Some example sentences of “disclose”

How to use in-sentence of “disclose”:

– To disclose too much of one’s inventions and achievements is one and the same thing as to give up the fruit of one’s ingenuity…

– In the United States, the new regulations strengthened the FDA, among other ways, by requiring applicants to prove efficacy and to disclose all side effects encountered in testing.

– While I had chosen to not disclose it in order to protect privacy and leave the past behind me, I do not believe that it was appropriate to do so in an RfA.

– Most countries have developed government rules that in exchange for requirements that the business operate in a certain manner and disclose their financial results in a certain manner, they are then allowed to borrow money using bonds and sell ownership using stock to the general public, and the general public is allowed to sell bonds and stock to other members of the public without being responsible for the operations and financial disclosures of the business.

– I know what is oversightable and I know how to not disclose confidential information.

– The movie is about a young woman who is sent to reform school after she refuses to disclose what she knows about a traffic accident in which a pedestrian was killed.

– Heisenberg created a math model that predicted the correct intensities for the bright-line spectrum of hydrogen, but without intending to do so he discovered that certain pairs of physical quantities disclose an unexpected uncertainty.

– I’m not removing Vinča culture because many examples were given where countries disclose their ancient inventions.

Some example sentences of disclose
Some example sentences of disclose

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