“hide” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “hide”:

– His specialty was playing a gentleman drunk, who elegantly fell about the stage while trying to hide his condition.

– It is a stealthy type of software, typically malicious, designed to hide the existence of certain processes or programs from normal methods of detection.

– The theatre became a place to hide for the townspeople.

– In these places, women are there to hide or are running away from Abuseabusive or dangerous situations.

– This upsets Adina, but she attempts to hide her feelings.

– You can hide userboxes which utilize this forms of template-based userbox organization.

hide how to use?
hide how to use?

Example sentences of “hide”:

- The militias mass murdermassacred groups of Tutsis who were trying to hide in places like schools and churches.

- This meant they needed to destroy the camps, and also hide the corpses of their many victims.
- Some people wear wigs to hide the fact that they are bald, which means they have very little or no scalp hair.

– The militias mass murdermassacred groups of Tutsis who were trying to hide in places like schools and churches.

– This meant they needed to destroy the camps, and also hide the corpses of their many victims.

– Some people wear wigs to hide the fact that they are bald, which means they have very little or no scalp hair.

– Editors who try to hide their COIs are often exposed.

– Frank Gardiner went to Queensland to hide from the police after the Eugowra robbery.

– The Brontë sisters used pseudonyms to hide the fact that they based many of their characters on their neighbors.

– Sorry, I wasn’t clear about this–the code snippet/gadget actually re-enables the character palette; it is part of MediaWiki’s interface, but for some reason we decided to hide it by default in MediaWiki:Common.css, and display it on an opt-in basis.

– Oversighters can not only hide article version they also can hide usernames.

– Some early photographs of the band tried to hide this from music fans.

– For the next two days the men on Monte Basilio had to hide from Axis artillery fire.

– For this, Amaterasu, sad, angry and scared, went to hide inside Ama-no-Iwato, the “”heavenly rock cave””, so the Sun was hidden and the world became dark for a long time.

– It is said that this island was chosen by them to hide their treasures.

More in-sentence examples of “hide”:

– On April 5, 2006, McNair decided to create an escape pod and hide inside one of the mail bags in a pallet.

– This means they do not hide the fact that they are homosexual.

– Rootkits often hide in a operating system’s kernel, complicating removal.

– McNair managed to hide inside a building when police officers came in to recapture him.

– The costumes, decor, and machines did not hide in the least the emptiness of the dances.

– Ball can follow fishermans boat of go to hide if you use your torch.

– Just as how in the real world, Cloudclouds hide parts of the IT-related actions are provided “as a service”, allowing users to access these services through the Internet.

– Teams use camouflage, and choose locations where there is something for them to hide behind.

– This means that they could completely hide an edit to make it seem like it really isn’t there.

– It is not easy to see caracals in nature because they hide very well.

– One version of the origin of the pseudonym is that Gosset’s employer preferred staff to use pen names when publishing scientific papers, so he used the name “Student” to hide his identity.

– Pearl had to hide from the soldiers.

– When they realized they were going to lose World War II, the Nazis tried to destroy the death camps in order to hide the evidence of what they had done.

– Qui-Gon Jinn asks Jar Jar to tell them of a safe place to hide from the attacking droids.

– On May 13, 1865 Gilbert and Dunn went to hide at John Kelly’s house.

– During the mid-morning and mid evening they will bask on rocks or in trees, they hide underground during the night.

– And will hide all subheadings leaving only the main headings.

– It can be used to hide content if a previous change has been marked for deletion as an example.

– These organisms usually hide quiet and wait for prey to come within striking distance.

– To hide something both in book and in normal printing, please use class=”noprint” or.

– Stories about the American Revolution were first told by talking out loud instead of writing them down.Ray Raphael, “Founding Myths: Stories That Hide Our Patriotic Past” New York: New Press: Distributed by W.W.

– Rajeev Singh as Vikram Arun Rathi – Sooraj’s brother and Kanak’s uncle, he lied to his wife Meena about Pavan being his illegitimate child to hide their daughter’s misconduct from her.

– They might hide under a bed, under blankets, in a closet, in a basement, or anywhere else where they feel safe.

– The werewolves are real but can hide their ears and tail.

– They have to hide under the vehicles so the walkers do not see them.

– He wore a hat outside the studio to hide his hair.

– They hide this from George and Ken by pretending to be siblings.

– But Frederick III, Elector of Saxony thought that someone might kill him, so he faked a highway ambush and used this as a reason to hide Luther in one of his castles.

– This makes it easy to hide from predators and also to be able to find prey.

– I have been known to do a “poor mans oversight” from time to time where I hide the offending edit using the delete and restore method.

– Then they put a volleyball court over the mass graves to hide what happened.

– Page revisions can be hidden or removed from the public history so they can only be seen by other oversighters, stewards, and developers; users with oversight access can hide revisions so that only these users can see them.

– It is strongly recommended that they be displayed in the article, however the hide parameter is available if it is needed.

– Between the two lay the Shenandoah Valley, a natural corridor that could hide entire armies.

– Florizel arrives and tries to hide why he has come, but it gets revealed once Polixenes and Camillo also arrive.

– When the weather is dry, it finds a crack in the ground to hide in.

– The sender uses the key to hide the message.

– This will let us see edits faster for vandal fighting and you don’t “have to” hide it.

– An Garda Síochána also use unmarked patrol cars in their duties and use of such vehicles is increasing becoming a matter of cost rather than the need to hide the vehicles, as the amendments to the exterior of the vehicle such as LED strobes, Tetra aerials and bumper LEDs in particular are extremely visible.

– When Quickly says that Ford is coming they hide Falstaff behind a screen.

– However, the player must be careful to hide dead bodies or shoot when no one is watching, since dead bodies will alert other enemy soldiers and make them harder to hit.

– Pen names are used by authors, usually to hide identity.

– When you look at, you can choose if you want to see all the changes marked m for ‘minor’, or hide them.

– On April 14, 1975, Jumbo’s hide and many other museum pieces which could never be replaced were destroyed in a fire at Tufts.

– They may also hide under rocks or other objects.

– Some caterpillars attach small twigs or pieces of vegetation to the outside of their cocoon to hide it from predators.

– They forgot who they really are, because they hide behind masks.

– Unlike the tom, she covers up her business to hide her scent.

- On April 5, 2006, McNair decided to create an escape pod and hide inside one of the mail bags in a pallet.

- This means they do not hide the fact that they are homosexual.

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