In-sentence examples of “basal”

How to use in-sentence of “basal”:

+ Scapular orientation in theropods and basal birds, and the origin of flapping flight.

+ Megalosaurids were among the first major adaptive radiation They were a relatively primitive group of basal tetanurans with two main subfamilies, Megalosaurinae and Afrovenatorinae.

+ The basal ganglia is believed to mediate procedural memory and other brain structures and is largely independent of the hippocampus.

+ This mixture of basal and derived features is characteristic of the way different body parts often evolve at different rates.

+ Their cladistic analysis indicated that “Incisivosaurus” lies at the base of the oviraptorosaurs, making it more basal than “Caudipteryx” and “Oviraptor”.

In-sentence examples of basal
In-sentence examples of basal

Example sentences of “basal”:

+ The most basal "true" kestrels are three species from Africa and its surroundings.

+ Since "Amborella" is apparently basal among the flowering plants, the features of early flowering plants can be inferred.

+ The most basal “true” kestrels are three species from Africa and its surroundings.

+ Since “Amborella” is apparently basal among the flowering plants, the features of early flowering plants can be inferred.

+ Viverrids are the most basal of all the families of cat-like animals and less specialized than the Felidae.

+ A late-surviving basal theropod dinosaur from the latest Triassic of North America.

+ However, the APG II system, of 2003, did accept this order and placed it among the basal angiosperms.

+ Phylogeny of the Carnivora: basal relationships among the Carnivoramorphans, and assessment of the position of ‘Miacoidea’ relative to Carnivora.

+ CladisticsCladistic analysis indicates that the animal is probably a basal chordate or a basal craniate.Paleos.

+ Other features are consistent with its being a basal dinosaur.

+ Also, the Nymphaeaceae are more diverse and wdespread than other basal angiosperms.

+ It is the most basal known true ichthyosaur, shaped more or less like a dolphin.

+ Cornales is an order of flowering plants, basal among the asterids, containing about 600 species.

+ In most true bugs, the forewings are called hemelytra, as only the basal half is thickened while the apex is membranous.

+ His work on energy metabolism culminated in the development of the “Henry equations” to predict Basal metabolic rate.

+ There are also half-fingered fruits, in which the basal side is united and the apical side fingered.

+ It is the eighth largest family in the basal Angiosperms.

+ Of these, the Palaeodictyopteroidea themselves might also be a paraphyletic assemblage of very basal Pterygota.

+ This is caused by progressive degeneration of neurons in several parts of the brain including the basal ganglia, inferior olivary nucleus, and cerebellum.

+ The thalamus has a role in the basal ganglia system but this is poorly understood.

+ Acorales the sweet flag order of flowering plants and the most basal lineage among the monocotyledons, which are characterized by having a single seed leaf.

More in-sentence examples of “basal”:

+ They further proved that the neural activity, such as the basal amygdala activity of the offspring’s brain, illustrated fear response.

+ It is one of the earliest and most basal of the armoured dinosaurs.

+ About 70% of a human’s total energy use is due to the basal life processes within the organs of the body.

+ The group can be divided into basal or “incertae sedis” “micromoths”, and the Apoditrysia.

+ They are basal micromoths, and not much is known about them.

+ It was more basal than other members of the Ceratopsia: it was bipedal, and had no horn horns or frill on its head.

+ A challenge to all of these alternative scenarios came when Turner and colleagues in 2007 described a new dromaeosaur, “Mahakala”, which they found to be the most basal and most primitive member of the Dromaeosauridae, more primitive than “Microraptor”.

+ It also showed its position as the most basal of that superorder.

+ This flexibility is a basal Trait trait; its functional significance in this genus is unknown.

+ This type of memory is encoded and it is presumed stored by the striatum and other parts of the basal ganglia.

+ It’s the way their legs are constructed, and boy, is that a basal trait.

+ The majority of these are basal cell carcinomas.

+ Interrelationships of basal synapsids: cranial and postcranial morphological partitions suggest different topologies.

+ Under any definition, all living birds, including taxontaxa as diverse as ostriches, hummingbirds and eagles, are descended from basal ornithurans, many of which were semi-aquatic.

+ Each of these lines had a mixture of basal and derived features until, at last, the placental mammals developed the whole suite of derived characters.

+ The basal ganglia form one of the basic components of the forebrain, and can be recognized in all species of vertebrates.

+ The study also confirmed that the most basal of all marsupial orders are the other two South American lineages.

+ They act to increase the production of proteins, basal metabolic rate and growth hormone.

+ There are serrated, recurved teeth in the maxillae, like the teeth of basal sauropodomorphs.Sereno P.C.

+ A basal archosaurian origin for birds.

+ Like ferns, other basal land plants, and many algae, some gymnosperms have flagellate sperm, which swim through a watery fluid to fertilize the egg cells.

+ Although radial symmetry is usually given as a defining characteristic of radiates, a few members of the class Anthozoa, which are now considered as the most basal and oldest group of cnidarians, are actually bilaterally symmetric.

+ It was one of the earliest members of this group, and the most basal form so far known.

+ It belongs to the Basal basal insect order Thysanura, and the species is estimated to have existed for over 300 million years, originating in the Paleozoic Era.

+ They further proved that the neural activity, such as the basal amygdala activity of the offspring’s brain, illustrated fear response.

+ It is one of the earliest and most basal of the armoured dinosaurs.

+ The work of Xu and colleagues provide examples of basal and early paravians with four wings, including members of the Avialae.

+ Phylogeny of Basal Iguanodonts : An Update.

+ They are included in Strepsirrhini, and are considered basal members of the clade.

+ Most researchers believe them to be basal among the bilateria, slightly more derived than the Cnidaria.

+ Mica includes several closely related materials having perfect basal cleavage.

+ A phylogenetic analysis performed by Turner and colleagues, who described the specimen, found “Mahakala” to be the most basal known dromaeosaur.

+ Systematics of Hypsilophodontidae and Basal Iguanodontia.

+ This is an overall increase of four or more times the volume of basal amniote brains.

+ Below the basal later is the papilla, then the dermis layers, below that is hypodermis also known as subcutaneous later which is the adipose location just above the vessels of lymph and veins and arteries, attaching to the muscles.

+ The inner layers are made up of the white matter, and the basal ganglia.

+ A phylogenetic analysis of “Aurornis” published in 2013 found that it belongs in the bird lineage, in a more basal position than “Archaeopteryx”.

+ The actual petals are reduced to staminodes with basal nectar glands.Each leaf of “Trollius laxus” consists of five three-lobed leaflets that spread horizontally from the tip of the petiole.

+ A basal troodontid from the early Cretaceous of China.

+ Its small size, and the small size of other basal deinonychosauria, suggests that small size came before flight in birds.

+ The long-snouted head is small in comparison with the rest of the body, as in basal ichthyosaurs such as “Mixosaurus” and “Cymbospondylus”.

+ Melanoma is less common than both basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, but it is the most serious — for example, in the UK there were over 11,700 new cases of melanoma in 2008, and over 2,000 deaths.

+ They are a basal group of dicotyledons.

+ As it is the most basal stegosaurian, it is placed in within its own family “Huayangosauridae”.

+ Like other stem tetrapods it has a series of lateral lines across the skull, and rows of teeth on the palate These are basal traits derived from its lobe-finned fish ancestors.

+ Although the survival cell stayed largely together, the force of the crash caused a basal skull fracture.

+ There is some evidence that the Protura are basal to all other hexapods, although the hexapods may be polyphyletic.

+ Fossils of the basal pelycosaur “Archaeothyris” and the basal diapsid “Petrolacosaurus” are also found in the same region of Nova Scotia, higher up, dated about 6 million years later.

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