“decrease” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “decrease”:

+ MaaS can decrease traffic.

+ Prohibition was a constitutional experiment set up by the American government in an effort to decrease crime rates, reduce tax burden, and improve health in Americans.

+ Within an amount of time, this will cause a decrease in pressure and have the potential of creating energy.

+ It also seems to decrease when the sound source moves away from someone.

+ Additionally, a study was released claiming that saccharin was a possible carcinogen, leading to Coca-Cola’s decision to decrease production of Tab.

+ An address bus is part of the system bus architecture, which was developed to decrease costs and enhance modular integration.

decrease - example sentences
decrease – example sentences

Example sentences of “decrease”:

+ In the future, they may be threatened because of habitat destruction and decrease in the number of toad in their native areas.

+ The effect of shaving is a decrease in drag from hair and an increase in the sensation of “feeling” the water.

+ With it will also decrease the number of components on the motherboard.

+ After a steep decrease in the alpine newt population in the 1960s-70s, they have recovered their numbers a bit.

+ Because of this loss of energy, the Oscillationoscillations of charge, current and potential difference continuously decrease in amplitude, and the oscillations are said to be damped.

+ The range defined by either is often based on demographic factors, such as an increase or decrease in the relative numbers of younger or older students, with the aim of maintaining stable school populations.

+ On most trucks, the driver or other operator can increase or decrease the amount of air in the tire while the truck is moving.

+ It is less expensive than DC because you can increase and decrease the current very easily.

+ Cutting down trees and decrease its habitat.

+ Demand is more elastic for price increases than price decreases, based on the assumption that the price increase is a loss while the price decrease is a gain for consumers.

+ In the future, they may be threatened because of habitat destruction and decrease in the number of toad in their native areas.

+ The effect of shaving is a decrease in drag from hair and an increase in the sensation of "feeling" the water.
+ With it will also decrease the number of components on the motherboard.

+ It can also decrease the risk of heart disease by 21%.

+ The goal is to try to dilute the sugar in the blood, and decrease the high levels of hyperglycemia.

+ Both lifestyle changes and medications can decrease uric acid levels.

+ In a convergent sequence, the absolute difference between the value of the current term and the limit, will decrease towards 0, as the sequence progresses.

+ The National Weather Service describes rapid deepening as a decrease of 42bar millibars in less than 24hours.

+ Some scientists think that physical constants may decrease as the universe gets older.

+ The recession saw the fall of the price of oil caused by the 2020 Russia–Saudi Arabia oil price war, the collapse of the tourism industry, hospitality industry, energy industry and a large decrease in consumer activity.

+ Their small size, light bones, and thick fur decrease their terminal velocity.

More in-sentence examples of “decrease”:

+ In the 2000s, Latin music began to see a decrease of music sales.

+ Impulse is the change in momentum caused by a new force: this force will increase or decrease the momentum depending on the direction of the force; towards or away from the body that was moving before.

+ According to a 1999 report by the Institute of Medicine, cannabis can decrease pain; control nausea and vomiting; and improve appetite.

+ The new trains also have wider doors for easier boarding and alighting of passengers to decrease the times that the trains have to wait at stations.

+ Medications like methadone and Suboxone are sometimes used to treat or prevent withdrawal symptoms, and to decrease cravings for heroin.

+ With this, the interest rate will decrease and the rate of inflation will go up.

+ There is a sudden decrease in its viscosity.

+ The government will decrease these costs from a person’s gross income.

+ Since people increase the muscle mass, they can be successful to increase the lean level and decrease the body fat.

+ Nevertheless, only six local associations revived Namahage at the end of last year.  The biggest reason is the decrease in the number of young people who play the leading role.  So even 70s villagers are dressed up as Namahage.  Some citizens are concerned that the custom will inevitably be lost in the long run.

+ This is a decrease of 183 from the 2000 Census.

+ According to a 2001 Boston University study, there is a relationship between a more drinking black tea and a decrease in a kind of cardiovascular disease.

+ The fast strength decrease of the field is a sign that the magnetic field might be reversing.

+ It will decrease the rate of reaction because the substrate molecule will not be able to fit into the active site, so products cannot be formed.

+ Alternatively, chemical reactions can also be used to decrease the solubility of the solid in the solvent, thus working towards supersaturation.

+ Eventually, the Security Council decided to decrease the number of troops UNAMIR was allowed to have.

+ For sure, it will decrease the new articles number, but it makes us lose golden time adding the template to the pages and warning them.

+ Small herbivores are less likely to decrease plant diversity.

+ Studies have shown that good treatment of depression, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse can decrease the number of suicides.

+ He believes that this, along with other anti-racist policies, is why London has seen a 35% decrease in racist attacks.

+ An 8th movie was planned, though a decrease in performance at the box office for Saw VI led to Saw 3D being the last planned movie in the series.

+ Neighboring cells decrease this response.

+ The movement’s goal was to decrease poverty for people of all races.

+ Following World War II, with the change from coal-based home heating to natural gas and the resulting decrease in coal soot, and the introduction of washable vinyl-based wallpaper, the market for wallpaper cleaning putty decreased quite alot.

+ This caused the price of housing to decrease beginning in the summer of 2006.

+ In the 2000s, Latin music began to see a decrease of music sales.

+ Impulse is the change in momentum caused by a new force: this force will increase or decrease the momentum depending on the direction of the force; towards or away from the body that was moving before.
+ According to a 1999 report by the Institute of Medicine, cannabis can decrease pain; control nausea and vomiting; and improve appetite.

+ This also led to a decrease in the number of predators, which can be seen in the table above.

+ Its goal was to decrease cyber crimes and start setting up laws to allow e-commerce ey could be exchanged electronically.

+ Many factors affect the conservation status of a species: the number remaining, the overall increase or decrease in the population over time, breeding success rates, known threats, and others.

+ After the 1956 earthquake there was a huge decrease in the population resulting in an economic catastrophe.

+ Suicide prevention tries to decrease the number of suicides by using protective measures.

+ A modeling study of the 52-year period from 1947 to 1999 found a statistically significant decrease in Arctic ice volume of 3% per decade, caused by an increase in tempertature.

+ The obvious candidates for magnetospheric plasma-absorbing matter are neutral gas and dust, but the quantities required to explain the seen decrease in electrons are far higher than “Cassinis measurements allow.

+ Stress responses, like an increased heart rate, usually decrease after these reconciliatory signals.

+ This property of volume decrease allows fish and other aquatic animals to survive in a body of water when ice has frozen on the surface.

+ Distribution describes the process by which a drug moves about in the body once it has entered blood circulation, and how this movement may decrease the concentration.

+ It has been mentioned as a reason for the decrease in the number of male teachers in New Zealand schools.

+ Materials like wood, carpet, or linoleum tile decrease the heat transfer from the underfloor system and the system must be set at a higher temperature if any of these materials are used.

+ Congestion may result from a decrease in capacity, for example accidents on the road or roads being closed.

+ Greenock’s population was recorded as being 45,467 in the 2001 census, a decrease from about 78,000 in 1966.

+ Unfortunately, this has led to a huge decrease in numbers since the second half of the 19th century, and ‘ormering’ is now strictly regulated in order to keep stocks.

+ Mitigating circumstances are factors that can decrease a sentence in a lawsuit.

+ The number of white blood cells increases when a person is fighting infection or disease and decrease when a person is healthy.

+ There are four types of differential reinforcement that can be used to decrease a problem behavior.

+ Various additives may be added to decrease mildew and increase fire resistance.

+ Both tried to increase their influence and to decrease each other’s influence.

+ India has tried many things to decrease cyber crime.

+ A valve is a device that it is used to decrease or stop the flow of a fluid.

+ On April 21, 1994, as the genocide was spreading across Rwanda, the Security Council decreased the number of allowed UNAMIR troops from 2,548 to 270 a decrease of almost 90%.

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