“bishopric” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “bishopric”:

– He decided to raise York from a bishopric to an archbishopric with Paulinus as the first Archbishop of York.N.

– The Latin influence in Dalmatia was increased and the Byzantine practices were further suppressed on the general synods of 1059-1060, 1066, 1075-1076 and on other local synods, notably by demoting the bishopric of Nin, installing the archbishoprics of Spalatum, and explicitly forbidding use of any liturgy other than Greek or Latin.

– The town of Brandenburg is less known than the state of Brandenburg: But the state is named after the town, and so is the medieval Bishopric of Brandenburg, the Margravate of Brandenburg.

– Not only with Brabant, but also with the County of Holland and the Bishopric of Utrecht.

– The Bishopric dates from 995, with the present cathedral being founded in AD 1093.

– Emperor Heinrich II was the founder of the Bishopric of Bamberg.

– When the bishopric was secularized in 1803, Eutin became part of the Duchy of Oldenburg.

– From 717, Liege was made the seat of a bishopric and became a cultural centre in the Middle Ages.

bishopric how to use?
bishopric how to use?

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