“acid” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “acid”:

– It is made by mixing sulfuric acid, iron sulfate, and an oxidizing agent like nitric acid or hydrogen peroxide together.

– He observed in 1849 that salts of tartaric acid collected from wine-making equipment could rotate plane polarized light, but that salts from other sources did not.

– Bismuth reacts with nitric acid to make bismuth sulfate and sulfur dioxide.

– The capsid encloses the nucleic acid of the virus.

– The sulfuric acid is reused in place of the sulfur trioxide to leach more zinc oxide.

– The concept of Lewis acid and Lewis base is one of acids and bases, which is independent of the idea of protons.

– Common replacements for oxygen are nitrates, iron, manganese, sulfates, sulfur, fumaric acid and carbon dioxide.

acid - sentence examples
acid – sentence examples

Example sentences of “acid”:

– Many foods have acid in them and are sour, like lemons and vinegar.

– They produce inactive lactic acid and are used mainly for making fermented vegetables, mashes, beer, and wort.

– It is toxic since it dissolves in stomach acid to make copper ions in solution, which can be absorbed.

– Because most molecules from living things change shape depending on how much acid is nearby, the binding buffer and elution buffer can make the ligand and target molecule change shape to hold on tighter or let go of each other.

– It is made by reacting arsenic trioxide with hydrofluoric acid or by reacting excess arsenic with fluorine.

– Every amino acid has at least one amino group, except proline.

– Jamiroquai are a British funk and acid jazz band.

- Many foods have acid in them and are sour, like lemons and vinegar.

- They produce inactive lactic acid and are used mainly for making fermented vegetables, mashes, beer, and wort.

– Pyruvic acid gives energy to cell.

– A DNA construct is an artificially constructed bit of nucleic acid which is going to be ‘transplanted’ into a target tissue or cell.

– Bismuth chloride can cause burns on skin because it makes hydrochloric acid when it reacts with water.

– It is made by reacting chromic acid and ammonium hydroxide.

– It can be made by oxidation of selenous acid with a strong oxidizing agent, such as potassium permanganate, chlorine, or bromine.

More in-sentence examples of “acid”:

- Uric acid is a pyrimidine derivative.

- This will cause acid rain, and organisms living in the water can get sick and die, because the water where they live has more acid.
- Nitric Acid is a very corrosive and toxic strong acid that can cause severe burns.

– Uric acid is a pyrimidine derivative.

– This will cause acid rain, and organisms living in the water can get sick and die, because the water where they live has more acid.

– Nitric Acid is a very corrosive and toxic strong acid that can cause severe burns.

– It began as a mix of Rock and rollrock, jazz, dub, soul, and some other elements including psychedelic rock, ambient, progressive rock, acid jazz and alternative hip hop.

– The longer the fatty acid tail length, the more energy the triglyceride has.

– Fluorapatite is more resistant to acid attack than is hydroxyapatite.

– It reacts with the acid to make carbon dioxide gas, which makes the bread rise.

– They react with water vapour in the atmosphere to become acid rain.

– A concentrated solution of nitric acid makes mercury nitrate.

– It is made by reacting telluric acid with sodium hydroxide.

– It is made by adding a strong acid to a telluride, such as sodium telluride.

– Weak acids such as acetic acid will react, but less quickly.

– A drier and cooler starter has less bacterial activity and more yeast growth, which results in the bacterial production of more acetic acid relative to lactic acid.

– Low acid levels in the stomach are also linked with Small bowel bacterial overgrowth syndromebacteria growing too much, which can stop the body taking in nutrients or vitamins.

– It is made by reacting mercury with concentrated nitric acid; dilute nitric acid would make mercury nitrate.

– Other cells make vinegar or lactic acid when they ferment sugar.

– It reacts with water to make antimony trioxide and hydrochloric acid or hydrogen chloride.

– It is made when nitric acid reacts with calcium phosphate.

– Per chance and with the badly equipped laboratory he had at that time, he discovered that in this distillery, two fermentations were taking place, a lactic acid one and an alcoholic one, both induced by microorganisms.

– Some GlcA residues are epimerized into iduronic acidL-iduronic acid ; the resulting disaccharide is then referred to as dermatan sulfate.

– Bromic acid cannot be found pure.

– Today water may be polluted by nitrates, phosphates, oil, acid rain, and debris such as sediment, fallen logs and so on.

– It makes hydrochloric acid fumes which irritate the nose.

– Applying Louis Pasteur’s advances in microbiology, Lister championed the use of carbolic acid as an antiseptic, so that it became the first widely used antiseptic in surgery.

– Chloric acid can decompose when warmed to make perchloric acid, chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and oxygen.

– A weak base forms a strong conjugate acid and a strong base forms a weaker conjugate acid.

– It can also be made by adding an acid to potassium chromate.

– Phosphoric acid is a white solid.

– A salt is also made when an acid and a base react together.

– It can also be made by reacting copper with a mixture of nitric acid and sulfuric acid.

– Conserved amino acid sequences are marked by strings of on the third line of the sequence alignment.

– They also do not produce gases that helps to make acid rain such as sulphur dioxide.

– Citric Acid contains 6 Carbon atoms, 8 Hydrogen atoms and 7 Oxygen atoms.

– These bacteria produce lactic acid in the milk culture, decreasing its pH and causing it to congeal.

– The reaction with water makes phosphorous acid and hydrogen iodide.

– Fossils from the Gogo Formation are preserved in limestone nodules, so dilute acetic acid is used to dissolve the surrounding limestone and reveal the fossil.

– It reacts with hot water to make sulfuric acid and a mercury oxysulfate that does not dissolve.

– Hydrogen selenide is the acid made from selenide ion.

– It reacts with hydrochloric acid to make chlorine and cobalt chloride.

– It can be made by reacting lead acetate with hydrobromic acid or any other bromide.

– Meanwhile, Charles Beckendorf charges straight ahead into the ant swarm as he tries to take back a huge bronze dragon’s head, but immediately is pinched in the leg and has acid spit on his face.

– It is used to make nitric acid by dissolving it in water.

– Fish and other animals cannot live in acid water.

– Shown below is an amino acid sequence alignment between two human zinc finger proteins.

– It also can be made by reacting zinc with hydrofluoric acid to make hydrogen and zinc fluoride.

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