“leftover” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “leftover”:

+ In the Edo era, he saved everything so he could make something from leftover rice.

+ Venetian construction workers invented terrazzo for use as a low cost flooring material using leftover marble chips from upscale jobs.

+ Sebaceous glands produce the oily, waxy substance called “sebum wax, and the leftover dead fat-producing cells.

+ Some people thought, that numen could have been a leftover of ealier animist religions which was incorporated into the Roman religion.

+ It stores leftover food to eat later.

+ Then the Witch’s army outnumbered very quickly, and she is soon killed by Aslan, while the leftover of the enemies either give themselves up or take to flight.

+ It is made from leftover yeast extract used for making beer.

leftover use in-sentences
leftover use in-sentences

Example sentences of “leftover”:

+ The mother then took the leftover sauce to flavour meats and everyone liked the dish.

+ While the United States was getting sugar, they decided to ask for the leftover material, or molasses.
+ The name "Station" was the result of a leftover editing typo, according to the movie's writers Chris Matheson Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon.

+ The mother then took the leftover sauce to flavour meats and everyone liked the dish.

+ While the United States was getting sugar, they decided to ask for the leftover material, or molasses.

+ The name “Station” was the result of a leftover editing typo, according to the movie’s writers Chris Matheson Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon.

+ New weapons, such as machine guns, and long-range artillery had an increased rate of fire that cut down huge numbers of soldiers during mass charges, a tactic leftover from older warfare.

+ For example, Bernard Lovell began radio astronomy at Jodrell Bank using leftover military radar equipment.

+ In 1996, Bachman’s “The Regulators” came out, with the publishers saying the book’s manuscript was found among Bachman’s leftover papers by his widow.

+ Asteroids are the leftover rock rock and other material from the formation of the Solar System.

+ The Arctic fox often trails the bears onto the ice to eat their leftover food.

+ The leftover gas mostly went to the gas giants also known as Jovian planets.

+ Near the end of the convention the question was turned over to a committee called the Committee of Eleven for leftover business.

+ Using a leftover Saturn V rocket, the giant rocket that sent men to the Moon, they created a space station that orbited above the Earth.

+ They also sometimes eat the leftover food from campsites or garbage dumps.

+ After the eight planets formed, large numbers of leftover protoplanets, asteroids, and comets pursued eccentric orbits throughout our system, bombarding the early Earth and the other planets and moons until approximately 3800 mya.

+ The leftover meal after pressing out the oil has also been found to be an effective pesticide.

+ Before this, Pikelny had played with Garrison in the band Leftover Salmon.

+ Mount Anak Krakatoa is a leftover piece of Mount Krakatoa, which erupted in 1883.

+ For example, the quotient of 17 ÷ 5 would be 3, whilst the remainder, the leftover of the division, would be 2.

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