Sentence example of “shark”

How to use in-sentence of “shark”:

– The Silky shark is large, slim, and grows up to a maximum length of 3.3 metres.

– Most sharks are cold-blooded but some, like the great white shark and the mako shark are partially warm-blooded.

– Since the whitetip reef shark is often attracted to food, divers have been able to hand feed individuals.

– Garrick placed the Galapagos shark and the Dusky shark at the center of the “obscurus group”, one of two major groupings within “Carcharhinus”.

– The Sicklefin lemon shark is the larger of the two species, reaching a maximum length of 3.8 metres.

– Gibson co-starred with actor Lorenzo Lamas in the low-budget movie “Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus”.

– The shark was first put on the house on 9 August 1986.

Sentence example of shark
Sentence example of shark

Example sentences of “shark”:

– The whale shark has a unique “checkerboard” colour pattern of light spots and stripes on a dark background.

– The Goblin shark can be easily identified by its long, flattened snout.

– On August 2007, the shark was renovated by Buckley.

– This shark has a slim body, with a short, wide head, a blunt, flattened snout, and oval-shaped eyes.

– The silvertip shark may be confused with the grey reef shark, but the grey reef shark has dark tips on the pectoral fins and trailing edge of the caudal fin.

– The whitetip reef shark has a slim body, and has a short, wide head.

– There are four other species of hammerhead sharks which live in the same area as the smalleye hammerhead shark lives: the scoophead, the bonnethead, the great hammerhead shark and the scalloped hammerhead shark.

– The basking shark is usually seen swimming with its mouth wide open, taking in a continuous flow of water.

– The dorsal surface of the tiger shark is bluish-green to dark grey or black, and the belly is yellowish-white to pure white in colour.

- The whale shark has a unique "checkerboard" colour pattern of light spots and stripes on a dark background.

- The Goblin shark can be easily identified by its long, flattened snout.
- On August 2007, the shark was renovated by Buckley.

– The smalleye hammerhead shark is a small member of the hammerhead shark group, reaching up to the length of 1.5 meters long are more common.

– At least thirty species of shark can be found in the Irish Sea at different times.

– The basking shark is an extremely slow-growing species and may grow to 16–20 feet before becoming mature.

– The Goblin shark senses its prey with the help of electro-sensitive organs.

– The smalleye hammerhead shark is also known to eat swimming crabs, squid, and newborn scalloped hammerhead sharks.

– Like all other Hammerhead sharks, the winghead shark has a “hammer” on its head known as the “cephalofoil”.

More in-sentence examples of “shark”:

– The longfin mako shark has longer pectoral fins and larger eyes than the shortfin shark.

– They eat stray bits of food left by the shark and tiny shrimp-like parasites that live on the shark‘s skin.

– The strong, non-lunate caudal fin in most benthic zonebenthic shark species allows the shark to swim close to the seabed.

– The Nurse shark has nasoral grooves, but there is no perinasal groove.

– The Silky shark is also fished by recreational fishermen.

– The silvertip shark is caught by fisheries in Indonesia, Myanmar and the Philippines.

– The Galapagos shark is a species of CarcharhinidaeRequiem shark, in the order of Carcharhiniformes.

– The black spot under the tip of the snout makes this shark easy to differ from other shark species which are found in the same region.

– The whitetip reef shark is quite a small species of shark, growing to a maximum length of just under 7 feet.

– It is the most common shark of where it lives.

– The Bignose shark has a grey coloured body with no visible markings other than being white below and having pectoral fins which have black tips.

– The oceanic whitetip shark feeds mainly on bony fish, including lancetfish, oarfish, barracuda, Carangidaejacks, dolphinfish, marlin, tuna, mackerels, and threadfins.

– Reports show that the oceanic whitetip shark is usually found near the surface, swimming slowly with its pectoral fins spread widely.

– According to the International Shark Attack File, there have been only 10 unprovoked attacks by Lemon sharks, all occurring in Florida and the Caribbean.

– The shark then swims away to wait for the prey to bleed to death before going back to eat its body.

– Monster Shark or Devil Fish in english titles, is a 1984 Italian science fiction horror-comedy thriller action monster movie directed by Lamberto Bava.

– Off the southwest coast of the United Kingdom, in the northeast Atlantic, the basking shark feeds at the surface of coastal waters during the summer.

– Although the whale shark has no real predator, young Whale sharks have been found in the stomachs of Blue sharks and Blue marlin.

– Like most other Hammerhead sharks, the winghead shark is viviparous.

– The basking shark is a coastal-pelagic zonepelagic species, found throughout the world’s arctic and temperate waters.

– Tiger Shark biological profile.

– It kept the shark still for fifteen minutes, causing it to suffocate to death.

– Galapagos sharks do not reproduce until the age of 10 years, with the maximum known lifespan for a Galapagos shark being approximately 24 years.

– About 70% of all known shark species give birth to live young, with the gestation period lasting from 6 to 22 months.

– Slowest Greenland shark hunts sleeping prey.

– The shark can sense frequencies in the range of 25 to 50Hz.

– The Lemon shark does inhabit coastal waters which swimmers, surfers and divers commonly swim in.

– The Galapagos shark is a large species, reaching a maximum length of up to 12.1 feet, and weighing up to 86 kg.

– During the night, the whitetip reef shark becomes very active, and searches for prey along the bottom.

– The smalleye hammerhead shark is found along the eastern coast of South America, from Uruguay to Venezuela, but it is sometimes found further west than the Orinoco Delta southeast of Trinidad.

– The whitetip reef shark gets its name because of the white tips on its first dorsal fin and caudal fin.

– If other species of sharks are encountered by the oceanic whitetip shark during feeding activities, the whitetip becomes aggressive and dominates over them.

– The megamouth shark is one of the three giant filter feederfilter-feeding sharks in the sea.

– Although probably common, this species of shark is rarely seen and is therefore poorly known.

– Unlike most plankton-feeding vertebrates, the whale shark does not depend on slow forward motion to operate its filtration mechanism.

– The silvertip shark is slender with a long and broadly rounded snout.

– The Bull shark has been considered to be the culprit in the infamous series of five shark attacks in New Jersey in 1916 which resulted in four deaths over a 12-day period.

– The liver is high in squalene, a low-density hydrocarbon that helps the shark float and not sink.

– According to the International Shark Attack File, there have been four unprovoked attacks by this species on humans, with no deaths.

– The slim body, blunt snout, and tough skin helps the whitetip reef shark hunt successfully in these small spaces.

– This shark also feeds on octopuses and squid.

– There is a theory that the basking shark feeds on the surface when plankton is common, then sheds its gill rakers and hibernates in deeper water during winter.

– Every inch of tooth equals 10ft of shark length: so if a shark tooth is 2 inches long, the tooth came from a shark that was 20 ft long! Even more terrifying is that some of the “Megalodon” teeth are 6 inches long so that suggests a shark 60 feet long.

– In this area the whale shark is a protected species and its tourism has been managed through a controlled system, including the licensing of a limited number of operators tours.

– This shark is usually seen well offshore in deep water areas up to the depth of 152 metres.

– The tiger shark gets its name from the black spots and stripes which run the length of the body, like a tiger.

– As it stays motionless, it’s prey usually donesn’t notice it, giving the Nurse shark a chance to ambush it’s prey.

– The meaning of Surabaya is combination of “sura” meaning shark and “baya” meaning crocodile.

- The longfin mako shark has longer pectoral fins and larger eyes than the shortfin shark.

- They eat stray bits of food left by the shark and tiny shrimp-like parasites that live on the shark's skin.
- The strong, non-lunate caudal fin in most benthic zonebenthic shark species allows the shark to swim close to the seabed.

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