“mat” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “mat”:

+ The move is uncommon and is a counter to the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker/tilt-a-whirl mat slam.

+ Undertaker also chokeslammed Mankind through the roof of the cell onto a thumbtack-covered mat in the same match.

+ There his sons Man Lun, Ma Tuang, Mang Son, Hang Vung and Mat Mang were born.

+ The hard cameras were placed in a different location and the ring mat had an ECW logo on it.

+ Below it is the image of a mosque with a mehrab that is facing Mecca with a prayer mat inside.

+ The mat of hyphae may be very thickly woven.

mat use in-sentences
mat use in-sentences

Example sentences of “mat”:

+ The wrestler then falls back to the mat on either their side or their front.

+ It is known as “Gate Night” in Trail, British Columbia, Winnipeg, Canada and as Mat Night in Quebec, Canada, always on the 30 October, the eve of Halloween.

+ In English, it is called the mat edge.

+ Common Arabic names for the prayer mat include “sajjāda” and “namazlık”.

+ A microbial mat is a multi-layered sheet of microorganisms, mainly bacteria and archaea.

+ If a mat of duckweed is maintained for the removal of the toxins, it also prevents the development of algae and controls the breeding of mosquitoes.

+ It was apparently named as such by the mainly Bajau locals to denote the blazing of the British administrative office in Pulau Gaya instigated by Mat Salleh, Today, all these names have been immortalised into names of streets or buildings around the city.

+ The “tatami” is complete when it is joined to the toko and the decoration on the mat edges are sewn.

+ The referee declared that both men had their shoulders on the mat for three seconds and ended the match in a draw.

+ Nik Mat died of prostate cancer in Kota Bharu, Malaysia at the age of 84.

+ Kwanzaa symbols include a decorative mat on which other symbols are placed, corn and other crops, a candle holder with seven candles, called a kinara, a communal cup for pouring libations, gifts, a poster of the seven principles, and a black, red, and green flag.

+ A chair thrust or guillotine shot is where a wrestler placing the top of a chair either under the opponent’s chin or by the Adam’s Apple, and while holding the chair with one hand and the back of the opponent’s head with another, the wrestler hits the mat with the legs of the folded chair while it is still placed under the opponent’s chin and at the same time forcing the opponent’s head down.

+ When the referee was knocked out, Shawn entered the ring and hit his finisher, Sweet Chin Music, on both JBL and Cena leaving them in the ring on the mat but with JBL’s arm on top of Cena, which is a type of pin.

+ The District of Mat is one of the thirty-six districts of Albania.

+ A mattress is a mat or pad, usually placed on top of a bed, where somebody sleeps or lies on.

+ An overhead kick is a move where a wrestler starts by either lying down or dropping down on the mat while the opponent standing near their head.

+ The chemosynthetic bacteria grow into a thick mat which attracts other organisms such as amphipods and copepods which graze upon the bacteria directly.

+ A sliding forearm smash is where a wrestler runs towards an opponent, does a slide across the mat and hits their opponent with a forearm smash.

+ Kane caught his brother running and delivered a chokeslam but lifted his shoulders off the mat before the three count could be made, putting him into a sleeper hold that Undertaker eventually fought out of with a flurry of punches.

+ The wrestler then falls back to the mat on either their side or their front.

+ It is known as "Gate Night" in Trail, British Columbia, Winnipeg, Canada and as Mat Night in Quebec, Canada, always on the 30 October, the eve of Halloween.

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