How to use in sentence of “reincarnation”

How to use in-sentence of “reincarnation”:

+ Corelli’s writings in particular seek to reconcile mystical beliefs such as reincarnation with Christianity, and Cayce may have been subconsciously trying to accept this idea.

+ Many Hindus, Jainists, Celtic pagans, Buddhists, and people who follow some African religions believe in reincarnation or rebirth/ transmigration.

+ A high school student living in Tokyo and the reincarnation of Kikyo.

+ Stevenson found that the best evidence supporting the belief in reincarnation comes from the cases of young children who, typically between the ages of 2 and 5, make statements about a previous life they claim to have had before being born.

+ Ian Stevenson found that the best research evidence supporting the belief in reincarnation comes from the cases of young children who, typically between the ages of 2 and 5, make statements about a previous life they claim to have had before being born.

+ Then Yama take the records out and decides where the soul will be set in the next life, according to the Reincarnation of Hinduism.

How to use in sentence of reincarnation
How to use in sentence of reincarnation

Example sentences of “reincarnation”:

+ Note that both Reincarnation and Metempsychosis “See Also” make reference to Zalmoxis article as related reading.

+ Many Chinese Buddhists believe he was a reincarnation of Maitreya, the person who will become the next Buddha after Gautama Buddha.

+ Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö says that he is the reincarnation of Tertön Sogyal, a teacher to the Thirteenth Dalai Lama.

+ It presents an overview of more than 40 years of reincarnation research at the University of Virginia into children’s reports of past life memories.

+ Stevenson saw reincarnation as the survival of the personality after death, although he never suggested a physical process by which a personality might survive death.

+ Ten years later, Goku meets and trains Boo’s human reincarnation Oob, to have him becoming the world’s protector.

+ The movie is about an Egyptian mummy that returns to life to stalk a woman who is the reincarnation of his lost love.

+ In Buddhism, Nirvana is the state of perfect peace free from reincarnation reached by not wanting more than you have.

+ However, Stevenson has never claimed that he had proved the existence of reincarnation, and cautiously referred to his cases as being “of the reincarnation type” or “suggestive of reincarnation“.

+ Druids are known to have practiced such as reincarnation as animals of worship, but such cannot be proved as what we know so far.

+ She is considered a reincarnation of the Buddha’s own mother.

+ Cayce also claimed while in a supposed trance that the Essenes had believed in reincarnation but that view was expunged from the Bible following a popepapal council decision in around 500 AD.

+ Note that both Reincarnation and Metempsychosis "See Also" make reference to Zalmoxis article as related reading.

+ Many Chinese Buddhists believe he was a reincarnation of Maitreya, the person who will become the next Buddha after Gautama Buddha.
+ Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö says that he is the reincarnation of Tertön Sogyal, a teacher to the Thirteenth Dalai Lama.

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