Make sentence of “terms”

How to use in-sentence of “terms”:

+ Their use when clothing is stored out-of-season led to the colloquial usage of the terms mothballed and put into mothballs to refer to anything which is put into storage or whose operation is suspended.

+ He is the first person to hold two non-consecutive terms as Vice President of Indonesia.

+ CamelCase is used in some wikitextwiki markup languages for terms that should be automatically linked to other wiki pages.

+ Several terms are in use to describe the region of Australia and the nations of the Pacific Ocean.

+ The same terms are used for fish moving through water.

+ Since this time, the terms “entrant”, “constructor”, and “team” now mean the same thing.

+ He served as a legislator of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey for three terms between 1961 through 1996.

Make sentence of terms
Make sentence of terms

Example sentences of “terms”:

+ The weber may be defined in terms of Faraday’s law of inductionFaraday’s law, which relates a changing magnetic flux through a loop to the electric field around the loop.

+ Members of the People’s National Assembly are directly elected through proportional representation in multiple-member districts and serve terms lasting five years at a time.

+ In terms of a bus is enumerate from 0, hostname has as a rule ID 7.

+ The terms describe the focus of attraction with no need to credit a sex assignment or gender identity to the person.

+ It is the smallest county both in terms of area and population.

+ Related Greek terms are krinein.

+ He previously served two terms in the United States House of Representatives.

+ Super Bowl I was the only Super Bowl in history that was not a sellout in terms of attendance.

+ The nth Fibonacci number can be written in terms of the golden ratio.

+ In terms of religious practices, the population is overwhelmingly Muslim, mostly of the Sunni Islamic persuasion.

+ Forestle used the search services of Google until Google forbid them to do that after four days of service; the reasons was that Google and Forestle had a fight: it was not clear whether Forestle broke the terms of service fixed in the contract between them.

+ The weber may be defined in terms of Faraday's law of inductionFaraday's law, which relates a changing magnetic flux through a loop to the electric field around the loop.

+ Members of the People's National Assembly are directly elected through proportional representation in multiple-member districts and serve terms lasting five years at a time.

More in-sentence examples of “terms”:

+ She served for ten terms as member of the United States House of Representatives serving from 1975 to 1995..

+ In terms of the popular vote, Obama won 51.1% and Romney won 47.2%.
+ Bjorvatn was a member of Tvedestrand municipality council during the terms 1963ndash;1967 and 1967ndash;1971.

+ She served for ten terms as member of the United States House of Representatives serving from 1975 to 1995..

+ In terms of the popular vote, Obama won 51.1% and Romney won 47.2%.

+ Bjorvatn was a member of Tvedestrand municipality council during the terms 1963ndash;1967 and 1967ndash;1971.

+ They may do the same job on living organisms, in which case other terms are used to describe them.

+ Both of the terms “Merry-go-round” and “round about” came from the United Kingdom.

+ Males and females also often control how they are perceived in terms of masculinity or femininity.

+ In 1999, this university was subscribed to an agreement of association with the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ, it means a greater progress in terms of infrastructure, institutional development and extension and the open of new study plans.

+ He served two terms as the Governor of Mato Grosso do Sul.

+ Parmon has served five terms in the state House.

+ The German sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies described an early model of collectivism and individualism using the terms “Gemeinschaft”.

+ He claimed that his novel was accurate in terms of speech and style.

+ Most recent textbooks define it in terms of Ampèrian currents.

+ That tells you how difficult the text is in terms of either a an American school grade level, or b an artificial scale of 0% to 100%.

+ In Georgia the emancipation took place later, in 1864, and on much better terms for the nobles than in Russia.

+ Mansell remains the most successful British Formula One driver of all-time in terms of race wins with 31 victories, and is fourth overall on the Formula One race winners list behind Michael Schumacher, Alain Prost, and Ayrton Senna.

+ Marlboro are generally credited as being among the most important of sponsors to the world of Formula 1 in terms of the amount of financial backing given to various competitors.

+ They also should not be used for abusing the use of complex terms where simple terms are more suitable.

+ Before this, they were not limited as to how many terms they could serve.

+ As standard in Pakistani English, large values of rupees are counted in terms of thousands, lakh.

+ Other terms used to describe two people engaged in a relationship in which there is no emotional but only sexual involvement are “fuck buddies”, “friends with benefits”, “booty call”, and “ami calin”.

+ It is related to the templates, but offers more options in terms of the text string displayed.

+ In terms of spiritual development, Karma is about all that a person has done, is doing and will do.

+ Neither of these terms should be confused with semimonthly.

+ The 2018 Atlantic hurricane season was a near-normal season but above-average in terms of ACE and it had 15 named storms, 8 hurricanes, and 2 major hurricanes in which Tropical cyclonetropical cyclones were formed in the Northern Hemisphere at the Atlantic basin.

+ This is because it is a divergent series even though the terms of the series get smaller and go towards zero.

+ Napoleon demanded, from a highly superior position, peace terms in what was to be called the Peace of Tilsit.

+ Modern writers often think of Black’s role in more dynamic terms than merely trying to equalize.

+ Other times, the terms “bacterial flora” and “plant flora” are used separately.

+ Other terms for symmetric-key encryption are secret-key, single-key, shared-key, one-key and eventually private-key encryption.

+ According to the “New York Times” in 2013, the people of Ōkuma, like many other communities in Fukushima, are “starting to come to terms with a sobering realization: their old homes are probably lost forever, and they must start anew elsewhere.” Tabuchi, Hiroko.

+ Astronomers use such terms as: sub-giants, bright giants, red giants, yellow giants and blue giants.

+ The general rule should be: the most basic terms in every science should be covered.

+ The terms ‘nervous breakdown’ and ‘mental breakdown’ are not formally defined in a diagnostic system such as the DSM-IV or ICD-10.

+ In February 2017, Bennett’s child support case reopened in an attempt to work out child support terms and a parenting schedule as Bennett and Corley moved to separate residences.

+ A license agreement defines the terms for these payments.

+ Courts use various terms to identify the role of a particular party in Civil lawcivil litigation.

+ It is the world’s 22nd busiest airport in terms of passengers per year.

+ In general terms a Building Designer will create plans and designs that reflect the clients practical needs, personal style preferences and budget indications.

+ If the House of Lords vetoes a bill twice or delays a “public” Bill for more than one year then the House of Commons can force the Bill through under the terms of the Parliament Acts, unless it originated in the House of Lords.

+ At any rate, I just want to be clear that I flagged the page not out of spite, but because I thought it was questionable/borderline in terms of notability and should be reviewed.

+ He was reelected twice to serve the maximum of three terms from 1998 to 2004.

+ It has nine cantos and is exceptional in Bengali literature both in terms of style and content.

+ The film also received positive reviews, with some critics arguing that the sequel surpassed the original in terms of quality.

+ The unicameral Bangladeshi parliament is the House of the Nation or “Jatiya Sangsad”, whose 300 members are elected by popular vote from single territorial constituencies for five-year terms of office.

+ He was the last President of FR Yugoslavia from 2000 to 2003, and the prime minister of Serbia in two terms from 2004 to 2007 and from 2007 to 2008.

+ Modernization, Westernization, and especially Industrialization are other terms people have used when discussing economic development.

+ The quintessential succession box consists of three “cells”, which go from left to right in the same order that the three persons’ terms succeeded each other: the left cell names the predecessor, the middle one names the title of the subject and the years that mark their term in an office, and the right one names the successor.

+ The movie was successful in terms of earnings.

+ The Investigations Police of Chile In their functions, this institution is the first collaborator of the Public Ministry of Chile in terms of criminalistic Investigations.

+ He served as a deputy representative to the StortingNorwegian Parliament from Hordaland during the terms 1997ndash;2001 and 2001ndash;2005.

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