“discrimination” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “discrimination”:

– The Court held the Equal Protection Clause within the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States ConstitutionFourteenth Amendment prohibits discrimination by the state and local government, but it does not give the federal government the power to prohibit discrimination by private individuals and organizations.

– The Indian government today works to decrease this discrimination with the quotas set in government jobs in 1950.

– These amendments were intended to guarantee freedom to former slaves and to prevent discrimination in civil rights to former slaves and all citizens of the United States.

– The protest was to stop discrimination in local schools.

– Anti-Arab discrimination was also used in parts of Libya.

discrimination - some sentence examples
discrimination – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “discrimination”:

– In Article 1 that racial discrimination is: “any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.” ICERD, Article 1.1.

– Even in those countries where discrimination is unlawful, it still takes place for reasons not covered by the law.

– There was no discrimination on the basis of caste or class.

– A 1993 study commissioned by the United States Army investigated racial discrimination in the awarding of medals.

– Misandry includes violence or discrimination against men.

– Under its current Chief Executive, Ben Summerskill, it was closely involved in successful parliamentary campaigns to repeal Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988Local Government Act, through the Criminal Justice Act 2003; introduce the Civil Partnership Act 2004 giving gay and lesbian couples “civil union” almost the same as a civil marriage; and introduce the “2007 Sexual Orientation Regulations” under the Equality Act 2006, to stop discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation.

– Constantine I was the first to stop discrimination against Christians.

– Article 1 Discrimination against women means any distincting, excluding or limiting all kinds of the human rights and freedoms of women.

– Since the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, and especially since the Civil Rights Act of 1968 prohibited racial discrimination concerning the sale, rental, and financing of housing, the number of sundown towns has decreased.

- In Article 1 that racial discrimination is: "any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life." ICERD, Article 1.1.

- Even in those countries where discrimination is unlawful, it still takes place for reasons not covered by the law.
- There was no discrimination on the basis of caste or class.

– Almond says it has the same discrimination and bias as in the eighteenth century.

– She also worked at National Parliament for Japan to sign the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

– The people in that movement were fighting to end discrimination against a number of groups, not just blacks.

– Betrayal trauma makes a person fight, and also get into serious crimes for example, discrimination or bullying.

– Article 14 Abolishing discrimination in rural areas.

– It also gives Palestinians freedom from discrimination “because of race, gendersex, color, political views, or disability”.

– It fought to end race discrimination through lawsuits, education, and lobbying.

More in-sentence examples of “discrimination”:

– Article 12 Abolishing discrimination in the field of health care.

– Many Native Americans face problems with discrimination and racism.

– Racism, violence and discrimination were committed against mixed race, biracial, Southeast Asian and East Asian people in Canada.

– The Court ruled in a 6–3 decision by Justice Neil Gorsuch covering all three cases on June 15, 2020 that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity is also discrimination “because of sex” as prohibited by Title VII.

– During the investigation it was determined that one Veteran American Jew and Holocaust survivor, Tibor Rubin, had been the subject of discrimination due to his religion and should have received the Medal of Honor.

– The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women says that stereotyped gender role should be abolished.

– On May 4, 1995, Lawrence became the first city in Kansas that made discrimination against gay people illegal.

– Lilly Ledbetter, a production supervisor at a Goodyear Tire and Rubber CompanyGoodyear tire plant in Alabama, filed an equal-pay lawsuit seeking back pay for pay discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

– Her goal for this move was to fight against discrimination towards African-American soldiers and their families.

– In 1964, the Civil Rights Act banned discrimination based on race.

– But hate speech is an inciting of discrimination and sometimes a cause of bullying or hate crime and Article 7 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms that all are protected from such an inciting.

– The “LGBTQ+ Task Force” found that almost all nonbinary people have experienced discrimination at work.

– Some countries oppose some things in their culture, like discrimination or religion.

– Minority groups who face discrimination are also more likely to self-injure.

– As for transgender people, 44% agreed that they should have the same rights, 50% believed they should be protected from employment discrimination and 40% believed they should be allowed to change their legal gender.

– Countries must forbid all discrimination because of disability.

– After Alcorn died, many laws were made in order to stop discrimination against trans people.

– In some countries, there are laws that are made to protect disabled people from ableist discrimination and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities also prohibits such discriminations.

– There was discrimination against the Jumma people in employment, business and education.

– The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 is an Act of Congress about pay discrimination that was signed into law by President of the United StatesPresident Barack Obama on January 29, 2009.

– The ECHR has made many protocols, for example: protocol 2nd for right to education, 12th against all discrimination also by public authority and 13th for complete abolition of the death penalty.

– In “Batson” the court ruled that the defendant could make a “prima facie” case for purposeful racial discrimination in jury selection by relying on the record only in his own case.

– Raskin supports banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

– International laws, such as Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women or Yogyakarta Principles demand to abolish any kind of sexism.

– She fought discrimination to follow her dream of becoming a pilot.

– In some cases positive discrimination and political correctness have taken the situation to the opposite extreme, leading to accusations in the UK, USA and Australia of reverse racism, that is to say racism in favor, not against the ethnic minorities.

– When the people from the “Windrush” arrived at port, they were faced with discrimination and racism because of the colour of their skin.

– He also called for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which would make discrimination and segregation illegal.

– Many nonbinary people experience discrimination in their social lives, employmentworkplace, legal system.

– African Americans tried to fight back against discrimination in many ways.

– Title II protects against discrimination in all activities of state and local governments.

– Countries must admit the right of person with disabilities to work in just, good, safe and healthy condition and do policy that forbid all discrimination and disability bullyingbullying because of disability, and further must promote chance for person with disabilities to do self-work, entrepreneur and start one’s own business.

– This Supreme Court decision that helped to dismantle racial segregation, and also the basis for many other decisions rejecting discrimination against people belonging to various groups.

– Pirzada was a member of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities and served as Chairman from 1977 to 1978.

– This Declaration aims at full realization of all human rights and freedoms without any discrimination such as racism, xenophobia, being in immigration, migrant workers, indigenous, ethnic groupethnic or disabilities.

– Successful strategies to prevent homophobic prejudice and bullying in schools have included teaching students about historical figures who were gay, or who suffered discrimination because of their sexuality.

– However, Goolagong has said that she did not experience discrimination whilst living at Barellan.

– She saw a lot of discrimination against Aboriginal people when she worked in hospitals.

– She was the Australian Human Rights Commission#Age Discrimination CommissionerAge Discrimination Commissioner from 2011 to 2016, within the Australian Human Rights Commission.

– In the Bob HawkeHawke Goverment, she served as the first Sex Discrimination Commissioner from 1984 to 1988.

– Gay pride, or LGBT pride, is a positive stand against hatred, discrimination or violence toward lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

– Laws against such discrimination have been made in several countries.

– They may prevent against discrimination based on race, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and disability.

– The Court’s reasoning was the Fourteenth Amendment prohibited discrimination by states not by individuals.

– In the National Transgender Discrimination Survey 19% had become homeless at some time in their lives because they were transgender.

– The goal of this Declaration is to tell about violence and discrimination against LGBT people and to insist that LGBT have the same rights as other members of society, including care and prevention of AIDS, same-sex marriage and health caremedical care to transgender and their permission on gender status by the law.

– Untouchability, is an ancient form of discrimination based upon caste.

- Article 12 Abolishing discrimination in the field of health care.

- Many Native Americans face problems with discrimination and racism.
- Racism, violence and discrimination were committed against mixed race, biracial, Southeast Asian and East Asian people in Canada.

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