Make sentence of “structural”

How to use in-sentence of “structural”:

– With a roadway only wide, and with serious structural weaknesses, the bridge was ill-equipped to cope with motor traffic.

– In botany and ecology a shrub is more specifically used to describe the particular physical structural or plant life-form of woody plants which are less than 8 meters high and usually have many stems arising at or near the base.

– Applications range from structural elements such as steel-reinforced concrete, to the Thermal insulationthermally insulative tiles which play a key and integral role in National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Space Shuttle thermal protection system which is used to protect the surface of the shuttle from the heat of re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.

– It undergoes some structural re-arrangements, such as nucleosome sliding and DNA site exposure.

– There is a world-wide industry making plywood for structural purposes.

Make sentence of structural
Make sentence of structural

Example sentences of “structural”:

- It is not generally considered a structural element, as it does not hold anything up.

- Wind engineering needs information from meteorology, fluid dynamics, mechanics, and a number of special engineering disciplines including aerodynamics, and structural dynamics.

– It is not generally considered a structural element, as it does not hold anything up.

– Wind engineering needs information from meteorology, fluid dynamics, mechanics, and a number of special engineering disciplines including aerodynamics, and structural dynamics.

– The spoil heaps of coal mines are the best places to collect; coal itself is the remains of fossilised plants, though structural detail of the plant fossils is rarely visible in coal.

– Engineered lumber is lumber created by a manufacturer and designed for a certain structural purpose.

– Abstraction requires selective use of this structural split of abilities in the psyche.

– It was the first tall building to use structural steel in its frame.

– Proteins can perform many functions like transportation, structural support, movement and metabolism.

– About 28 structural classes of alkaloids are known in poison frogs.

– Informal fallacies are arguments that are fallacious for reasons other than structural flaws.

– The Stonehenge of Manipur, originally known as the Willong Khullen Megalith, is an ancient pre-historic megalith structural monument in the northern mountains of Manipur.

– While some chemists use the terms structural isomer and functional isomer interchangeably, not all structural isomers are functional isomers.

– The deformation can lead to a permanent shape change or structural failure if the material is not strong enough.

– He won the award “for their discoveries concerning the structural and functional organization of the cell”.

– In simple terms, functional isomers are structural isomers that have different functional groups like alcohol and ether.

– He was the director of the Central Research Institute of Structural Materials.

– Four structural concepts are central to any definition of bureaucracy: a well-defined division of administrative labor among persons and offices, a personnel system with consistent patterns of recruitment and stable linear careers, a hierarchy among offices, such that the authority and status are distributed among actors, and formal and informal networks that connect organizational actors to one another through flows of information and patterns of cooperation.

– The other main structural axis of plants is the root.

– Much of the structure was in need of stabilization and repair as evidenced by the structural cracks in the walls and ceilings.

More in-sentence examples of “structural”:

– An aerostat’s main structural component is its envelope, a lightweight skin containing a lifting gas to provide floating, to which other parts are attached.

– Roger is Professor of Structural Biology at Stanford University, and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2006.

– A recent research project of the Leiden-based Research School CNWS on the topic concerns the relation between Gbe and SurinamSurinamese creole languages: “A trans-Atlantic Sprachbund? The structural relationship between the Gbe-languages of West Africa and the Surinamese creole languages”.

– The beginning of structural complexity in the universe caused a remarkable transformation, but one that we have not yet looked into.

– For example, both Structural Classification of ProteinsSCOP and CATH put structures into groups organized by type of structure and ideas about how they are related through evolution.

– English scientists Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton were the first who observed structural coloration.

– An additional two structural isomers are the enol tautomers of the carbonyl isomers, but these are not stable.

– This allows experimenters to more easily measure short-range features such as structural geometry, bond rotation potentials, and steric interactions between near-neighboring groups.

– These features are structural and visual.

– Vibration isolation is a system of devices to decouple a mechanical or structural object from its vibrating supports.

– Stereoisomers have different positions of atoms in space and are much more subtle than structural isomers.

– The investigation found that during the calculation of the building’s structural load, only the LIVE LOAD was factored in.

– As a group they have more structural genomic diversity than plants, animals, archaea, or bacteria.

– Histones are proteins found in eukaryoteeukaryotic cell nuclei, which package the DNA into structural units called nucleosomes.

– The PDB is useful for scientists studying structural biology and structural genomics.

– He worked in the design of structural steel and concrete construction.

– In other words, isomers are compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formula.

– Recurrent infections may be caused by inefficient urination, prostatic stones or a structural abnormality that acts as a reservoir for infection.

– Six days before the launch, the sculpture suffered the first of three visible structural problems.

– The two leaves of the cavity wall may be of equal thickness if it a non-load-bearing wall or the internal leaf may be thicker than the external leaf, to meet the structural requirements.

– He came up with structural anthropology, which is the idea that people think about the world in terms of opposites—such as high and low, inside and outside, life and death—and that every culture can be understood in terms of these opposites.

– It would also give simple: the benefit of the extensive LoPbN structural innovations over about the last 3 years, which make the entries much more accessible and IMO more likely to be used.

– Many of his syntheses involved forcing a molecule into a certain configuration by installing rigid structural elements in it, another tactic that has become standard today.

– The stringers are placed on top of the completed structural frame, and large pieces of wood are placed on top of the stringers to provide a roadbed.

– Together they form a structural totality of the differentiating abstraction process.

– The effect of structural adjustment policies on poor countries has been one of the most important criticisms of the World Bank.

- An aerostat's main structural component is its envelope, a lightweight skin containing a lifting gas to provide floating, to which other parts are attached.

- Roger is Professor of Structural Biology at Stanford University, and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2006.

– A Structural pipe fitting, also known as a slip on pipe fitting, clamp or pipe clamp is used to build structures such as handrails, guardrails, and other types of pipe or tubular structure.

– The oxygen equilibrium of hemoglobin and its structural interpretation.

– Chondroitin sulfate is a major component of extracellular matrix, and is important in maintaining the structural integrity of tissue.

– Many of these projects use catenary curves in their structural designs.

– Besides, it may also cover design of machinery, medical equipment, vehicles or any other objects where structural functionality or safety are involved.

– They built a new DFV powered car with structural fuel tanks, even though it would only be able to be used for a single season.

– In structural engineering including earthquake engineering, vibrations may be bad.

– These errors create large structural changes in DNA sequence—duplications, inversions or deletions of entire regions, or the accidental exchanging of whole parts between different chromosomes.

– Numerical “step-by-step integration”, applied with the “charts of seismic performance”, seems to be a more effective method of analysis for multi-degree-of-freedom structural systems at severe process of earthquake excitation.

– The bridge was designed by the Spanish peopleSpanish architect and structural engineer Santiago Calatrava.

– A piece of structural wood projecting in the same way was called a “tassel” or a “bragger” in the UK.

– Entry-level structural engineers may design individual structural elements of a structure, for example, Beam beams, columns, and floors of a building.

– Cellulose is the structural material that holds up all plants.

– Cosworth’s EA racing version was not successful due to engine block structural failures.

– Alexandre Gustave Eiffel was a French peopleFrench structural engineer and architect.

– About 10% are pests which can cause serious structural damage to buildings, crops or plantation forests.

– These programmes studied the analogies between topological defects in the early universe and similar structural defects in liquids and solids, which may be studied in the laboratory.

– He was also Professor of Structural Calculations at Barcelona’s Technical School of Architecture in the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

– The viral envelope is made up of a lipid bilayer in which the membrane structural proteins are anchored.

– He was known for varying his style according to the demands of the project: simple, sweeping, arching structural curves or machine-like rationalism.Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen and Donald Albrecht, “Eero Saarinen.

– Suffixes in this category indicates the directionality, position or structural variation.

– Common examples include Protein Data Bank, Cambridge Structural Database, and.

– Architecture often overlaps with structural engineering, and architects and engineers often work together.

– In botany it means the main structural member of a tree that is directly connected to the roots and which supports the branches.

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