“whites” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “whites”:

– Police officers and racist whites attacked the marchers with Club clubs and tear gas.

– They said that requiring whites and blacks to ride in separate trains did not harm blacks in any way.

– Shawnee Park allowed access only to whites from 1924 to 1954, although park officials and police had a de facto policy of not allowing blacks access to the park for some years prior to that.

– The All Whites then played Italy, and surprisingly also drew 1-1, taking all of New Zealand by surprise.

– Egg whites are used to help make a light, airy texture.

– Yellow discoloration of the skin and the whites of the eyes happens in all types of jaundice.

– The civil war between the Reds and the Whites started in 1917 and ended in 1923.

– The United States Department of Justice says that between 1980 and 2008, African Americans committed 52.5% of the murders in the United States; whites committed 45.3%; and Native Americans and Asians committed 2.2%.

whites - some sentence examples
whites – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “whites”:

- The Whites won the war.

- The largest groups are mixed Whites and Black and mixed Whites and Asians.

– The Whites won the war.

– The largest groups are mixed Whites and Black and mixed Whites and Asians.

– The Whites were led by the conservative-based Senate and supported by the German Imperial Army.

– When whites conquered America’s territory, they took their black African slaves to America to work.

– The matches consisted of 60 six-ball overs per team, played during the daytime in traditional form, with the players wearing cricket clothing and equipmentcricket whites and using red cricket balls.

– Brutal riots of angry whites against black people took place in 1866, in which 46 African Americans were killed.

– When egg whites are beaten, some of the hydrogen bonds in the protein break.

– Ghastly murders of whites by blacks would be met with retaliation and a split between racist and non-racist whites would yield whites‘ self-annihilation.

– The All whites have so much help by the fans, Ricki Herbert and Neil Emblen so I would like to celebrate them for all they have done and support.

– It is made of Almondbitter almonds, sugar and egg whites and topped with almonds.

More in-sentence examples of “whites”:

– From 1890 to 1910, all the states of the former Confederacy passed new constitutions and other laws that found new methods to get around the Fifteenth Amendment, such as poll tax poll taxes, residency rules, and literacy tests administered by white staff, sometimes with exemptions for whites via grandfather clauses.

– Although most people of the world are not white, thereby making whites a minority, this minority often holds power in society.

– Due to the Celtic heritage of many whites living in Appalachia, a series of prolonged violent engagements in late- nineteenth-century Kentucky and West Virginia were referred to commonly as feuds, a tendency that was partly due to the nineteenth-century popularity of William Shakespeare and Sir Walter Scott, authors who both wrote semihistorical accounts of blood feuds.

– The State of Louisiana passed a law saying that whites and blacks had to ride in different cars on trains, but required that the train cars be “equal.” Homer Plessy, who was one-eighth black was arrested for riding in a whites-only car.

– Many whites would not accept the new changes.

– They are called Black and Whites for their white paint and dark wood.

– Three seasons earlier, in the 2014/15 campaign, the Whites enjoyed a historic year in which the team captured five titles, including a ninth continental crown.

– The 1820 census records say that Shelby County contained 2,492 people at that time, 2,044 whites and 448 Africans.

– The double-round robin tournament is considered to give the most reliable final standings, since each player receives the same number of whites and blacks, and plays both white and black against each opponent.

– Sometimes whites were also lynched.

– Many businesses were for whites only.

– In the 2010 FIFA world cup, the All whites played in group F, along with Italy, Paraguay and Slovakia.

– DNA evidence shows the population separated from other great whites about 200,000 years ago.

– Truman de-segregated the military, allowing blacks and whites to fight together.

– In most of his paintings, there are deep whites and blacks which shows contrast between different parts of the work.

– Although considered a separate ethnicity from both whites and blacks, many Dominickers married into local white families, so that group boundaries blurred; some descendants still live in the area.

– He composed many famous pieces which were genuinely Cuban, as they drew on traditions of both whites and blacks.

– Others were killed by the Ku Klux Klan or other racist whites who wanted to terrorize black people.

– Music historians say the song, or at least part of it, is a criticism of Black military officers who were in league with Whites to oppress their own people.

– Students and other whites began rioting that evening, throwing rocks and then shooting guns at the U.S.

– One version uses the egg whites and has a meringue topping.

– For some time, he had been saying that racial tension between blacks and whites was growing and that blacks would soon rise up in rebellion in America’s cities.

– The egg whites are beaten to a soft peak meringue.

– Gluten-free bakers use xanthan gum instead of gluten to make bread dough or batter “sticky.” Packaged egg whites or egg substitutes contain xanthan gum to replace the fat and emulsifiers found in egg yolks.

– On one side, the minority rule government, led by Ian Smith, hoped to keep the whites in power.

- From 1890 to 1910, all the states of the former Confederacy passed new constitutions and other laws that found new methods to get around the Fifteenth Amendment, such as poll tax poll taxes, residency rules, and literacy tests administered by white staff, sometimes with exemptions for whites via grandfather clauses.

- Although most people of the world are not white, thereby making whites a minority, this minority often holds power in society.
- Due to the Celtic heritage of many whites living in Appalachia, a series of prolonged violent engagements in late- nineteenth-century Kentucky and West Virginia were referred to commonly as feuds, a tendency that was partly due to the nineteenth-century popularity of William Shakespeare and Sir Walter Scott, authors who both wrote semihistorical accounts of blood feuds.

– Because white people historically had more power, some people call racism against whites “reverse racism”.

– Many centuries later the Maroon populations became so large that the only way whites could travel would be in large armed groups.

– Non-hispanic whites accounted for about 60% of the U.S.

– Angel food cake needs the egg whites to be whipped until they are stiff, and carefully folded into the other ingredients.

– Since “Indians” and “blacks” had not been allowed to vote for decades, this meant that whites were the only people in South Africa who were allowed to vote.

– For a full light and fluffy omolette separate the egg whites and whisk to stiff peaks then fold in the yolks.

– Angelfood cakes are made by beating egg whites with sugar.

– When the Whites reached Yekaterinburg, the Imperial Family were gone.

– To that end, they began to pass local and state laws that said certain places were “For Whites Only” and others for “Colored”.

– It’s not true, but I challenge anyone to say it is not a goal worth working for..” Marshall believed that both blacks and whites should have equal rights but it was not happening in the United States.

– Their sense of smell is most accurate and great whites can detect a single drop of blood in ten billion drops of water.

– To decide otherwise would afford blacks a special status under the law that whites did not enjoy.

– Government workers, police, the Ku Klux Klan, and other racist whites used many strategies to attack the activists and black people who were trying to register to vote.

– The whites won the reds there.

– They were convinced whites were trying to take over their hunting grounds.

– The results in voter suppression were dramatic, as voter rolls fell: nearly all blacks, as well as tens of thousands of poor whites in Alabama and other states, Glenn Feldman, “The Disenfranchisement Myth: Poor Whites and Suffrage Restriction in Alabama”, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2004, pp.135ndash;136 were forced off the voter registration rolls and out of the political system, effectively excluding millions of people from representation.

– The movie challenged Griffith’s message by showing that whites were more likely to harm blacks than the other way around.

– Some of Birmingham’s whites were not happy with this agreement.

– Because blacks could not vote, they were powerless to prevent whites from segregating all aspects of Southern life.

– The Bradens and five other whites were charged with sedition.

– He measured them and attempted to compare the sizes of five different human racial groups, trying to prove that whites had the biggest brain sizes and therefore were the most intelligent.

– The egg whites and egg yolks are then “scrambled” or mixed together.

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