How to use the word “embarrassing”

How to use in-sentence of “embarrassing”:

– He probably came out so that the tabloid newspapers could not publish what they thought were embarrassing stories about him.

– Precautions were taken to avoid further embarrassing meetings with her.

– The situation is awkward and embarrassing but the pair find they really do like each other, even when things are switched for an episode and Seiji becomes Midori’s left hand.

– Secrets were always intended to be unusual, amazing, embarrassing or humorous.

– When she first meets Arika, she is angry at Arika for embarrassing her.

– This was very embarrassing for Microsoft, and caused many corporations and governments to look carefully at Microsoft’s security problems.

– Levantrosser, Rosanna Perotti A Noble Calling: Character and the George HW Bush Presidency Hofstra University page 318 This was embarrassing and many people believe this was the reason he lost the presidential election of 1992 to Bill Clinton.

– Such erections can be embarrassing if they happen in public.

How to use the word embarrassing
How to use the word embarrassing

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