“participate in” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “participate in”:

– Children from this town participate in little league baseball, ice hockey, and competitive swimming.

– You edit articles, participate in WP:RFDs, request WP:QDs, revert vandalism, and you are civil in discussions.

– They also study Musical Language, Orchestra, and participate in the choir.

– In 1995, after attending the Grammy Awards, Selena was asked to participate in the AIDS Project Los Angeles.

– A total of 79 teams from 54 of the 55 UEFA member associations participate in the 2020–21 UEFA Champions League.

participate in in sentences?
participate in in sentences?

Example sentences of “participate in”:

- She could not participate in social functions after that.

- Because he had already reached age 80, he was not eligible to participate in a conclave.
- She was most famous for saying that pornography hurts the women who participate in it and makes men who watch it believe harmful things about women.

– She could not participate in social functions after that.

– Because he had already reached age 80, he was not eligible to participate in a conclave.

– She was most famous for saying that pornography hurts the women who participate in it and makes men who watch it believe harmful things about women.

– The EBU confirmed that 39 countries will participate in 2021.

– Associate members either do not have a national body dedicated to the sport, or do not regularly participate in the international championships.

– BG: I also create articles, participate in discussions and revert vandalism, and I’m active in our GA areas and help clerk there mainly.

– Unlike the latter half of the previous season, in which the cast was divided into two groups following two separate storylines, Season Six features an alternate universe scenario which the producers call “flash-sideways” and almost all the main characters participate in both storylines.

– A catalyst may participate in many chemical reactions.

– What do you think please? If this particular company wouldn’t be a CEA member, and wouldn’t participate in CES 2013/4 as well as other prestigious exhibitions, I think I would have more difficulties to try to elucidate it’s notability, but thanks God, this company is indeed participating in the world’s most prestigious exhibition.

– I’m the first to admit that I’ve made mistakes in the past when I’ve let off-wiki emotions get the better of me, however I have learnt from these and can assure everyone of there not being a repeat! I’m also going to – voluntarily – not participate in any controversial actions or discussions for a while and will stick solely to non-controversial blocks/deletions/protects etc – I know that some people have raised concerns about this so I just want to address them.

– Fraternities and sororities often participate in community service.

– I do admit that I do tend to get a little caught up in things, but I really believe that, since the IamAR issue, I have learned to control my feelings and remove myself, or not even participate in discussions that I know will get me angry in.

More in-sentence examples of “participate in”:

- If they participate in other fighting, they are usually called partisans, and they can be tried for war crimes.

- With a filled outer valence shell, an inert atom is not able to acquire or lose an electron, and is therefore not able to participate in any chemical reactions.

– If they participate in other fighting, they are usually called partisans, and they can be tried for war crimes.

– With a filled outer valence shell, an inert atom is not able to acquire or lose an electron, and is therefore not able to participate in any chemical reactions.

– On January 17, following discussions between the two countries in Panmunjeom, it was confirmed that North Korea will participate in the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Pyeongchang.

– Most ethnic and religious communities participate in it.

– In the nations of Western Europe and the United States, the law permits people who have reached the legal age of adulthood to own, buy, sell, make, or participate in pornography.

– Although he was the first to participate in the competition of the cinema actress opened by Yıldız Magazine in 1953, he went to the military without translating the film.

– Dean, then Assistant Chief of Staff, recommended in his annual report to the Defense authority that a day be set aside by an act of the National Legislature to be styled and known as “Old Soldier Army Festival” a day on which units of the Liberian Armed Forces throughout the nation would assemble at their respective headquarters to jointly participate in field ceremonies of parades and other planned military exercises.

– In 1989, FIBA, international basketball’s governing body, allowed professional NBA players to participate in the Olympics for the first time.

– Barron, event occurs at 0.38 He stated that he enjoyed working on “Team Umizoomi” because it gave him the opportunity to participate in a show from its inception, which he had missed with “Blue’s Clues”.

– It is on the Festival days many people participate in this pooja to remove Dhosham like from their house.

– Due to Kara’s debut album “The First Blooming” being relatively unsuccessful, Seungyeon went on to participate in many variety shows from 2007 to early 2009 in order to keep Kara recognizable to the public.

– Forgive me but I see not one single indication of support for this as a GA, just a couple of people upset that it wasn’t promoted, including one who didn’t participate in the PGA at all.

– They should have supports and services to help them live independently at home and participate in their communities.

– Since 1992, it was decided that teams targeting athletes under the age of 23 will participate in the Olympics.

– Audience members participate in different ways in different kinds of art; some live performance events invite the audience to be part of the performance, while others allow only applause and criticism.

– People can also visit the Mandir at any time to pray and participate in the bhajans.

– In 1936, it was a part of the Popular Front and supported its social reforms, but refused to participate in the government.

– He had remained a controversial figure throughout his career, not only for his often shocking images, but also for his opposition to writers and artists who he feels participate in corruption or create only for money.

– It is on the Festival days many people participate in this pooja to remove Durdevadas from their house and get Lekshmi Devi’s blessings to their house.

– I edit here as an anon, and have done so for some time, but I don’t participate in discussion as such, so here I am under my username to discuss.

– I’ve edited Simple for a while, and now I just hang around and participate in discussion.

– One of the main factors contributing to the show’s popularity was that viewers are able to participate in the judging process by sending text messageSMSs with their mobile phones to vote for their favorite contestants.

– This pooja is held on the Festival time ie on the Third day of Festival, On that day girls above 18 came here and participate in this pooja to remove their Dhoshas on their marriage, and get married soon and also get good groom.

– The captain has to participate in the coin toss before the match and before a penalty shootout.

– However, she did participate in the challenge by cooking and serving food.

– She was presented with a trip to the United States to participate in the first-ever Miss Universe pageant.

– You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2021 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more.

– The party planned to participate in the next election on 17 March 2021.

– Fermilab continues to participate in the work in the LHC including serving as a Tier 1 site in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid.

– Both parents participate in incubation and chick rearing.

– This was the first time that women were allowed to participate in track and field events at the Olympics.

– I have been told that I should not participate in this vote – so you don’t have to worry about me swinging the vote in Ben’s favor.

– He then takes her to a party and forces her to participate in a sexual act with several people.

– Surely there is no real requirement for anybody to participate in an RfD for something like ; it can be closed all the same as long as there are no objections.

– It is expected that 16 teams will participate in this tournament.

– However, Ward later decided not to participate in the tour or continue participation in the band because of musical differences with “a couple of the other band members” and a concern about extended touring.

– At the same time, the two of them may force each other to participate in a show once per appointment.

– Even still, the car was not ready, as the team did not participate in the next race in Mexico.

– Beginning dancers can participate in Awa dance in niwaka-ren groups.

– Since 6th of October in 1860, it has been illegal to participate in homosexual acts.

– Competitors usually participate in ten different sporting events, including a 100-yard dash, run, obstacle course, Olympic weightliftingweightlifting, rowing, swimming.

– Due to the work of their coach coaches, became an important way to formation of many of Brazil’s best cyclists, male or female, forming teams representing the state and the country to participate in national championships, international and Olympic.

– In 2012, he came out of brief retirement by signing for non-league side Wembley F.C.Wembley to participate in the club’s FA Cup games alongside other retired veteran players.

– Will participate in the Main Competition of the Kazan International Festival of Muslim Cinema.

– Either 1/ allow extensions on voting so that the necessary changes can be made and those opposes hopefully changed to supports or 2/ only those who participate in phase one are allowed to participate in phase two.

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