“fresh water” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “fresh water”:

+ Saint Louis County has one of the most important fresh water ports in the United States, located in Duluth on Lake Superior.

+ Around the year 2000, the lake was filled up with fresh water and surrounded by various flora and fauna.

+ This means they spawn in fresh water and migrate to salt water to mature.

+ The Kara receives a large amount of fresh water from the Ob RiverOb, Pyasina, and Taimyra rivers, so its salinity is very variable.

+ Three species live in fresh water rivers.

+ Around 90% of the fresh water on the Earth’s surface is held in this ice sheet.

fresh water - example sentences
fresh water – example sentences

Example sentences of “fresh water”:

+ It is a fresh water lake.

+ Phoksundo Lake is a fresh water lake in Nepal.

+ The infection is commonly transmitted to humans by allowing fresh water that has been contaminated by animal urine to come in contact with the skin, eyes or with the mucous membranes.

+ They breed near fresh water across most of Canada and the United States.

+ These give fresh water to the people.

+ Most citycities that are not close to fresh water lakes or rivers get their water from wells.

+ Most of the world’s fresh water is in the Ice sheetice sheet of Antarctica.

+ All of South Florida’s fresh water are kept in the Biscayne Aquifer.

+ The major feature of this region is the fresh water lake.

+ There are hundreds of rivers and thousands of fresh water lakes.

+ It is a fresh water lake.

+ Phoksundo Lake is a fresh water lake in Nepal.
+ The infection is commonly transmitted to humans by allowing fresh water that has been contaminated by animal urine to come in contact with the skin, eyes or with the mucous membranes.

More in-sentence examples of “fresh water”:

+ Lake Peipus is a large fresh water lake.

+ They live in fresh water in lakes and rivers, and in salt water in the ocean.

+ This fish likes to live in fresh water but can live in water that has some salt.

+ When Lake Eyre is full, the water is almost fresh and native fresh water fish can live in it.

+ He went with two ships up the coast and sailed into a great harbor which he said was “the finest harbor in the world!” There were many small bays on the harbor so he decided on one which had a good stream of fresh water and some flat shore to land on.

+ It also borders four of the Great Lakes, which are some of the largest reservoirs of fresh water in the world.

+ It can also provide power for supplying the fresh water and sewerage services needed to reduce infectious disease.

+ Salt water and fresh water do not affect tin.

+ The move from the sea to fresh water probably occurred by the Pennsylvanian period.

+ This has damaged houses and put salt into the fresh water supplies.

+ The energy required for delivery and treatment of fresh water often constitutes a significant percentage of a region’s electricity and natural gas usage an estimated 20% of California’s total energy use is water-related.

+ Like much of the Abbottabad area it is a very beautiful place, with fresh water streams running down from the hills and mountains.

+ Where rivers meet the sea and fresh water mixes with salt water, the mixture is called brackish water.

+ Others, such as “Cladophora”, “Rhizoclonium” and “Pithophora” live in fresh water and in some areas are considered weeds.

+ The Pleurodira, now found only in fresh water environments in the Southern hemisphere, contract their necks to the side.

+ The Gulf Stream could have been interrupted by the introduction of a large amount of fresh water to the North Atlantic, possibly caused by a period of warming before the little ice age.

+ They drink from the fresh water streams and rivers in the mountain.

+ Kraits need to drink fresh water and regularly come onto land for that purpose.

+ Algal blooms may occur in fresh water as well as salt water.

+ The fresh water from the melting ice makes up a water layer on top of the sea water.

+ Lake Tahoe or Tahoe is a fresh water lake in the Sierra Nevada.

+ They can be found in both fresh water and oceanmarine streams.

+ The West Lake is a famous fresh water historic lake in the center in Hangzhou.

+ In the crater there is a natural lake, one of only three bodies of fresh water on the island.

+ There are limited natural fresh water resources on Nauru.

+ Lake Peipus is a large fresh water lake.

+ They live in fresh water in lakes and rivers, and in salt water in the ocean.
+ This fish likes to live in fresh water but can live in water that has some salt.

+ In 1187, Saladin defeated the armies of the Crusades at the Battle of Hattin, mainly because he cut the Crusaders off from the valuable fresh water of the Sea of Galilee.

+ They had stopped at an island to restock fresh water and supplies.

+ However, the places where oysters grow have been hurt by recent hurricanes, higher than usual amounts of fresh water coming down the rivers and also the Gulf oil spill.

+ The largemouth bass is a very popular fresh water game fish.

+ The 608 projects Peña Nieto proposed consisted of creating highways, building hospitals, and creating adequate water systems to provide fresh water throughout the state.

+ It is Africa’s largest lake, and the second largest fresh water lake in the world.

+ Wular Lake is one of the largest fresh water lakes in Asia.

+ Then fresh water is added and the mixture again boiled 2 or 3 hours.

+ People and animals need fresh water to drink, so they often live by the side of a river.

+ Some sailors sailing with Christopher Columbus named Navassa in 1504, because no fresh water could be found there.

+ All together, by volume, they are the largest group of fresh water lakes in the world.

+ Most trouts are fresh water fish.

+ It takes water from this aquifer, about 2.4km of fresh water for drinking and agriculture each year.

+ Many kinds of snails can also be found in fresh water habitats.

+ There is lot of fresh water in this region.

+ The only source of fresh water in Bermuda is rainfall.

+ It was probably an anadromous fish, meaning it lived most of its life in the sea but swam to fresh water to spawn.

+ They are fresh water animals which move in a smooth wave-like manner.

+ Sasthamkotta Lake is the largest fresh water lake in Kerala.

+ Most are Oceanmarine plankton, but they are common in fresh water habitats as well.

+ But a lack of fresh water at William’s Town meant that it became necessary to change the city centre to the inland site of Melbourne.

+ It is the biggest fresh water reservoir in the world.

+ The most common sources of protein are chicken, eggs and fresh water fish.

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