“reward” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “reward”:

+ He did not reward many of his other supporters either.

+ As a reward for his bravery, the princess uses the power of the mallet to make him grow.

+ None of the Bielskis ever sought any praise or reward for their actions.

+ He did this partly to reward those people with more than a knighthood, without making them as important as a Baron.

+ The Victorian Government increased the reward for the Kelly Gang to £8,000.

reward use in-sentences
reward use in-sentences

Example sentences of “reward”:

+ According to the Quran and Hadith, Heaven is a place of reward for those believers who accept the true faith and practices the teaching of Prophet Muhammad.

+ This title was usually granted by a monarch to reward a subject for longtime faithful service or some very notable deeds.
+ In the guise of a friar the Sompnour promises to find Robin and claim the reward himself.

+ According to the Quran and Hadith, Heaven is a place of reward for those believers who accept the true faith and practices the teaching of Prophet Muhammad.

+ This title was usually granted by a monarch to reward a subject for longtime faithful service or some very notable deeds.

+ In the guise of a friar the Sompnour promises to find Robin and claim the reward himself.

+ This Barnstar was created to reward users who have worked hard to expand and maintain page within the jurisdiction of Project Paranormal.

+ O’ Doherty and his colleagues had found that humans process losses and gains in qualitatively different ways by using brain imaging technology and suggests the correlation between the magnitude of brain activation and the extent of reward and losses received.

+ Episode 11: Cindy won the reward challenge, and took Rafe with her on a reward of a feast, waterfall pool and massage.

+ After the killings, the government increased the reward to £1000.

+ British Gallantry Medals, p138 At this time, during the height of The Blitz, there was a desire to reward acts of civilian courage.

+ During a reward trip, player and future runner-up Colby Donaldson broke an Australian law by breaking off coral from the Great Barrier Reef which could have gave him a fine of AU$110,000.

+ According to this legend, the Bernese awarded the people from the nearby city of Fribourg the right to sell onions in the city in reward for their aid after a fire destroyed much of Bern in 1405.

+ The annual NRL honors reward the athletes having obtained excellent performances during the regular season.

+ A reward of £2000 was offered for them, dead or alive.

+ Every time something starts to be built or a task is started, it takes some time for the task to be completed, after the assignment or the construction is finished the player receives a reward XP points and money, sometimes also added new features to the game.

More in-sentence examples of “reward”:

+ The Order of Canada was set up in 1967 by Queen Elizabeth II, to reward service to Canada.

+ To claim a reward for killing a bushranger, the body had to be identified.

+ The Order of Canada was set up in 1967 by Queen Elizabeth II, to reward service to Canada.

+ To claim a reward for killing a bushranger, the body had to be identified.

+ The reward for the 1992 Royal Rumble was the WWF Championship.

+ In the next reward challenge, where family and loved ones of the players were brought to the islands, Jon had planned weeks before with his best friend to play the story of a “dead grandmother”, hoping to use it to gain sympathy.

+ King Philip II of SpainPhilip II was reported to have offered a reward of 20,000ducats,Cummins, John, “Francis Drake: The Lives of a Hero”, 1996, Palgrave Macmillan.

+ The next morning, Terry showed the now powerless Immunity Idol back at camp, and in a surprise Reward Challenge, he won a protein-enriched meal that would be useful for the last Immunity Challenge.

+ They also put a reward of £1000 for the capture of Ben Hall.

+ Since the value function isn’t given to the agent directly, it needs to come up with a good guess or estimate based on the reward it’s gotten so far.

+ Our Esperanza also awards the barnstar to reward other contributors.

+ It was only possible to reward people who held official positiions.

+ After a storm, the tribes went to a Reward Challenge and were shocked to learn that the tribes would be switched.

+ The Amercian FBI agency offered a USD 5 million reward for information leading to his capture.

+ Before to the second-to-last challenge, the players are usually given a small food reward for making it this far.

+ The police offered a reward of ₤500 for his capture.

+ Episode 3: At the Reward Challenge, Nakúm won pillows, blankets and a tarp before going on to win their fourth challenge in a row, the Immunity Challenge.

+ The final reward in the game is the “Ballonantic” reward which requires that the user pop every single white balloon in the game.

+ The Sims 2 used a reward system called Wants and Fears.

+ Usually they receive a signed copy of the image as a reward for posing.

+ But the reward clearly outweighed the risks.

+ The soldiers were reluctant at first, but decided to join Nana when he promised to double their pay and reward them with gold, if they were to destroy the British entrenchment.

+ During the fifth episode Reward Challenge, the Saboga tribe lost the award, and its members divided between the other two tribes.

+ If a father pays his son for washing the car, that is just a reward or payment.

+ The museum initially offered a reward of $5 million for information leading to the art’s recovery, but in 2017 this was temporarily doubled to $10 million, with an expiration date set to the end of the year.

+ Episode 2: Before the Reward Challenge, Blake had cramps and hyperventilation.

+ The Nazi regime offered a reward of 100,000 Reichsmarks to anyone who could help them catch Tuvia Bielski.

+ They were also told that their first reward challenge would be an walk to a campsite near some Mayan ruins.

+ Precisely because he averted this danger, the Japanese police orders Inspector Zenigata to reward Lupin III by giving him an official recognition.

+ La Mina won camping essentials and the power to choose which member of Casaya would be sent to Exile Island at the Reward Challenge.

+ Usual prizes will be small amount of money, simple reward like pen or cup, or entry in to competition to win something.

+ On 29 January 1796, a reward of five gallons of rum was offered by Governor John Hunter for his capture.

+ Each week at least one player is sent to Exile Island after the reward challenge, and will return at the immunity challenge.

+ To reward her for helping the Olympians, Zeus did not throw her in Tartarus, but let her be the guardian of the river Styx.

+ He wrote that he would give a one cent reward to anyone who brought the boy back to Franklin.

+ You can take jobs from bulletin board, get them from the mailbox or encounter them in story progression by completing a job the player then gets a reward afterwards.

+ To stop people from claiming a reward for their capture, Howe and Whitehead had made a promise to each other.

+ After more robberies, the government put a reward of £500 for the capture of Morgan.

+ A chosen player is sent to a small island away from the main tribe camps, usually for at least a day after a reward challenge and returning at the next immunity challenge.

+ Theodicy of Disprivilege refers to the belief of the promise that salvation may be granted as a reward for earthly poverty.

+ Before the Reward Challenge, Bruce, Aras and Shane returned from looking for food to find the rest of their tribe had let the fire go out.

+ Scalping was also done for money, when the scalper was given a certain amount of money as a reward for each scalp of the enemy they acquired.

+ He perfectly acquitted himself with some important commissions I gave him and appears to me entitled to every reward his situation can admit of.” -Lafayette.

+ The British state made him a Privy Councillor, as a reward for his public work.

+ Pass is the frequent-flyer program Peruvian Airlines created to reward the loyalty of our travelers with many benefits.

+ Then a Reward Challenge started.

+ Trenton was considered the most desirable post, and it went to the Hessian soldiers as a reward for their good service.

+ Osborn offered a reward of $2,000 for anyone who caught the Benders, but they were never found.

+ For example, after the Eureka Stockade rebellion in Ballarat, Victoria in 1854, the government offered a big reward of 400 pounds for the capture of the people who had started it.

+ WikiMedal for Janitorial Services is a medal with which to reward those doing good janitorial work.

+ At the Reward Challenge, the team of Bruce, Courtney, Sally, and Terry won videos from home, peanut butter jelly sandwiches, and ice-cold milk.

+ Each time an enemy is eliminated, a reward is generated that increases the player’s score.

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