and ethanol blends ranging from pure gasoline up to 85% ethanol.

- The mass spectrometry process normally requires a very pure sample.
- Thus I wonder if a better approach would be to merge some of the main points in to PuTTY, instead of a pure delete.

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