In sentence examples of “over and over”

How to use in-sentence of “over and over”:

– Storms with heavy rain began hitting the same locations over and over again.

– A symbol of the Order that is seen over and over has three crowns in it.

– Prayers can be said over and over again as in a Rosary or just once.

– Smoot was elected again in 1908 and continued to be elected over and over again until 1932.

– I would issue each subsequent block with a longer varied time depending if the user repeats the same thing over and over again.

– The advertising poster appears over and over again.

– A rechargeable battery, also called a storage battery or a secondary cell, is a battery that can be recharged over and over again with electricity.

In sentence examples of over and over
In sentence examples of over and over

Example sentences of “over and over”:

– When an IV drug user injects drugs into their veins over and over again, they can damage their veins.

– It will start to copy itself over and over again through mitosis.

– The small wool fibers are rolled into a bundle and stabbed over and over again, creating a firm texture that is called felt.

– Lee has stated in several interviews that she likes to experiment with different musical elements and doesn’t like “doing the same thing over and over again”.

– They can kill large sharks by ramming them over and over again with their snouts and heads.

– So, when people who ruminate think the same thoughts over and over GPT explains this as a way of finding another path to reach a goal, and says that they will stop ruminating when they reach this goal.

– This happens over and over again until one team successfully holds the point for three minutes in total.

– Crystals are regular arrays of atoms, meaning that the atoms are repeated over and over in all three dimensions.

– Sometimes users make mistakes, or need to do the same thing over and over without getting bored.

– Pretending to tea bag is a popular taunt in multiplayer first person shooter video games, the player who has killed the other crouches over and over on the dead body of their opponent.

– SPEEDY CLOSE AS DENIED: This is not a game you get to play over and over again until you get the result you want.

– On, or is done over and over again.

- When an IV drug user injects drugs into their veins over and over again, they can damage their veins.

- It will start to copy itself over and over again through mitosis.

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