Example uses in sentence of “prelude”

How to use in-sentence of “prelude”:

+ Many times a composer would add a Prelude before all the dances.

+ For example, the French Romantic musicRomantic composer Charles Gounod wrote a setting of Ave Maria that is based on the melody of the first Prelude in C Major in the “WTC”.

+ That is, the first prelude and fugue is in C major, the second is in C minor, the third in C-sharp major, the fourth in C-sharp minor, and so on, until the last two preludes and fugues are in B major and B minor, in that order.

+ In Book I of “The Well-Tempered Clavier”, Bach chose to write the eighth prelude in E-flat minor but the accompanying fugue in D-sharp minor.

+ The prelude opens with a “serene” theme in D flat.

Example uses in sentence of prelude
Example uses in sentence of prelude

Example sentences of “prelude”:

+ This gift was a physical precedent for the Order, and it was also a prelude to its official introduction years later.

+ He added melody and words to Johann Sebastian Bach’s first prelude from “The Well-Tempered Clavier”.

+ Just like Bach’s “Well-Tempered Clavier”, there is a prelude in every major and minor key signature, but unlike Bach’s, these pieces are not meant to be followed by anything; they are just separate pieces of music that are often performed together.

+ The prelude is famous for its repeating A-flat.

+ Sometimes, they wrote a short orchestral introduction to an opera which they called Prelude instead of the usual word “overture”.

+ The trade in gum arabic: prelude to French conquest in Senegal.

+ Another very famous example of a work in C sharp minor is Rachmaninoff’s Prelude in C-sharp minor Op.

+ The prelude to the opera is very famous and is often played by itself at concerts.

+ Sand did not say which prelude Chopin played for her at that time.

+ There are motifs which represent Jesus’ sadness, and one for Peter, another one representing the new faith, Christ the Redeemer and the prelude ends by hearing these last two at the same time.

+ This gift was a physical precedent for the Order, and it was also a prelude to its official introduction years later.

+ He added melody and words to Johann Sebastian Bach's first prelude from "The Well-Tempered Clavier".

+ However, it does appear as a secondary key area in several works in sharp keys, for example in the Prelude and Fugue in C sharp major from Bach’s Well-Tempered Klavier, Book 1.

+ The opera starts with a prelude played by the orchestra.

+ By the early 18th century, the Baroque musicBaroque prelude was often a piece of music which was followed by a fugue.

+ Sometimes a suite started with a prelude before the allemande.

+ The Prelude and Liebestod is a concert version of the overture and Isolde’s Act 3 aria, arranged by Wagner, which was first performed in 1862, before the first performance of the opera itself in 1865.

+ Each book has a prelude and fugue in a different major and minor key.

+ On July 25, 1934, eight Austrian NazismNazis entered the Chancellery shot and coup, as a prelude to Anschluss.

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