“sigma” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “sigma”:

+ Electrons are most likely to be removed in the following order: 1 lone pair electrons, 2 pi bond electrons, 3 sigma bond electrons.

+ The reaction is electrocyclic if the result is one pi bond becoming one sigma bond or one sigma bond becoming a pi bond.

+ The stars theta Leonis, iota Leonis, and sigma Leonis form the left hind leg of the lion, with sigma Leonis being the foot.

+ He played his first match on 23rd June 2005 against Sigma Olmütz and became the youngest international player for Dortmund.

+ In 1971, Hart was given extensive computer time by the operators of the Xerox Sigma V mainframe at the University of Illinois.

+ In the cartoon, there is a computer called Vector Sigma that can make new robots.

sigma in sentences?
sigma in sentences?

Example sentences of “sigma”:

+ Conjugation is the overlap of one p-orbital with another across a sigma bond that is in between.

+ Pi-bonds are more spread out bonds than the sigma bonds.

+ The orbital symmetry of the octatriene’s HOMO/LUMOhighest occupied molecular orbital requires for the end pi orbitals to move in opposite directions to form the correct symmetry found in the sigma bond.

+ He was educated at the University of Oregon and at Sigma Chi.

+ For a short time, she went to Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin, and Spring Hill College in Mobile, but then switched to Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans, where she became a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology in 1969.

+ In some cases of multiple bonds between two atoms, there is no sigma bond at all, only pi bonds.

+ The album contains “Portfolio, all of which were recorded at Philadelphia’s Sigma Sound with disco artist Tom Moulton as producer, in their full album length..

+ Pi bonds are usually weaker than sigma bonds.

+ This notation is in some ways similar to the Sigma notation of summation.

+ Conjugation is the overlap of one p-orbital with another across a sigma bond that is in between.

+ Pi-bonds are more spread out bonds than the sigma bonds.
+ The orbital symmetry of the octatriene's HOMO/LUMOhighest occupied molecular orbital requires for the end pi orbitals to move in opposite directions to form the correct symmetry found in the sigma bond.

+ A sigma bond is a type of chemical bond.

+ This is why a sigma bond is stronger.

+ For example, a man in the Kappa Sigma fraternity who goes to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette is part of the fraternity’s EX chapter.

+ The Frontier Molecular Orbital Theory predicts that the sigma bond in the ring will open in a way that the resulting p-orbitals will have the same symmetry as the HOMO of the product.

+ She was made an honorary member of the women’s society for academics whose work has really helped other people, “Delta Sigma Theta”.

+ He worked in a downtown Los Angeles store to make money, and joined the Sigma Chi fraternity.

+ If they are joined by a triple bond they have one sigma bond and two pi bonds.

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