“nubia” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “nubia”:

+ Over the next 500 years, it spread north, and all subsequent alphabets around the world have either descended from it or been inspired by one of its descendants, with the possible exception of the Meroitic scriptMeroitic alphabet, a 3rd century BCE adaptation of hieroglyphs in Nubia to the south of Egypt.

+ In November 2011 new galleries focusing on Egypt and Nubia were also unveiled.

+ This helped make Nubia part of the Egyptian empire.

+ The first of these was centered around Elephantine close to Egypt’s border with Nubia at the First Cataracts of the NileCataract – the area of modern-day Aswan.

+ Only Thoth could persuade her to return, so he went to Nubia and got her back.

+ Breasted p.27 With a civilian representative of the king living in Nubia itself, Nubia did not dare to revolt as often as it had.

+ It was one of six rock temples built in Nubia by RamessesII.

nubia - example sentences
nubia – example sentences

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