How to use in-sentence of “adaptive”

How to use in-sentence of “adaptive”:

– Transposons may have been co-opted by the Adaptive immune systemvertebrate immune system as a means of producing antibody diversity: The VJ recombination system operates by a mechanism similar to that of transposons.

– The surviving species adaptive radiationradiated and flourished throughout the Triassic perod.

– The adaptive radiation of teleost fish meant their new prey were fast swimming and highly evasive.

– Its odd shape was revealed by adaptive optics on the ESO 3.6m telescope at La Silla.

– Tip-tilt mirrors are effectively segmented adaptive optics mirrors having only one segment which can tip and tilt, rather than having an array of multiple segments which can tip and tilt independently.

How to use in-sentence of adaptive
How to use in-sentence of adaptive

Example sentences of “adaptive”:

– They are a vital part of the adaptive immune system.

– The trait arose a number of times in different groups during the Cenozoic, and in each instance was immediately followed by an adaptive radiation.

– Both innate and adaptive immunity depend on the ability of the immune system to distinguish between self and non-self molecules.

– This is one of the most complete evolutionary sequences of early mammalian adaptive radiationradiations after the K/T extinction event.

– These cells allow the adaptive immune system to mount faster and stronger attacks each time this pathogen is encountered.

– The adaptive unconscious is a set of unconscious mental processes influencing judgment and decision making.

– The Gruiform Adaptive radiationradiation in the Palaeocene and Eocene produced a large variety of medium to large-sized birds.

– Fossil bryozoans first appear in the early Ordovician and had a huge adaptive radiation.

– Later, after a new technology called adaptive optics was discovered, it was possible to see Pluto and Charon as separate disks using ground-based telescopes.

- They are a vital part of the adaptive immune system.

- The trait arose a number of times in different groups during the Cenozoic, and in each instance was immediately followed by an adaptive radiation.
- Both innate and adaptive immunity depend on the ability of the immune system to distinguish between self and non-self molecules.

– In contrast, the adaptive unconscious is thought to be involved in “high-level” cognition such as goal-setting as well.

– This relates to the chromaticitychromaticities of a single phosphor set, a given transfer curve, adaptive whitepoint, and viewing conditions.

– Speciation processes in the adaptive radiation of Hawaiian plants and animals.

– These adaptive traits may be structural, behavioural or physiological.

– Though less famous than the Cambrian explosion, the Ordovician featured an adaptive radiation, which was no less remarkable.

– In 2006, good measurements of the orbit from the Keck telescopesKeck Laser guide star adaptive optics system were reported.

– The adaptive immune system is switched on by the evolutionarily older innate immune system.

More in-sentence examples of “adaptive”:

– Once the amniotes were truly land animals, there followed a huge adaptive radiation.

– An antigen is a molecule expressed by a bacterium or virus that is recognized by the adaptive immune system as foreign which can stimulate the production of antibodies and combine specifically with them.

– The Permian was also a period of adaptive radiation in insects.

– This is called adaptive immunity, because it ‘remembers’ previous infections.

– Emotional intelligence in the context of adaptive personality: implications for counseling psychology.

– These terms refer to evolution above the species level, including such events as mass extinction, adaptive radiation, and the major transitions in evolution.

– Early versions of the PKCS standard used constructions, which were later found vulnerable to a practical adaptive chosen ciphertext attack.

– Vertebrates also have adaptive immunity.

– This adaptive radiation produced the first members of the main groups of animals, called phyla.

– The foreign source of the spacers was a sign to researchers that the CRISPR/cas system could have a role in adaptive immunity in bacteria.

– The cleidoic egg is a good example of an evolutionary innovation which permitted the invasion of a vast range of new habitats, and led to one of the greatest adaptive radiations in the history of the vertebrates.

– Polyphenic pigmentpigmentation is adaptive for species which reproduce several times a year.

– In February, 2006, a team of astronomers led by Franck Marchis measured accurately the orbit of the system using the Keck telescopesKeck Laser guide star adaptive optics system.

– The Adaptive Combat Rifle is a modular assault rifle, designed by Magpul Industries of Erie, Colorado, and known initially as the Masada.

– The Cambrian explosion or Cambrian Adaptive radiationradiation was the relatively rapid appearance of most major animal phyla around 530 million years ago in the fossil record.

– Vaccines are examples of antigens in an immunogenic form, which are intentionally administered to a recipient to induce the memory function of the adaptive immune system towards antigens of the pathogen invading that recipient.

– This rapid adaptive radiation happened to the reptiles on land, the fish in the seas, and a number of other groups, like the insects.

– The adaptive immune system is made of specialized cells and processes which kill pathogens or prevent their attack.

– Imaging the cool hypergiant NML Cygni’s dusty circumstellar envelope with adaptive optics.

– There are other animals and plants on the Hawaiian archipelago which have undergone similar, if less spectacular, adaptive radiations.

– For this setup, an analog joystick can be “self calibrated” just by leaving the joystick in the middle position and taking a measurement, and then using some arbitrary or adaptive threshold to detect movement and excursion from the middle position.

– Cryptosystems proven secure against adaptive chosen-ciphertext attacks include the Cramer-Shoup system and RSA-OAEP.

– The asteroid has an odd shape, as evidenced by adaptive optics images, the first of which were taken in December 2003, with the Keck telescope.

– An important point made by Reber is that “implicit learning is a fundamental ‘root’ process, one that lies at the very heart of the adaptive behavioral repertoire of every complex organism”.

– Ants became dominant after adaptive radiation at the beginning of the Cainozoic.

– The evidence for there being such a thing as the adaptive unconscious is a series of case studies which are hard to explain any other way.

- Once the amniotes were truly land animals, there followed a huge adaptive radiation.

- An antigen is a molecule expressed by a bacterium or virus that is recognized by the adaptive immune system as foreign which can stimulate the production of antibodies and combine specifically with them.
- The Permian was also a period of adaptive radiation in insects.

– This is a key part of the adaptive immune system, and the reference attached here summarizes the process.

– The discovery shows that some of the major groups of bird alive today had already adaptive radiationdiversified in the Cretaceous.

– The Maluridae are one of the many bird families to have evolved from a great adaptive radiation of what were crows to new ecological opportunities in Australasia.

– In 1942, he and Salvador Luria of Indiana University demonstrated that bacterial resistance to virus infection is caused by random mutation and not adaptive change.

– Earlier it was thought that NK cells play no role in the adaptive immune responses, but now it seems they do.

– The simplest form of adaptive optics is tip-tilt correction, which corresponds to correction of the tilts of the wavefront in two dimensions.

– Usually for animals memories that are made during times of stress and discomfort are important for adaptive values.

– In the long term, however, he has become known as a founder of idea of the adaptive unconscious.

– The adaptive immune system includes cells and systems that do require previous exposure to a pathogen.

– It first initiates an innate immune response, which then causes the activation of the adaptive immune response.

– Many of these became extinct during the Permian, but the remaining sharks underwent a second burst of adaptive radiation during the Jurassic, around which time the skates and rays first appeared.

– Tonegawa is best known for elucidating the genetic mechanism in the adaptive immune system.

– Its small obvious size has made it difficult to study visually; most telescopic data was quite limited until the arrival of the Hubble Space Telescope and large ground-based telescopes with adaptive optics.

– The adaptive immune response gives the vertebrate immune system the ability to recognize and remember specific pathogens.

– The adaptive radiation of birds in the Lower Cretaceous, teleosts in the Cretaceous, flowering plants in the Upper Cretaceous, mammals in the Eocene, moths in the Cretaceous are striking examples of macroevolution.

– CRISPR interference: RNA-directed adaptive immunity in bacteria and archaea.

– He is part of the Program of Sports and Adaptive Motor Activities.

– This older system is non-specific, whereas the adaptive system is tailored to specific targets.

– Molecular dating suggests that the family DeerCervidae originated and radiated in central Asia during the Late Odocoileini dispersed to North America during the Miocene/Pliocene boundary and underwent an adaptive radiation in South America after their Pliocene dispersal across the Isthmus of Panama.

– Whereas the innate immune system is found in all metazoa, the adaptive system is only found in vertebrates.

– Adapiformes adaptive radiationradiated throughout much of the northern continental mass, reaching as far south as northern Africa and tropical Asia.

– Pollination syndrome is the set of adaptive traits which help flowers to get pollinated.

– Research suggested that the chickens’s adaptive feather genes will soon die out and need to be preserved.

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