Sentence example of “in favor of”

How to use in-sentence of “in favor of”:

– It’s failure resulted in a sequel getting cancelled in favor of “Ghostbusters: Afterlife”.

– The sedative side effect of the drug made it increasingly unpopular, and it is now prescribed less for epilepsy, in favor of other drugs that do not have sedative effects.

– They can weigh from ; however, quality is not to be sacrificed in favor of size.

– On February 7, 2017, DeVos was confirmed by the Senate by a 51–50 margin, with Vice President of the United StatesVice President Mike Pence breaking the tie in favor of DeVos’s nomination; it was the first time a Vice President had done so for the appointment of a cabinet nominee.

– The point of view is clearly in favor of the protesters.

Sentence example of in favor of
Sentence example of in favor of

Example sentences of “in favor of”:

– This would make same-sex marriage legal again in California, however, Judge Walker issued a stay of execution, so that those in favor of Proposition 8 could legal appeal.

– He also spoke in favor of a collaboration of poor nations, especially those in Latin America.

– The stop-and-go, episodic character of classical ballet was avoided in favor of a fluid continuity from start to finish.

– But I have learned not anybody is in favor of the icons or of my choices, I guess.

– Both the West Bank settlers’ Yesha Council and the Palestinian leadership rejected the plan, arguing it is too biased in favor of Israel.

– Anyone in favor of option 1 and allowing fair-use images under a ‘image uploader” group vote for.

– In August 2004, the Human Rights Campaign – an important LGBT organization in favor of the bill – said it will only support the bill if it includes transgender people.

– Pedro I had to return to Portugal in order to rule over the country as an Emperor and this action made him abdicate from the Brazilian Throne in favor of his son.

– Apple has removed the flip-down hatch on the Late 2010 model in favor of open connection ports as on other Mac books.

– Oswiu made the decision in favor of the Roman practice, uniting Northumbria under one religion.

- This would make same-sex marriage legal again in California, however, Judge Walker issued a stay of execution, so that those in favor of Proposition 8 could legal appeal.

- He also spoke in favor of a collaboration of poor nations, especially those in Latin America.
- The stop-and-go, episodic character of classical ballet was avoided in favor of a fluid continuity from start to finish.

– The Anti-Federalist papers didn’t have the same influence as the Federalist Papers, who argued in favor of a constitution.

– The official result of the referendum was 94 percent in favor of independence.

– Rebecca has learned that she was cut out of her mother’s will in favor of a distant cousin.

– Caesar’s speeches in the senate were in favor of giving the newly conquered land to Pompey’s returned legions.

– As a doctor, he was in favor of using the Empiricismempirical method, instead of more medieval ideas about medicine.

– The universality of this code is generally regarded by biologists as definitive evidence in favor of the theory of universal common descent.

– NATO intervened in the war in favor of the rebels.

More in-sentence examples of “in favor of”:

- Most people were in favor of the iconic "Tulip" logo, designed by Saul Bass in 1973.

- Points in favor of this are: If we decide to follow and work out some prototype, this will occupy us for quite some time.
- The Beta version supports the newest linux kernel and is available both for i686 and amd64 architectures, though it drops the support to E17 in favor of E16, which, despite being older, is way more stable and well supported by modern distributions.

– Most people were in favor of the iconic “Tulip” logo, designed by Saul Bass in 1973.

– Points in favor of this are: If we decide to follow and work out some prototype, this will occupy us for quite some time.

– The Beta version supports the newest linux kernel and is available both for i686 and amd64 architectures, though it drops the support to E17 in favor of E16, which, despite being older, is way more stable and well supported by modern distributions.

– A state may not Discriminationdiscriminate against citizens of other states in favor of its own citizens.

– In 2014, a Chicago court ruled in favor of not building the skyscraper thus abandoning plans of it being constructed.

– In “The End of Evangelion” he appears first to weaken Unit 01’s AT field, so that Instrumentality can commence, he and Rei help Shinji choose the decision to reject Instrumentality in favor of individual thought and suffering pain.

– A veto may be overridden by the Legislature if there is a two-thirds majority in favor of overriding in each House.

– In 1978, the cards were dropped in favor of flipping panels which had the dollar value on one side and the clue on the other.

– Alternate ending is a term used to describe the ending of a story that was planned or debated but ultimately unused in favor of the actual ending.

– Einstein was in favor of the Hebrew University, as well as Zionism and education in general.

– People who are in favor of the bill say that the police and other law enforcers need to be able to go back and look at the records of IP addresses, because these addresses can change over time.

– During Del Mazo González’s campaign in 1981, the fifteen-year-old Peña Nieto had his first direct contact with Mexican politics: he began delivering campaign literature in favor of his relative, a memory Peña Nieto recalls as the turning point and start of his deep interest in politics.

– Henry argued in favor of the Two Penny Act.

– You can call this flag when using the template to have certain romanizations appear permanently in favor of certain regions.

– Physicist David Deutsch, though in favor of the many-worlds interpretation, states regarding quantum suicide that it would not work under the normal probability rules of quantum mechanics.

– The Court ruled in favor of Oregon.

– But, when in Portugal, Pedro I renounced the Portuguese Throne, in favor of his eldest daughter Dona Maria da Glória.

– The Seoul Central District Court in October 2009 ruled in favor of JYJ affirming their right to independently engage in entertainment activities and granted JYJ’s injunction suspending the JYJSM entertainment contract.

– A reduced instruction set computer offers less possible opcodes in favor of increasing speed for simple processes.The most popular example of a RISC instruction set was the PowerPC chip developed by Motorola and IBM that powered Macintosh computers for many years.

– Jacob argued that many of these prisoners could go free if the Court ruled in favor of Gideon.

– On May 15, 1967, the Supreme Court voted 81 in favor of the Gaults.

– Calvinism was popular as well for some time in Scandinavia, especially Sweden, but was rejected in favor of Lutheranism after the synod of Uppsala in 1593.

– Patrick Henry was the person who argued in favor of colonial rights in the case.

– Most soldiers who had Thompsons were very slow to give them up in favor of the less well-liked grease gun.

– Child’s interest in abolitionism and the publication in 1833 of her antislavery book, “An Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans Called Africans”, led to Child being socially shunned.

– There has been negative reaction to the new livery, many of whom were in favor of keeping the iconic “tulip” logo, designed by Saul Bass in 1973.

– Napoleon had no choice but to abdicate in favor of his son.

– All work must be in favor of the wellness of warriors and their families.

– Even though I would have preferred 250px, after over a week of discussion, consensus seems to be in favor of a compromise.

– BTW, sorry for this BIG argument in favor of WP:SCE, just wanted everyone to understand the purpose and reasoning behind this proposal.

– Miller voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

– By a vote of 5-4, the Court ruled in favor of Escobedo.

– I am in favor of splitting larger categories into male and female practitioners, but this split will not make much sense within our average category with the usual 10-15 entries.

– The match ended 2-1 in favor of Argentina.

– On May 4, 2017, the United States House of Representatives voted in favor of repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and passing the American Health Care Act with a narrow vote of 217 to 213, sending the bill to the Senate for a full majority vote.

– While many in the North were in favor of states determining their own course, when it came to slavery there was a considerable anti-slavery political faction at work in the North.

– She dropped out in favor of homeschooling because she needed to focus on her career.

– At the same time, Channel 11’s 40kW transmitter in Ortigas was decommissioned in favor of an upgraded 100kW transmitter facility purchased by GMA located at the GMA Tower of Power site in Brgy.

– In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, one Trump construction project was put on hold in favor of another.

– Illinois also argued that if the Court ruled in favor of Escobedo, the results for law enforcement could be terrible.

– Starr King spoke in favor of the Union.

– The purpose of the event is to move humanity toward “ending all war” in favor of “permanent peace.”.

– Supreme Court used Rogers’s testimony before a lower court in favor of fair-use television show recording.

– He was among the only native Hawaiian fishermen to speak in favor of a ban on fishing green sea turtles.

– Instead, it ruled in favor of states’ rights and the separation of powers between the states and the federal government.

– In Rudyard Kipling’s “The Village that Voted the Earth was Flat”, the main characters spread the rumor that a Parish Council meeting had voted in favor of a flat Earth.

– Microsoft Plus! was discontinued in favor of Windows Ultimate Extras in Windows Vista.

– People could not express themselves freely unless it was in favor of the Marcos family.

– In a speech on March 7, Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts spoke in favor of compromise.

– The senior male agnate descending from duke Ernest the Pious, in 1991, was prince Frederick-Alfred of Saxe-Meiningen, and thus technically succeeded then as titular duke of Saxe-Altenburg and head of the whole branch; but, because he renounced all his succession rights in favor of his uncle Bernhard, was him instead Frederick-Alfred the general heir of the line of Saxe-Meiningen.

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