Use the word “fit”

How to use in-sentence of “fit”:

+ It is so big that two or three Earths could fit inside it.

+ For example, when one finds something dirty or not fit to eat.

+ King thought this strike was a perfect fit for his Poor People’s Campaign.

+ Her piano accompanist can be heard trying to change the speed to fit in with her mistakes.

+ A precise fit is extremely important to the function of the limb, so typically molds are taken of a patient’s residual limb to ensure the fit is ideal.

Use the word fit
Use the word fit

Example sentences of “fit”:

+ In England, where this word comes from, it is used to mean a house that has one main storey, with a second, lower storey of bedrooms which fit under the roof upstairs.

+ KolibriOS can fit on a floppy disk and run on a Pentium with 8 MB of RAM.

+ A narrowboat is a particular type of canal boat, built to fit the narrow locks of the United Kingdom.

+ Compared to a modern ao dai, the front and back flaps were much broader and the fit looser and much shorter.

+ Some of them are so large that the Earth could fit inside of them, and a few are shaped like hands.

+ The generator is small enough to fit in a truck and needs only a small amount of electric power.

+ In England, where this word comes from, it is used to mean a house that has one main storey, with a second, lower storey of bedrooms which fit under the roof upstairs.

+ KolibriOS can fit on a floppy disk and run on a Pentium with 8 MB of RAM.
+ A narrowboat is a particular type of canal boat, built to fit the narrow locks of the United Kingdom.

+ I want to make it fit the whole page.

+ Timothy Aaron Pevey claimed that they had created “a figure whose desire was to fit into American culture as an American” which Pevey felt was an important aspect of the American personality.

+ Nurses work with doctors and other health care workers to make patients well and to keep them fit and healthy.

+ Such programs also fit more than one category.

More in-sentence examples of “fit”:

+ It was named so because it could fit in a “pocket” or saddlebag, when they rode along on the hunt.

+ It was designed to fit more passengers on the upper deck.

+ This is because models which depend linearly on their unknown parameters are easier to fit than models which are non-linearly related to their parameters.

+ His new American paper would not fit in his English binder so he cut off the ends of the paper and began folding them into different shapes.

+ His older brothers, Yangnyeong and Hyoryeong, thought they were not fit to be king and that it was their duty to make Sejong the king, even though he was younger than them.

+ This is the place for any templates that do not fit in any of the other categories.

+ As shown by the Einstein example, where a theory led the other way round, the model does not fit much of science.

+ Fans gave wrestlers nicknames that fit their physiques such as “the bear” or “the lion”.

+ With smoothing, a “smooth” function is constructed, that fit the data approximately.

+ His health broke down and he was not fit to sail until February 1807.

+ While the new diffuser was installed, the KERS would not fit the new car and both drivers raced without the device.

+ This packs in the large genomes of eukaryotes to fit inside cell nuclei.

+ There should be a minimum of three articles that would fit into the category before a new category is created.

+ It does not have any new additions, all of the errors were left in the game, and the graphics were shrank to fit the GBA screen size.

+ Ann Putnam threw her glove in a fit at her.

+ There are two parameters that can change this title when it is inappropriate: “recent” produces a “Most recent” cell, suitable for the latest awards and election candidacies, and “current” produces a “Current holder” cell, fit for holders of records and trophies.

+ Semiconductors can also be made very tiny and many of them can fit into a rather small circuit.

+ Throughout her career she made beautiful pieces of clothing to fit actors/actresses needs.

+ Up to 189 can fit into a 737-800 if it only has one class.

+ For any item too wide, or too wordy, to fit in a standard infobox, just place “” as the connection to the custom-coded notebox infobox.

+ Blue notes do not normally fit a scale, but they give the music a special feeling.

+ To keep their piece, pistols, and cutlass clean and fit for service.

+ The bridges at each end of the station across Punt Road and Swan Street were also rebuilt to fit the ten tracks.

+ The alphabet was borrowed from the Phoenician alphabet around the 10th century BC, with many changes to make it fit the Greek language.

+ In this view, a theory can always be made to fit with the available empirical data.

+ Therefore, with a 2px border—for example, as in —the width needs to be 95% for the table to fit within the screen.

+ Most other types of paints fit between these two.

+ It is smaller than most handhelds and is designed to fit inside coin pockets.

+ Due to the many differences that existed between Chinese and Japanese, the Chinese character system had to be changed to fit spoken Japanese, if it were to be understood by native Japanese speakers.

+ The camp could fit 2,000 people in it.

+ It had a stiff, crescent-shaped frame that fit over the head like a headband.

+ He noticed a motion in the stars that did not fit the accepted pattern of the time.

+ After seeing thousands of Armenians being killed and tortured while she was traveling from Istanbul to Haifa, anything that reminded her of Armenians would lead her into a fit of hysteria.

+ By the 1960s, the cost of building bigger atom smashers were too high to fund each individual campus, and the size of ring for the next circular accelerator would be too large to fit on an existing college campus.

+ These allow cats to pass their body through any space into which they can fit their heads.

+ A spruce seedling does not fit the definition of a tree, but all spruces are trees.

+ The violinist may need to look at the piano part sometimes to see how the violin and piano part fit together.

+ Certain virtual photons, specifically ones where the distance divided by the wavelength is a whole number, are the only ones that can fit in here; if it isn’t a whole number, eventually the peaks and troughs of the waves will coincide, and cancel it out.

+ Spartans saw little moral value in the concept of childbirth; unless the child was fit to become a Spartan, he would die.

+ The movie was shot digitally which allowed the cast and crew to fit into the small building.

+ She changed her name to fit in with the fashion of the time.

+ Usually, this is the best way to make a new page, because it means that right from the start, the page will be linked from at least one other place on the wiki If you are making a new page without making any link to it, you may need to ask yourself: Does this page really fit in with the topics already covered in the wiki? Also, how are you expecting visitors to find this page? Normally there is no reason to make a page without first making a red link to it.

+ A dancer may need to try on many pairs of pointe shoes before they find ones that fit correctly.

+ For example, on a scatter graph, people draw a line of best fit to show the direction of the correlation.

+ Most lines have different trains, although they fit into one of the two categories.

+ The effect of this would be to show a closer fit between their genetics and their environment.

+ It was named so because it could fit in a "pocket" or saddlebag, when they rode along on the hunt.

+ It was designed to fit more passengers on the upper deck.

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