“skeletal” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “skeletal”:

+ In particular, heart and skeletal muscle prefer fatty acids.

+ The other types of muscle are the skeletal muscleskeletal and smooth muscle.

+ The fossil record of “Staurikosaurus” is poor, but the skeletal structure of the legs is known.

+ The skeletal system or “skeleton” is under the skin, the muscle and the tissue of the body.

+ A goldfish’s skeletal system is made of almost all small bones and cartilage and it barely has any big bones.

+ The skeletal remains of amniotes have at least two pairs of sacrumsacral ribs, a sternum in the pectoral girdle and an astragalus bone in the ankle.Gauthier J; Kluge A.G.

skeletal in-sentences
skeletal in-sentences

Example sentences of “skeletal”:

+ Paleognath is a word derived from the ancient Greek for “old jaws” in reference to the skeletal anatomy of the palate, which is described as more primitive and reptilian than that in other birds.

+ All skeletal reconstructions are composite extrapolations.

+ In general, female skeletal elements tend to be smaller and less robust than corresponding male elements.

+ An exercise physiologist’s area of study may include but is not limited to biochemistry, bioenergetics, cardiopulmonary function, hematology, biomechanics, skeletal muscle physiology, neuroendocrine function, and central and perpheral nervous system function.

+ Cretaceous sauropods from the Sahara and the uneven rate of skeletal evolution among dinosaurs.

+ It may be due to the gradual failure in the “satellite cells” which help to regenerate skeletal muscle fibres, and a decrease in sensitivity to or the availability of secreted growth factors which are necessary to maintain muscle mass and satellite cell survival.

+ She helps him escape from skeletal warriors who were trying to attack Percy and his friends.

+ Each frame must be drawn separately; FlipBook intentionally does not support skeletal animation or morph target animation, as these are not part of the traditional animator’s toolkit.

+ Paleognath is a word derived from the ancient Greek for "old jaws" in reference to the skeletal anatomy of the palate, which is described as more primitive and reptilian than that in other birds.

+ All skeletal reconstructions are composite extrapolations.
+ In general, female skeletal elements tend to be smaller and less robust than corresponding male elements.

+ For example, they have used the Smithsonian Institution to help identify skeletal remains.

+ Earnest Hooton was an American Physical anthropologist, who spent his career advocating for eugenics and attempting to separate races into categories based on skeletal features and measurements.

+ Other cells called sclerocytes produce skeletal elements called spicules that provide structural support.

+ The striated or striped cells of cardiac and skeletal muscles are called muscle fibers.

+ It is known from five skulls and some skeletal material.

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