“freezing” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “freezing”:

– The experiments included freezing and placing subjects under heat lamps.

– Several factors contributed to the freezing of toxic-asset markets.

– In physics, frustration is a property of water molecules in ice when a freezing crystal is formed.

– Antifreeze is a liquid that lowers the freezing point of water.

– In the year 1721 he discovered that water can be cooled below its freezing point without actually turning into ice.

– Most fluids have a freezing point.

– This temperature is called the melting point or freezing point and is different for every different type of liquid.

– Napoleon’s weakened “Grande Armee” had to retreat to Paris through the Russian freezing winter, but was finally defeated by the Russians.

freezing in sentences?
freezing in sentences?

Example sentences of “freezing”:

– In the final episode, the Winx, Roxy, and the Earth fairies join forces to defeat the Wizards, freezing them in a block of ice in the Omega Dimension.

– According to William Bradford, they left in a small board in below freezing weather.

– When looking at when a liquid substance becomes solid, most people call this the freezing point.

– There are 70 nights at or below freezing in the colder months.

– The vaccine has to kept colder than freezing but it does not have to be kept as cold as the Pfizer vaccine.

– Many prisoners died from diseases, starvation, and freezing to death.

- In the final episode, the Winx, Roxy, and the Earth fairies join forces to defeat the Wizards, freezing them in a block of ice in the Omega Dimension.

- According to William Bradford, they left in a small board in below freezing weather.
- When looking at when a liquid substance becomes solid, most people call this the freezing point.

– In the north part of the Himalayas where the temperature falls below freezing point, animals cannot survive well.

– Bradford said they set off in below freezing temperatures.

– Mostly freezing electrics and machinery making life very hard in the Hypothermic temperatures.

– The freezing point and the melting point are said to be the same, because any increase in temperature from that point will cause the substance to melt, while any drop in temperature will cause it to freeze.

More in-sentence examples of “freezing”:

– Temperatures are below freezing from mid October until late May.

– Like most other prisoners, she had to perfom hard work in freezing cold conditions with few clothes.

– She had testing, including freezing the inner ear with ice water to induce vertigo.

– Winters are cooler, and can get below the freezing point multiple times between December and February.

– Bradford wrote that they set off in freezing weather, “and when the set sail the salt spray froze on their coats, as if they had been glazed”.

– It is made by freezing flavoured liquid around a wooden stick.

– The high temperature is above freezing for only about 130-140 days per year, and there are temperatures at or below on February 4, 1924.

– Below the thermocline, temperature in the deep zone is so cold it is just above freezing – between.

– The famous witches’ dance in the freezing moonlight in the ruined abbey, was as impressive as expected…

– The truck crashes into a steel mill, this makes the tank to open and liquid nitrogen to spill all over the place, freezing the T-1000.

– Icicles are formed on days when the outdoor air temperature is sub freezing and heat from sunlight melts snow or ice on anything sloped.

– Soon after wards, the ship hits an iceberg and Rose must find Jack while both must run from Cal even as the ship sinks deeper into the freezing water.

– Temperatures in mud volcanoes can be as low as the freezing point.

– Some invertebrates can survive outer space or freezing without harm, so they are probably not respiring at that time.

– Many others died in camps and ghettoes from diseases, starvation, and freezing to death, caused by the terrible living conditions.

– Many other people died of starvation, diseases, and freezing to death because of the terrible conditions in the concentration camps.

– There was some sleet in Bay ridge for a very short moment, and even some freezing rain.

– The climate can be extreme with intensely hot summers to freezing cold winters.

– The temperature must reach −1.8°C before freezing occurs.

– This helps the concrete survive the freezing and thawing of a cold climate.

– In New Zealand, it does not get exposed to freezing weather.

– In an attempt to save Brown from his burning aircraft, Hudner intentionally crash-landed his own aircraft on a snowy mountain in freezing temperatures to help Brown.

– Svalbard has also not recorded a temperature below freezing in July.

– When most materials reach a temperature called the freezing point, the molecules form a crystalline solid – although some materials do not crystallise at all but form super stiff fluids, which seem to be solid.

– The relationship for freezing and melting can go in different directions depending on the substance.

- Temperatures are below freezing from mid October until late May.

- Like most other prisoners, she had to perfom hard work in freezing cold conditions with few clothes.
- She had testing, including freezing the inner ear with ice water to induce vertigo.

– The temperature of the surface of the Arctic Ocean is fairly constant, near the freezing point of seawater.

– They can handle freezing temperatures as long as they have a dry perch that is out of the wind and weather.

– Natural menthol is made by freezing peppermint oil and separating methanol from the frozen the peppermint oil by filtration.

– Ice storms are weather phenomena caused by freezing rain.

– Latent heat is the amount of heat needed to change a substance’s States of matterstate, i.e, water boiling into steam or, the opposite, water freezing into ice.

– Crystallization can be by freezing from a simple fluid or from a solution.

– At the freezing point of water, snow melts and becomes liquid water.

– The circumstances which cause the salinity of a body of water to differ include evaporation from its surface, precipitation on its surface, the freezing or melting of sea ice, the inflow of fresh river water, wind and wave movement that increase evaporation and the mixing of bodies of water of different salinities.

– It also thrives over the summertime in the central and northern United States, but dies out when temperatures reach freezing point, to grow again the next year if allowed to go to seed.

– In eight months between 1941-1942, the Nazis killed about 2.8 million Soviet POWs by execution, starvation, and freezing to death.

– They must cross a floating ice shelf, then up onto the ice-covered land, up steep mountain glaciers covered in broken, twisted ice slowly sliding to the sea, and across a high level land covered in ice and swept by strong freezing winds.

– The average temperature in July is 25-30 degrees Celsius and in January around freezing point.

– The temperature of the triple point of water is a hundredth of a degree Celsius above the freezing point, or 0.01°C.

– Even in summer, conditions can be very bad; thick fog, strong winds, driving rain and freezing summit temperatures are not unusual.

– Most other uses such as for table ware, sanitary piping, or building decoration in freezing environments require that the material be glazed.

– Most of them died in the freezing weather, and many of those who stayed behind in the camp survived.

– On one trip Bradford said they set off in below freezing weather.

– There are different types of dry toilets: composting toilet, urine-diverting dry toilet, Arborloo, container-based toilet, bucket toilet, Cavitypit latrine, incinerating toilet, or freezing toilet.

– When Chuck learns that Linda has been talking about a new salary with the movie’s director, Gerard Damiano, without telling him, Chuck punishes her by making her shower in freezing water.

– An ice cap can be a cold desert that remains below freezing all year-round.

– Successive administrations tried to stabilise the imperial economy by freezing the social structure into place: sons were to succeed their fathers in their trade.

– Despite its extreme northerly location, Svalbard has recorded a temperature above freezing in all months.

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