How to use in-sentence of “pregnant woman”

How to use in-sentence of “pregnant woman”:

+ Induced abortion is when a doctor gives a pregnant woman a medicine or does a surgery to stop the pregnancy.

+ There are striking similarities between the Venus of Willendorf and a pregnant woman when perceived from above.

+ He gets to know his co-moderator Vicky Larson, who stands in for the pregnant woman Becky.

+ She was pregnant woman and finally she has a baby.

+ In some countries, it is allowed, but only for certain reasons, such as the pregnancy resulting from rape, or a doctor saying that the pregnant woman might die if the pregnancy is not stopped.

+ Any of these factors might force a pregnant woman to have an abortion.

+ Decision Points Random House New York pages 112-113 In 2004, he signed the Unborn Victims Of Violence Act which made it so that if a pregnant woman is murdered, her murderer can also be charged with killing the fetus that the woman was carrying.

+ The vagina is also called the birth canal, because when a pregnant woman has a baby, it passes through the vagina.

How to use in-sentence of pregnant woman
How to use in-sentence of pregnant woman

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